Yet another blessing of not celebrating the holidays. No stress about socialising with coronavirus on the increase, or tying to find the needed presents or food ingredients in the shops that are half empty. Its just another day.
While I deplore the (blatant, crass, opportunistic), consumerism behind the idea of "Black Friday",
We had two unvaxxed adults and a few kids at Thanksgiving dinner, so I wore a mask and kept distanced from the nonbelievers.
Actually though, this is my ideal arrangement:
It is not just dangerously stupid, and stupidly dangerous, - indeed, almost illegally stupid, a veritable celebration of ignorance, it is also astonishingly, astoundingly, and unbelievably irresponsible.
It's the American way!
Well, yes, but that this - nearly two years after the Corona virus first entered and disrupted our lives, and approaching a fourth wave of (quite lethal and extraordinarily contagious) infections in Europe - should even be a matter for discussion, acrimonious disagreement, and debate, in the US, simply stupefies me.
If the last two years have taught me anything, it's that you really honest to god cannot do a single thing to fix stupid. All you can do is keep your head down, and try not to get caught in any crossfires while you wait for it to burn itself out.
Well, yes, but that this - nearly two years after the Corona virus first entered and disrupted our lives, and approaching a fourth wave of (quite lethal and extraordinarily contagious) infections in Europe - should even be a matter for discussion, acrimonious disagreement, and debate, in the US, simply stupefies me.
Michigan is now leading the country in new Covid cases and hospitalizations, accounting for about one in 10 new cases in the US, even though the state represents only 3% of the country’s population.
Cases across the US have risen by 18% in the past week, but some states have seen much more dramatic increases. In Michigan, new cases have gone up by 67% and new hospitalizations by 46% in the past two weeks.
“It’s actually as bad as or worse than it was during our last big peak in April or the peak that we saw the November-December before that,” Sousa said.
And what’s happening in Michigan is a sign of what’s likely to come in other parts of the US, particularly in states with low vaccination rates.
Maybe they could try kidnapping the virus this time.That next wave isn't restricted to Europe. In simpler words, here we go again.
Michigan accounts for one in 10 new Covid cases in US amid surge
‘Astonishing’ rise is a warning sign for other parts of US, say experts as they urge vaccination
I guess we shouldn't be surprised about Michigan, seeing as how many of their citizens expressed abundant, defiant even, stupidity during the last go-around.
Michigan accounts for one in 10 new Covid cases in US amid surge — Guardian US
‘Astonishing’ rise is a warning sign for other parts of US, say experts as they urge
Oh, I am very much aware of that.That next wave isn't restricted to Europe. In simpler words, here we go again.
Exactly. A problem partly of our own making. Coronavirus and the current transport issues globally are also playing their part.While I deplore the (blatant, crass, opportunistic), consumerism behind the idea of "Black Friday", I will say that the idea of "half empty" shops in a supposedly First World country - a country, moreover, that has been a successful (and wealthy) country from trade for the best part of the past thousand years - is a cause for considerable concern, and is but one disgraceful legacy of the botched aftermath of the insanity of Brexit.
Had my booster today.Unvaxxed adults (especially if this has been a choice) is something for which I have no words.
It is not just dangerously stupid, and stupidly dangerous, - indeed, almost illegally stupid, a veritable celebration of the most culpable ignorance, - it is also astonishingly, astoundingly, and unbelievably irresponsible.
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