How can there not be a COVID-19 thread?

Wait, WTF?!!

Scratching my head...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1335031696522178560/

Sooo, held church services in defiance of state orders, made out of public safety, suffers from it & dies, and the church raises money from it? Specifically stimulus checks? šŸ‘€

ā€œBob got every symptom. He just started to get more and more symptoms,ā€ she said, according to the station. ā€œWithin three hours they were running me back to the back and they were putting Bob on a ventilator.ā€

The megachurch opened for indoor services last month, according to a Facebook post.

San Bernardino County, where the church is located, allows churches to open only for outdoor services. The county is designated in the ā€œpurpleā€ tier, meaning many non-essential indoor businesses are closed and there are more than seven daily new cases per 100,000 people.
Was anything learned here? šŸ¤Ø
Wait, WTF?!!

Scratching my head...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1335031696522178560/

Sooo, held church services in defiance of state orders, made out of public safety, suffers from it & dies, and the church raises money from it? Specifically stimulus checks? šŸ‘€

Was anything learned here? šŸ¤Ø


"Questionable voting discrepancies" per the description. Sometimes I have a hard time telling whether this was meant to be serious or it's some high quality parody. Regardless. I'm rolling on the floor.


Wait, WTF?!!

Scratching my head...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1335031696522178560/

Sooo, held church services in defiance of state orders, made out of public safety, suffers from it & dies, and the church raises money from it? Specifically stimulus checks? šŸ‘€

Was anything learned here? šŸ¤Ø
Donā€™t go to church? :cool:
Donā€™t go to church? :cool:
I never went to one that nutty.

Raise money on the death the of guy who should NOT have had services in the first place that ends up killing him?

Then ask for specific money intended to keep people afloat. I haven't seen that since the characters in the New Testament that Jesus scolded.
Oh, the feelings bout to bubble up...

Look, the current president of white supremacy has grand royally fucked up this whole coronavirus thing, so when President-elect Joe Biden takes office, he wants all Americansā€”including those maskholes who would rather die than wear a paper mask over their racist facesā€”to wear masks for 100 days so that America can try and get this train back on track.

During an interview Thursday with CNN, Biden noted that he would issue a ā€œstanding orderā€ to require face coverings (beards donā€™t count) whenever entering a federal building and interstate transportation.

Oh, and if you missed Dr. Anthony Fauci, donā€™t worry, he will be back as Biden has asked him to continue to be the governmentā€™s top infectious disease expert. Only this time, the president will actually listen to him.
For some, THIS will be the first crisis & sign of 'Imperial Joe'.


* :ROFLMAO: Oh the 'sanitized' version of this I had to post at SOME other place.
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That theory of reaching herd immunity while protecting the more vulnerable from fatal infection might be worth something in the USA if it were more evident that slightly less than half the country doesn't feel it their duty to ignore masking and social distancing entirely on partisan grounds... i.e., that only Democrats believe it's necessary or even that only Democrats think covid-19 is not just a hoax and "lots of people get the flu even in summer".

In other words the trick here would be in getting a lot of around half the country to sign up for the idea that protecting the vulnerable is even an option, never mind patriotic.

Not sure how we got so lost but Trump has had a lot to do with it in my biased opinion.
Trump is like a group infection of salmonella of the brain, that seems to infect, dare I say it, a certain class of people. Then we can spend some time dissecting this kind of flawed thinking, where (maybe) otherwise normal citizens, break bad, decide that the Federal Govt is untrustworthy, and mostly illustrate that when you tell humans beings what they want to hear, if you appeal to their wedge issues, their prejudices, especially from an accomplished bullshitter, con artist, the toilet and sewer is the limit, as the sheep line up to be sheared.

Most alarming is how willing his flock is to break from science, common sense, and actions which are good for the heard. I want to say inflated corrupted religion and plain ole historic racism is in the middle of this. I understand financial desperation, but they actually think that if we pretend COVID is no big deal, everything, including their job status will return to normal which is just not the case until the vaccine arrives.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1336065787900145665/

Who she is
Desantis is a mini-me of Trump, or at least wants to be. Barge into a scientistā€™s house with guns because you want to cover up your own failures? Massive abuse of power. Biden FBI should investigate and heads should roll.

The Trump administration passed up a chance last summer to buy millions of additional doses of Pfizerā€™s coronavirus vaccine, a decision that could delay the delivery of a second batch of doses until the manufacturer fulfills other international contracts.

The revelation, first reported by the New York Times and confirmed to the Associated Press on Monday, came a day before Donald Trump aimed to take credit for the speedy development of forthcoming vaccines at a White House summit.

Pfizerā€™s vaccine, one of the leading Covid-19 vaccine contenders, is expected to be approved by a panel of Food and Drug Administration scientists as soon as this week, with delivery of 100m doses ā€“ enough for 50 million Americans ā€“ expected in coming months.

Under its contract with Pfizer, the Trump administration committed to buy an initial 100m doses, with an option to purchase as many as five times more. This summer, the White House opted not to lock in an additional 100m doses for delivery in the second quarter of 2021, according to people who spoke to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity.
Wasn't this the guy who wanted a vaccine delivered in time for election day? Was he just counting on the bare minimum to show up, and forget the rest once the election was over?
Wasn't this the guy who wanted a vaccine delivered in time for election day? Was he just counting on the bare minimum to show up, and forget the rest once the election was over?
Republicans are really falling apart over this...


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1336427393272176647/

As one of Congress' most vocal science deniers, U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has earned quite a rep as a teabilly train wreck. His latest news conference should only add to that brazen backwoods mystique.

With cameras rolling, one of the Tyler Republican's front teeth fell out as he spoke to the press. Rather than pause to spit the runaway tooth into a hankie, video shows Gohmert carrying on with the presser while rolling the sucker around in his mouth like a Jolly Rancher.

Gohmert, you may remember, was the Tea Partier who made it a point of pride not to wear a mask during the pandemic and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19 this summer.

While medical experts have said that COVID-19 may hasten tooth loss for people with dental problems, it's too early to know exactly what ailed the congressman's runaway chopper.

Whatever the case, his ability to bloviate without missing a beat is testimony to the rugged East Texas individualism we've all come to expect from the congressman.
Trump had an award he wanted to hand out before his term ended. Today he got the chance:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1336090887462522881/
Portland back in the news.

They don't play around! šŸ‘€

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1336466692684341249/