
One of my hobbies is photography and while I can't get out as much due to the pandemic I've taken up photographing hummingbirds in my backyard, such beautiful subjects though hard to capture, it's taken a lot of practice. Here are a few.



Many of our UK birds just don't even come out if I'm in the garden. Let alone with strobes!. What trigger you using?
Thanks! I use a neewer flash system with remote triggers, two of them setup on stands. I also sometimes shoot without a flash using high speeds and high ISOs, that second photo for example was shot at around 1/4000 of a second at around 5600 ISO in broad daylight.
Finally got to looking at this thread and wow, great hummingbird shots! They're beautiful and fascinating birds, but such little devils to shoot! We don't seem to have many around this area, but when I used to visit my mother down in North Carolina, near Grandfather Mountain, she had quite a few around her feeder and it was so much fun to watch them. A couple of times I tried shooting them from inside through a window -- the feeders were on the deck -- and once actually got an image of one, but it was certainly not of very good quality. They're challenging to shoot and as you've said, it's important to have the right setup. Well done!