How can there not be a COVID-19 thread?

We are really on track with the shots..finally. Not everything is bad.


NYT has a good tracker. We are hitting that 2M+ shots/day rate that we need to vaccinate the adult population to herd immunity range within 6 mo. Pretty good. Now if Pfizer and Moderna can come up with the SA variant booster, we might get this under decent control.
We are really on track with the shots..finally. Not everything is bad.

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NYT has a good tracker. We are hitting that 2M+ shots/day rate that we need to vaccinate the adult population to herd immunity range within 6 mo. Pretty good. Now if Pfizer and Moderna can come up with the SA variant booster, we might get this under decent control.
I would be glad to take whatever booster they offer as well, having your life back is totally worth this and we're lucky to even have these options IMO.
I have to wait until April. Since I had the monoclonal antibodies mid January when I had covid, the protocol is to wait 90 days to get a vaccine. I'm hoping when my time comes, I can get the J&J one shot version.
I have to wait until April. Since I had the monoclonal antibodies mid January when I had covid, the protocol is to wait 90 days to get a vaccine. I'm hoping when my time comes, I can get the J&J one shot version.

We consider you rid of a drug after about 5-7 half-lives, which would put you in a 125 days range. Sometimes it's better to wait more but maximize your chances of mounting a response than getting it early and detect no antibody (happened to one of my patients on a MAb recently who didn't have antibodies after the day #42 post Moderna dose 1 [this is where the levels should be highest]). Now you've had COVID before too, which adds another level of uncertainty...AFAIK we don't have a revax plan yet for those with reasonable suspicion of failed vaccination, so it's better to maximize your chances of not getting into that group. (My group is launching a study to kinda eval this using a T-cell assay, but it will take many months to accumulate good data).
Thanks, @P_X , for all the intel.

I'm being monitored by UCLA since they approved me for the Bamlanivimab. Oddly enough, I regularly inject a different mab: secukinumab (Cosentyx targeting IL 17). I know they aren't the same but I find it interesting. I still wonder if I had somehow built up some antibodies prior to getting Covid. Due to my Cosentyx, I have a suppressed immune system and my Covid was gratefully, extremely mild. Not to go all MR pshufd on you, but the reason I was selected to have the monoclonal antibodies is I had a mitral valve problem diagnosed last September & a mitraclip procedure performed in December. The belief was I was high risk to go full blown Covid. Thankfully, I did not.

I will feel a lot better once I have the vaccine though.
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Thanks, @P_X , for all the intel.

I'm being monitored by UCLA since they approved me for the Bamlanivimab. Oddly enough, I regularly inject a different mab: secukinumab (Cosentyx targeting IL 17). I know they aren't the same but I find it interesting. I still wonder if I had somehow built up some antibodies prior to getting Covid. Due to my Cosentyx, I have a suppressed immune system and my Covid was gratefully, extremely mild. Not to go all MR pshufd on you, but the reason I was selected to have the monoclonal antibodies is I had a mitral valve problem diagnosed last September & a mitraclip procedure performed in December. The belief was I was high risk to go full blown Covid. Thankfully, I did not.

I will feel a lot better once I have the vaccine though.

You cracked me up on doing a pshufd:D:D I found it hilarious when he offed a topic talking about RAS activation of his cancer.
I suspect the concern was about the clotting issues with COVID in your case. I had to look up secukinumab...these designer MAbs make me feel old...:) If you think about the relatively standardly long half life of these drugs you do wonder why we give some very 2-4 weeks...:)

Your situation will be all sorts of confusing with the COVID shot. You should ask your providers at UCLA if they have a study on COVID immunity post vaccination, they and you could learn a lot from the data.
Not even a sore arm. Also got the Pfizer. So April 6 I'll be back downtown for my 2nd jab. And then it will be time to celebrate!
Excellent, hope it stays that way for you. I'm a bit worried about the second one but once it's over I will be done and done. 14 days after that dose I will feel like I can at least go back into stores, get maintenance done on the car, etc (all masked of course). The infection rate in CA right now is down to 1.8% as well and most people have calmed down and followed precautions so I'm sure that's why.
After the reaction I had to the first dose of Moderna I was a bit concerned that my second dose would be worse, and was so relieved when it wasn't! My main concern was over the possibility of another round of back pain, but thank heaven that didn't happen and the one day of general malaise was not a problem. Today marks the first week of the two after the second dose -- only one more week to go and then I'm well and truly done, and fully inoculated. Yay!!! The other day looked at the stores and restaurants directory of my favorite shopping mall and was disappointed to see that a couple of the restaurants I always liked there are no longer -- one completely went under with the pandemic and I'm not sure what happened to the second one.
Great news for us here in CA.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1375146617238523905/

I'm assumming you are like me, part of boarding group F - everybody who has gone through puberty. I'm curious to see how it's going to go when they open that flood gate. Way back when I was told it should be relatively easy to get tested, that wasn't my experience and I still haven't been tested to date. I didn't put in any effort after that lie, but with that experience I hope that open date doesn't mean I can reasonably expect to get vaccinated some time in June.
I'm assumming you are like me, part of boarding group F - everybody who has gone through puberty. I'm curious to see how it's going to go when they open that flood gate. Way back when I was told it should be relatively easy to get tested, that wasn't my experience and I still haven't been tested to date. I didn't put in any effort after that lie, but with that experience I hope that open date doesn't mean I can reasonably expect to get vaccinated some time in June.
I have a pre-existing condition so I've already gotten my first one from Pfizer out here in the valley. However, if you keep checking and put in your area it will show availability, it's literally updated minute by minute. My buddy in Daly City also got an appointment because he takes care of his elderly father. Right now they're making it pretty easy so I would think more like mid April in your case.