I am thinking you mean it is 10x better to be exposed artificially (vaccinated) and not that the vaccine is 10x better. Please clarify if I am wrong.
Well, when you get 1 in 50 killed to get natural immunity, the bar is low..."Better" can be defined by safety, efficacy, cost effectiveness, or durability. Vaccines are winning in 3 of these and the jury's only out on the least predictable: durability.
To me being fiscally responsible means preventing unnecessary medical spending by pushing cost effective interventions.
To me being pro life means preventing unnecessary deaths by pushing 10,000x safer interventions.
But this leads to a second question of why here in the US we do not seem to be treating recovery from it and being vaccinated equally.
So it seems Europe is treating recovered equally with vaccinated, and your post seems to equate the same thing.
No they don't equate the two.
1: Recovery certificates are not universally accepted/weighed in the EU.
2. Most countries I looked at that do recognize recovery, provide 180 days eligibility for recovery and 360 for vaccination. See the difference?
Why is this not the case in the US.
Well, in an ideal world, we'd have a cheap, prospectively validated serum biomarker that we could use to assess present and long-term immunity. So we'd know who are still at risk post recovery or vaccination.
I know many of you hate Rand Paul
I'd say he doesn't meet the ethical, credentialing and competency standards for me to consider his opinions that of a physician.
but this is one of his main criticisms of Fauci in that he is not treating recovered equally with vaccinated.
Because it's not the same. Also, Paul was insinuating a year ago that his mild COVID is the equivalent of lifelong immunity, which tells you about the standard of evidence Paul holds himself to.
In reality we need those prospectively evaluated biomarkers and if Paul cared about this issue, he could use his disproportionate power to push for those studies with the same energy he libels Fauci.