How can there not be a COVID-19 thread?

I got an email from Kaiser today asking me to schedule and they had openings this afternoon so I went down and got my first dose, the wait was well over an hour though. They were also offering the J&J to anyone in line who wanted it and they were getting them immediately, I chose to wait it out and got the one from Pfizer, if I didn't have a pre-existing condition I would've went with J&J though.
After posting about the latest F - with from congress wanting credit for something they voted against because of party, I need to post this

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370958500852027393/
Yesterday when I got my first shot I felt nothing, not even soreness. Today I definitely feel it though, also a bit run down and a pretty strong metallic taste. Sounds like the second shot is worse :oops: still a small price to pay for immunity.
I got my first shot yesterday too, and aside from an achy arm and feeling tired, I’m doing well. And I feel good that an entire year of my being careful and sacrificing family get-togethers is finally starting to pay off.
Seems like there’s always another new symptom we’ve never heard of. Now it’s parosmia.

Parosmia is a condition that distorts a person’s sense of smell. The condition can cause one to lose the intensity of their smell. But, more frequently, it can cause one to experience an overpowering rancid scent. It can happen either around smells that are normally pleasant or around nothing at all, just lingering in the air.

And it doesn’t sound like there’s anything doctors can do about it.
I got my first shot yesterday too, and aside from an achy arm and feeling tired, I’m doing well. And I feel good that an entire year of my being careful and sacrificing family get-togethers is finally starting to pay off.
I actually got hit pretty hard with symptoms today, run down, feverish, headache and a nasty taste in my mouth. Sounds like the second one is going to be worse, not looking forward to that.
I actually got hit pretty hard with symptoms today, run down, feverish, headache and a nasty taste in my mouth. Sounds like the second one is going to be worse, not looking forward to that.
Everyone I know who's had both doses got something the 2nd time, but mostly they were just run down for a day. Still beats the day of constant upchucking you get with the 2nd shingles vaccine, and anything is worth not dying from Covid. Hopefully I'll finally be able to start my vaccine next week.
Everyone I know who's had both doses got something the 2nd time, but mostly they were just run down for a day. Still beats the day of constant upchucking you get with the 2nd shingles vaccine, and anything is worth not dying from Covid. Hopefully I'll finally be able to start my vaccine next week.
Wow really? I was thinking about getting the shingles vaccine but screw that. Fingers crossed that you get on the list asap for the COVID vaccine though, they're coming in fast and furious here in CA right now. For me this thing is life changing because I've had so much anxiety around it all year long, mild symptoms for a couple of days are nothing, I just feel lucky to get it.
My reaction to the Moderna vaccine was more intense on the first dose than with the second dose.... Second time I felt the usual discomfort in the arm at the injection site, plus had a day of feeling just generally "blah" with little energy, although not really ill. Thankfully that went away the following day after an early night and a good long sleep. Glad that's all behind me now!

Eh...if one has constant upchucking with the Shingles vaccine, I think I'll pass, thank you very much!
Eh...if one has constant upchucking with the Shingles vaccine, I think I'll pass, thank you very much!
I never had the problem. Nor did any of my friends having the shingles vaccines. Much better to get through a brief pin prick than what sounds to be the heinous pain of shingles. ;) brother-in-law had Shingles and he was miserable for quite a while. He's OK now, but it seemed that the recovery took rather a long time.
My reaction to the Moderna vaccine was more intense on the first dose than with the second dose.... Second time I felt the usual discomfort in the arm at the injection site, plus had a day of feeling just generally "blah" with little energy, although not really ill. Thankfully that went away the following day after an early night and a good long sleep. Glad that's all behind me now!

Eh...if one has constant upchucking with the Shingles vaccine, I think I'll pass, thank you very much!
Thanks for reporting this, I tried looking it up but everyone talks about the second shot being the worst with no noticeable effects from the first. I am just starting to feel better now but for a day and a half I sure felt it, symptoms didn't really even start until the next day but then hit me like a ton of bricks. Also, I felt zero injection site pain until the next day as well. Normally with my flu shot the injection site pain is worst right after the injection.
The first dose of Moderna was interesting. I had the arm/injection site pain the day after, and thought I was free and clear.....but then I had a reaction which was similar to my usual allergy symptoms: an abrupt onset of runny nose and sneezing. It's a little early yet here for that kind of response, and I was surprised. I knew it wasn't the onset of a cold, I didn't feel ill, this felt like a response to pollen or whatever. I took a Zyrtec and surprise, surprise, the symptoms disappeared promptly. Great! Ah, but then..... the next day I had the mother of all backaches and radiating pain down the legs and such which was reminiscent of what I'd experienced when I sustained a herniated disc at L-5/S-1 years ago, but at the same time this felt different somehow. Inflammatory. Bingo, that was the magic word, as I realized when in another post back then I mentioned this and the Good Doctor P _X provided exactly the explanation I needed. Bingo! And, yes, sure enough. the discomfort began going away the following day, continuing for a while longer to a lesser degree then finally clearing up....

So, yeah, everyone's body is going to have a different response to the vaccine, and for some of us the response comes early on while for others it's an easy skate through the first dose and then they get whammed by the second one. I was definitely concerned about what I might experience at the second inoculation and was really pleasantly surprised and relieved that I didn't have a second round of what I'd felt the first time and that the reaction was significantly milder and shorter-lived.

Better this than COVID-19, though!
Oh, thanks. I’m still supposed to get that. Now I’m really looking forward to it. 😒

I never had any problems with either of my shingles vaccines. Hoping it goes as smoothly for you. :)

Eh...if one has constant upchucking with the Shingles vaccine, I think I'll pass, thank you very much!
My husband had no problem with either the first or second shingles jab (or with the Pfizer for Covid). I just react differently. I still advise getting the shingles vaccine, cause as I've seen with friends, having shingles is a miserable and painful experience. brother-in-law had Shingles and he was miserable for quite a while. He's OK now, but it seemed that the recovery took rather a long time.
I’ve got a work colleague who went on a family vacation with his wife and kids just as his shingles was starting to develop. It was a miserable, wasted vacation for him—spent in bed with the shades drawn, suffering from the symptoms. And the skin lesions took weeks to go away.
In the short time since I last posted I got a text that I could get an appointment for my first jab. Lots of available slots, so I’m heading out in just under an hour. Woohoo!
Awesome! For me it was like winning the lottery lol.