how often do you shoot?


seeker of light
Site Donor
Jul 22, 2021
Main Camera
I have no right or wrong answer here and know that the answers will be quite varied. But just a discussion topic to add to the thread count. 🙂

I shoot almost every day. I did one full P365 one year; it was hard and definitely not all of my images were winners/keepers that year, but I did shoot every single day. It was kind of exhausting. I know people who are on like year 5 of it, and for me that is pretty unsustainable.

Still, I find a lot of meditation and quiet in shooting, so try to find time. It's easy for me that I am a SAHM and that I primarily shoot flowers. I like landscapes and travel almost as much, maybe even more, but that is not the phase of life I am in right now.

I know others of you are much busier with work and/or legitimate travel so don't have the luxury of regular shooting.
I have no right or wrong answer here and know that the answers will be quite varied. But just a discussion topic to add to the thread count. 🙂

I shoot almost every day. I did one full P365 one year; it was hard and definitely not all of my images were winners/keepers that year, but I did shoot every single day. It was kind of exhausting. I know people who are on like year 5 of it, and for me that is pretty unsustainable.

Still, I find a lot of meditation and quiet in shooting, so try to find time. It's easy for me that I am a SAHM and that I primarily shoot flowers. I like landscapes and travel almost as much, maybe even more, but that is not the phase of life I am in right now.

I know others of you are much busier with work and/or legitimate travel so don't have the luxury of regular shooting.
Work and the garden keep me a lot busier than I’d like. Currently I’m lucky to shoot once or twice a month. In other times perhaps weekly is the best I’ve ever managed.
I have no right or wrong answer here and know that the answers will be quite varied. But just a discussion topic to add to the thread count. 🙂

I shoot almost every day. I did one full P365 one year; it was hard and definitely not all of my images were winners/keepers that year, but I did shoot every single day. It was kind of exhausting. I know people who are on like year 5 of it, and for me that is pretty unsustainable.

Still, I find a lot of meditation and quiet in shooting, so try to find time. It's easy for me that I am a SAHM and that I primarily shoot flowers. I like landscapes and travel almost as much, maybe even more, but that is not the phase of life I am in right now.

I know others of you are much busier with work and/or legitimate travel so don't have the luxury of regular shooting.
This is me but I still try to shoot every weekend if possible but will do it a lot more when I retire later this year, where I also plan to make some money on as a side hustle by holding workshops. I've tested out the waters with this and there's a lot of interest, it's more teaching than shooting but even then it's still a learning experience for me. Nothing will open your eyes to a subject more than taking a group of people and seeing all the different perspectives.
yes I stop and take a pic while riding my bike. I don't even get off most of the time if I can get the angle right. but I cant get animals a lot of the time as they go running before I can stop.
Pre-pandemic, and spending a lot of time in San Francisco, around 3+ days a week. Now, not so much.

Looking forward to changing that; maybe even a project.
Pre-pandemic, and spending a lot of time in San Francisco, around 3+ days a week. Now, not so much.

Looking forward to changing that; maybe even a project.
Gotta get you out on one of my local shoots, looking to do some urban stuff next time with 2 or 3 locations.
How did I miss this thread earlier? I shoot just about every day, although sometimes it's just a quickie spontaneous snapshot with my iPhone. In 2009 I did a POTD project along with a few others on Nikon Cafe and found that to be very interesting and fun but also frustrating to the point where I abruptly halted everything one day in mid-October when I said, "I can't do this any more," and didn't touch a camera for quite a while after that. These days I daresay it's much easier do a POTD if one loosens up a bit and is more flexible with when the shooting is actually done, tools used and quality of images shot, etc., etc. So now I don't really do a formal POTD which is part of a group project (others on Nikon Cafe also had bailed out at various points along the way, too). After a long hiatus I did a couple of years of Nikon Cafe group participation in a 52-Week Project (actually, the first year of that turned out to be 53 weeks since it was a Leap Year). People bailed out along the way on those projects too, but I hung in there to the very end. Yes, I was more than ready to take a break when the new year of 2022 arrived.

So now I am still shooting nearly every day but if I miss a day, no big deal. Shooting daily during the worst of the pandemic, especially during the shutdown phase, was truly a sanity-saver, I swear! -- but not as part of any formal project, although supporting the weekly project in which I was involved at that point. Now, no formal projects, but shooting each day or not, simply when I have the urge to grab a camera and take one or more photos is really more to just relax and enjoy myself. Later I will usually post the images that I deem worthy of sharing on MR's POTD thread and in a few other sites. Until the beginning of this month I was doing the same here, but frankly, it seemed pointless to me to be posting the same image in MR and here when many of the same people are going to be seeing them in both locations anyway.

Capturing something visually interesting is what intrigues me, and I find myself always on the alert for a prospective photographic image, whether it's a new item I've purchased, a display of flowers outside the grocery store or a beautiful flower with the light shining on it just right that I see on the grounds of my condo community....
I shoot every day. I had two long stretches of every-day image making (in 2012-14 for 500 days, in Colden NY (near Buffalo) and in 2014 -2020 for 2,100 days in Hilo, Hawai'i). Currently I'm in Day 739 of the latest sequence (June 2020-present, near Ithaca, NY). As @mollyc mentioned, it's meditative. I always shoot the Daily Image in the morning and -- for discipline -- I shoot only in and around my house and yard, except for a few special occasions. The goal is to be able to find a worthy shot every morning, in a restricted area. The first series isn't on line, but the long one is at and the current one is at I also post the current sequence on Instagram and typically toss in one from the same day in the Hilo series.

Picking up the D850 (and the D800 and D810 that preceded it) is as much a part of my morning routine as is making coffee. Finding shots can be tough in winter, but there's always something.
I shoot every day. I had two long stretches of every-day image making (in 2012-14 for 500 days, in Colden NY (near Buffalo) and in 2014 -2020 for 2,100 days in Hilo, Hawai'i). Currently I'm in Day 739 of the latest sequence (June 2020-present, near Ithaca, NY). As @mollyc mentioned, it's meditative. I always shoot the Daily Image in the morning and -- for discipline -- I shoot only in and around my house and yard, except for a few special occasions. The goal is to be able to find a worthy shot every morning, in a restricted area. The first series isn't on line, but the long one is at and the current one is at I also post the current sequence on Instagram and typically toss in one from the same day in the Hilo series.

Picking up the D850 (and the D800 and D810 that preceded it) is as much a part of my morning routine as is making coffee. Finding shots can be tough in winter, but there's always something.
oh you posted some on mr!