How can there not be a COVID-19 thread?

Not too big, maybe 10 feet but it's narrow. My concern is that I still have to breathe the same airspace and it's stagnant there unless it's a really windy day. No big deal if I can wait an hour or two but with perishables that's not possible. I get that I'm paranoid due to my condition but this seems like such an easy and basic step for them to take.

Not only that but Instacart even sends me notifications of impending deliveries and in a separate notification at that time also reminds that both customers and shopper/drivers are asked to wear masks at point of delivery. I always just say please leave on back porch but the shoppers have all been arriving wearing masks as they approach my place from the car.
Not only that but Instacart even sends me notifications of impending deliveries and in a separate notification at that time also reminds that both customers and shopper/drivers are asked to wear masks at point of delivery. I always just say please leave on back porch but the shoppers have all been arriving wearing masks as they approach my place from the car.
I decided to post this question up on Reddit in the Instacart sub and got some really good feedback, most are of the opinion that you just down rate them. It sounds like many pride themselves on wearing the mask upon delivery and they would prefer to get the business over those who refuse to do it, especially when it's added to the instructions. So that's what I did, 2 stars on the last one.
ROCHESTER, Minn. — In wake of the news that President Donald Trump will hold a campaign rally at the Rochester International Airport on Friday, both Mayo Clinic and Rochester Mayor Kim Norton have voiced their support for state health guidelines, including those limiting crowds to 250 persons.

“Mayo Clinic supports the state of Minnesota’s COVID-19 guidelines, which were put in place to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and protect the public’s health,” the clinic said in a statement.

The mayor adds that she has communicated these expectations with airport executive director John Reed, having developed them through communications with the city administrator, police chief and city attorney. Norton said she had been in discussions with the Minnesota Department of Health and the state Attorney General’s Office about the question Wednesday afternoon.

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO/AP) — President Donald Trump spoke Friday at the Rochester International Airport, to a crowd of about 250 supporters, but hundreds of others who couldn’t get inside were showing their support outside.

Trump spoke briefly to the hundreds who gathered outside the venue, Rochester International Airport, before giving quick remarks on the tarmac to supporters who were allowed onsite.... He did, however, lash out at the state’s Democratic Gov. Tim Walz and its attorney general.

“Your far left Democrat Attorney General Keith Ellison and your Democrat governor tried to shut down our rally, silence the people of Minnesota, and take away your freedom and your rights,” Trump said.


Hundreds of health care workers at the Mayo Clinic have become infected with the coronavirus, even as the prestigious hospital system is treating rapidly growing numbers of patients with Covid-19.

Staffing has emerged as a critical issue, Dr. Williams said. “We are most concerned about not being able to care for patients because of the decrease in our staff due to Covid-19 reasons, whether it is they are exposed and they’re out on quarantine, they’re taking care of a family member who has Covid-19 or they have been infected themselves,” she said.

Most of the infections among the Mayo Clinic staff have occurred from community spread, Dr. Williams said, while a few have been traced to exposure from other employees when eating together unmasked. “We’re really not seeing exposures from patient to staff,” she said.

A trumpian farewell gift I guess

how timely

"In states with aggressive mitigation, we are beginning to see the impact of that mitigation despite the cooling weather. We are also seeing stabilization in many European countries that implemented strong public and private mitigation, but preserved schooling. However, in many areas of the country, mitigation efforts are inadequate or too recently implemented to see a significant impact," the reports said.

Those mitigation strategies, the task force said, will require "significant behavior change of all Americans," including the wearing of masks.

The whole thing reads like a this-is-what-we-should-have-been-saying-in-early-March statement.
We are determined to be our worst enemy
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1331018094534389760/
Exactly, all avoidable but we just can't help ourselves.
This is scary
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1333820317769347072/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1333830896588365825/
Sad when in most cases it can be avoided with a little bit of discipline. Rural areas are getting hammered right now.
When the guy i the WH is a toddler, asking the average American to ignore his antics and try not to behave like children may be an unwinnable battle.

(And, "adult" is not a verb.)
Sad when in most cases it can be avoided with a little bit of discipline. Rural areas are getting hammered right now.
And they brought it on themselves by repeatedly insisting they weren’t the cities.
People that angry aren't helping to make their case, no matter what side one is on here he looks like a crazed lunatic and the only ones who will take him seriously are already anti-maskers.

COVID-19 virus remarks[edit]​

On March 5, 2020, Santelli made headlines for stating, after a series of stock declines driven by fears of a COVID-19 virus pandemic, that "maybe we’d be just better off if we gave [the virus] to everybody, and then in a month it would be over because the mortality rate of [COVID-19] probably isn’t going to be any different if we did it that way than [in] the long-term picture, but the difference is we’re wreaking havoc on global and domestic economies."[19] [20]

He's not really a smart one anyway.