This is so absurd.
Ok, charge him with having the gun. Republicans are celebrating - sort of - but…. Was this the plan? Some weak gun charges and some tax evasion or whatever?
I’m not saying he’s innocent, quite the opposite. It’s just not salacious, how many Republican parents have drug-addicted kids who get in trouble? Probably a lot, it’s a universal issue that transcends income, race, social status, etc.
Charge him or don’t, but the Republican circus surrounding this dude is a strange obsession.
If Joe Biden was guilty of what he’s accused of (and he’s not), he’d essentially only be guilty of doing things Trump’s family did in the wide open with the full support of the Republican Party. Co-mingling his office and businesses, letting his sons wheel and deal for him and bring his daughter and son into the White House, while allowing Kushner to obtain clearances he was advised not to have.
It’s not that I think what they’re accusing Joe Biden of is OK; it isn’t. But there’s ZERO proof and Trump has already done worse.
Anyways, I get why Hunter is being charged, but I don’t think he’d have been charged in any other time. While Trump pretends he’s being persecuted, Hunter Biden is probably a low-level offender who, if his last name wasn’t Biden, would be allowed to plea out and serve no time.
I think the DoJ is being pulled in every direction and the optics of not charging Hunter Biden would be used as further fuel in the House GOP’s bogus “weaponization of the DOJ” arguments.
The good news is that republicans are so inept they will find a way to take this thorny issue for Joe Biden and, when trying to weaponize it, fail spectacularly and end up embarrassing themselves.