Hunter Biden Plea Deal

Same reason that Bannon is still free awaiting appeal. Anyone without money would have served time by now.

As for the federal form whatever, who has to fill these out? I ask as a gun owner, because it was not something I was given when purchasing my pistol some years ago.

It is the standard form you fill out when you purchase a gun. It has been around since 1968. I don't think you get a copy. The original is supposed to stay with the dealer.
It is the standard form you fill out when you purchase a gun. It has been around since 1968. I don't think you get a copy. The original is supposed to stay with the dealer.

Is it true that the form is not used or required for private party gun sales or at gun shows?
Is it true that the form is not used or required for private party gun sales or at gun shows?

Partially and depends.

For private party sales between a buyer/seller who reside in the same state, it is not required.

Gun shows are a different story because at any given show you will have both private sellers who are selling from their own collections AND dealers. If you buy from a private seller, general you won't have to fill out the form, but some states require the transaction to go through a FFL, in which case you would. Sales from dealers will require it no matter the location.
For private party sales between a buyer/seller who reside in the same state, it is not required.

In California if I want to sell my car to a private party I'm required to give the new owner a recent smog certification. That's something I could probably forge, and would likely be committing a crime in doing so. *If* prosecuted, I'd probably serve no jail time and pay a large fine.

HunterB making false statements on the federal gun form for a law that no doubt lets thousands of gun sales via private party sales every year slip through ownership fitness scrutiny, no doubt to many people who should definitely not be owning guns, sounds like a pretty weak-sauce law to me.

I doubt most "regular people" who make false statements on the federal gun form ever go to trial, and simply agree to a monetary plea deal. Something that won't even make it into the local town gazette.
I doubt most "regular people" who make false statements on the federal gun form ever go to trial, and simply agree to a monetary plea deal. Something that won't even make it into the local town gazette.

And that assumes it's worth the government's time and money to do an investigation in the first place. You can't just fine someone. You need to review their form, find a discrepancy, then prove that they lied. I suspect a lot of people simply get away with it.

These articles (from 2018) mention that in 2017 the FBI detected about 112,000 lie and try crimes while doing background checks for weapons. About 1/10 of them were referred to the ATF for further investigation. Of those, only 12 were ultimately prosecuted.

I doubt most "regular people" who make false statements on the federal gun form ever go to trial, and simply agree to a monetary plea deal. Something that won't even make it into the local town gazette.

I believe the argument from the right, at least in part, will be that the President and his family should be held to a higher standard and therefore have the book thrown at them.

Unless it’s their President and his family. In that case the book should be torn up and laws and the constitution should be rewritten in their favor.
I believe the argument from the right, at least in part, will be that the President and his family should be held to a higher standard and therefore have the book thrown at them.

Unless it’s their President and his family. In that case the book should be torn up and laws and the constitution should be rewritten in their favor.

In fairness to them (some of them), they've been told not to trust the mainstream media. They've been told they feed you nothing but lies. The only reality some of these people know is different from what we know and accept as reality. When you're actively ignoring the news in favor of misinformation, social media posts and the dudes at the bar, it's not a surprise that some view Hunter as the anti-Christ and think the other guy is getting a raw deal. Because that's what they've been told is the truth and that's the reality they want to be true. 🤷‍♂️

In other words, if you only listen to the murderer who is telling you he's innocent, and you're ignoring all the other people and evidence telling you he's not, it shouldn't be a surprise if you take the murderer's side in things.
In fairness to them (some of them), they've been told not to trust the mainstream media. They've been told they feed you nothing but lies. The only reality some of these people know is different from what we know and accept as reality. When you're actively ignoring the news in favor of misinformation, social media posts and the dudes at the bar, it's not a surprise that some view Hunter as the anti-Christ and think the other guy is getting a raw deal. Because that's what they've been told is the truth and that's the reality they want to be true. 🤷‍♂️

In other words, if you only listen to the murderer who is telling you he's innocent, and you're ignoring all the other people and evidence telling you he's not, it shouldn't be a surprise if you take the murderer's side in things.
Perfect example:




For these people, a quote directly from a “senior Republican lawmaker” on what their goals and motivations are with Hunter Biden is gaslighting by the above professor and media critic - side note: same admission by republicans happened during the Benghazi hearings.

I know it’s a cliche now but remains true: every accusation is an admission. This is how they act so they assume or pretend to assume it’s how everyone else acts too.

Also I don’t know if you can read it but the asshole with the blue and yellow is not in fact Ukraine supporter, it reads I stand with blockbuster video to mock Ukraine and their struggle. A real gem and perfectly emblematic of the modern conservative movement.
This post contains false information
In fairness to them (some of them), they've been told not to trust the mainstream media. They've been told they feed you nothing but lies.

Going to push back a bit here. It is not so much they are feeding people lies. But instead they either don't cover the story or leave out certain parts.

Take Hunter's laptop. Most of the media refused to cover it when the story broke. Twitter and Facebook blocked stories about it. Two years later they acknowledged that the story was true.

Why should we trust them?

Another example, when Trump met Abe in Japan, the media made fun of him for just dumping his whole container of food into the water. As if he had broken some sacred tradition. The full video revealed that Trump only did so AFTER Abe dumped his in the water.

Why should we trust them?

Ivermectin. All the media wanted to do was call it horse dewormer. This ignored the fact it was given to refugees coming into this country. Perhaps had the media been willing to do real stories on it instead of just calling those who took it idiots for taking horse dewormer.

Follow me on this. Someone wants to take it and finds a doctor willing to prescribe it. That is between them and their doctor. So the media is calling it horse dewormer, but the package they have doesn't say a thing about horses and instead clearly has directions for humans.

Why would they believe the media after that?

The media has made their own bed and now they must face the consequences that half the public doesn't trust them.
I don't think this is going to hurt Joe Biden or Hunter Biden.

Charges related to a gun and possibly some federal and state tax charges. Yeah, the tax charges are important if brought, especially when a guy actually has vast sums of money to pay. I don’t have much sympathy for that…

The gun charges - its neither here or there for me. The DoJ is under such attack they are being pulled in every direction to simultaneously uphold the rule of law while not appearing politically motivated.

It's going to be odd watching Trump's saga and Hunter Biden's saga play out, and the right will fling mud, but the hard part of taking the high road is that you can't sink to the same tactics as your opponent. Both Joe Biden and Hunter Biden have been playing this correctly - despite the noise, the republican house caucus is having a public inter-party battle, and despite all this talk of Joe Biden being a criminal and facing an impeachment inquiry, even these Hunter Biden indictments have little to nothing to do with the crimes the right's been alleging for years.

They've ran an investigation for months now - nothing wrong with that, investigations take time - but they've found virtually nothing. A phone call with no proof of business dealings. He’s talked to his son on the phone about nothing while others were in the room. Ok? We all know Hunter was profiting from his name. It’s corny and stereotypically laughable for him to get Joe Biden on the phone to impress his buds. We know about that unsavory behavior. Is it possible Joe Biden had other things to worry about and his son was off doing whatever, and they kept in contact as father and son?

These are legit but minor and rarely-prosecuted charges being brought to avoid the optics of giving special favor. Let republicans do what they may… I’m not putting it past them to hand Biden an easy reelection, they are their own worst enemy.
Going to push back a bit here. It is not so much they are feeding people lies. But instead they either don't cover the story or leave out certain parts.

Take Hunter's laptop. Most of the media refused to cover it when the story broke. Twitter and Facebook blocked stories about it. Two years later they acknowledged that the story was true.

Why should we trust them?
it ewes so overblown by the right of course the let is going to deny it. it was a big nothing burger .
Both theories were largely wrong, according to two of the agents closest to the investigation of tax crimes allegedly committed by President Biden’s son.

After being handed the device by a Wilmington, Del., computer shop owner in 2019, the FBI quickly concluded by examining computer data as well as Hunter Biden’s phone records that the laptop was genuinely his and did not seem to have been tampered with or manipulated.

But the agents’ accounts also indicate that the laptop played at best a small role in the criminal investigation into potential tax and gun-purchasing violations. Far from a smoking gun, the laptop appears to have been mostly an afterthought to the reams of text messages, emails and other evidence that agents gathered from Hunter Biden’s cloud data. A lawyer for one of those agents said he nevertheless was frustrated by the Justice Department’s refusal to let them review the laptop’s contents.
Another example, when Trump met Abe in Japan, the media made fun of him for just dumping his whole container of food into the water. As if he had broken some sacred tradition. The full video revealed that Trump only did so AFTER Abe dumped his in the water.

Why should we trust them?
wow nowthats important for sure. I cant trust jernalisim over that.

Ivermectin. All the media wanted to do was call it horse dewormer. This ignored the fact it was given to refugees coming into this country. Perhaps had the media been willing to do real stories on it instead of just calling those who took it idiots for taking horse dewormer.

Follow me on this. Someone wants to take it and finds a doctor willing to prescribe it. That is between them and their doctor. So the media is calling it horse dewormer, but the package they have doesn't say a thing about horses and instead clearly has directions for humans.

Why would they believe the media after that?

The media has made their own bed and now they must face the consequences that half the public doesn't trust them.
It was often used in the horse dewormer version. Hell I heard people bragging about it. there were runs on it and farm supply stores had to restrict its sale. so the media called it all horse dewormer thats not really a lie. when you had the right promoting it like crazy.
Going to push back a bit here. It is not so much they are feeding people lies. But instead they either don't cover the story or leave out certain parts.

Take Hunter's laptop. Most of the media refused to cover it when the story broke. Twitter and Facebook blocked stories about it. Two years later they acknowledged that the story was true.

Why should we trust them?

Another example, when Trump met Abe in Japan, the media made fun of him for just dumping his whole container of food into the water. As if he had broken some sacred tradition. The full video revealed that Trump only did so AFTER Abe dumped his in the water.

Why should we trust them?

Ivermectin. All the media wanted to do was call it horse dewormer. This ignored the fact it was given to refugees coming into this country. Perhaps had the media been willing to do real stories on it instead of just calling those who took it idiots for taking horse dewormer.

Follow me on this. Someone wants to take it and finds a doctor willing to prescribe it. That is between them and their doctor. So the media is calling it horse dewormer, but the package they have doesn't say a thing about horses and instead clearly has directions for humans.

Why would they believe the media after that?

The media has made their own bed and now they must face the consequences that half the public doesn't trust them.

People were actually going out and buying and ingesting horse dewormers based on “alternate treatments” circulating online and elsewhere, and they were circulating amongst the usual circles before the media at large got wind of it. That’s what started things - though I do remember the leftist-media referring to it as an actual prescribed drug many times. It’s still not a treatment for COVID - wasn’t then, isn't now. You should be more angry at the conservative media pushing quack medicine and not the rest for pointing out the truth, even if they call it “horse dewormer” in jest. If a doctor prescribed Ivermectin to treat COVID and not a symptom of it, then I would criticize that doctor as much as if a doctor prescribed rash cream to treat a brain tumor.

I don’t disagree that the media takes liberty and runs with small stories, but again, we are clearly ignoring degree to which these media sources lie or bend and slant the truth. Do you think Fox is being persecuted for being a conservative network, or for telling false and misleading stories? And do you think the right portraying Biden as a dementia patient or the left portraying Trump as an idiot, even if the stories are misleading, are as serious as running coverage about Dominion, Ray Epps and Ruby Freeman that was all based on complete lies?

The standard here seems to be “perfect”, and if we can point to the left exaggerating a story about Trump dumping fish in a pond or not covering a story about a laptop involving lunatic Rudy Giuliani, then that must mean all the media has issues and so well, it’s ok to call them the enemy of the people I guess. There were good reasons for not covering that laptop, and given the vast amount of lies Trump and his peddlers were pushing around that time, is any wonder nobody was in a huge hurry to cover a story about a laptop dug up by the guy who had his hands down his pants in a Borat movie?

Even if we concede the mistakes of the media or the liberal media, we’ve got to be able to discern degrees of severity. “They all do this or that so they‘re all bad“ is how this comes across, and there’s is no media more dishonest, more often than conservative media.

Hunter Biden is just not that interesting. He’s not a public figure and his stereotypical addict behavior isn’t newsworthy to me. The only thing tying Joe Biden to any of this are phone calls in which he sounds more like a father than a criminal.
It is the standard form you fill out when you purchase a gun. It has been around since 1968. I don't think you get a copy. The original is supposed to stay with the dealer.
I didn’t fill one out. Wasn’t asked to. Bought it from Academy Sports about 15 years ago - definitely since 1968.
Why should we trust them?

I never said you should trust them. My argument is you shouldn't ignore information because it doesn't agree with your world view or because or who the source is. I go to the Fox News web site quite frequently. I disagree with their approach to news. I don't always trust the headlines I read and need to dig deeper. I don't agree with their views on a lot of topics. In short, I don't trust them. But I find it valuable to keep tabs on the other side. I don't need to agree with everything I read to be more informed. And surprisingly, on very rare occasions, I do agree with them. Also surprisingly, I don't trust CNN either. I trust them a lot more than I do Fox. But I know that they aren't always giving me the complete story from both sides. OAN is like the head honcho in the looney bin. They might be king of the residents, but that doesn't mean squat outside their little circle.

The people I'm talking about are so far right they won't watch Fox News. The ones that love to shout FAKE NEWS. If the former president ends up convicted, their minds will be blown because they have no clue what's actually going on. They only believe the version of events shared by their leader. If those should turn out to be a bunch of lies, their entire world will be turned upside down and they'll go deeper down the conspiracy hole to find a way for it to make sense. They don't have to think he's guilty, but they should at least have the whole story.

Ignoring fake news (aka "news you don't like hearing") leads to ignorance. That's what makes people think that what Biden and the former president did with papers they shouldn't have had is the same thing. That's what makes people think that it's all declassified because the former president declared them so in his head. That's what makes people think J6 was a peaceful protest. That's what makes people think that the election was stolen. That's what makes people think that Jewish space lasers are being controlled by the deep state and Biden is a look-alike actor and the former president is still secretly in control of the country and is really running the show except for anything bad that happens. You can't built a solid foundation of knowledge with cherry picked news.
Ivermectin. All the media wanted to do was call it horse dewormer. This ignored the fact it was given to refugees coming into this country. Perhaps had the media been willing to do real stories on it instead of just calling those who took it idiots for taking horse dewormer.
This is because Ivermectin is not OTC in human dosages, so the idiots taking horse dewormer literally were taking horse dewormer (because that is what they could buy), not human-dosage product. And some or many of them were taking entire horse dosages at a time.

The fact that it can be used in humans is essentially irrelevant: the people "taking horse dewormer" actually were.
Going to push back a bit here. It is not so much they are feeding people lies. But instead they either don't cover the story or leave out certain parts.

Take Hunter's laptop. Most of the media refused to cover it when the story broke. Twitter and Facebook blocked stories about it. Two years later they acknowledged that the story was true.

Why should we trust them?

Another example, when Trump met Abe in Japan, the media made fun of him for just dumping his whole container of food into the water. As if he had broken some sacred tradition. The full video revealed that Trump only did so AFTER Abe dumped his in the water.

Why should we trust them?

Ivermectin. All the media wanted to do was call it horse dewormer. This ignored the fact it was given to refugees coming into this country. Perhaps had the media been willing to do real stories on it instead of just calling those who took it idiots for taking horse dewormer.

Follow me on this. Someone wants to take it and finds a doctor willing to prescribe it. That is between them and their doctor. So the media is calling it horse dewormer, but the package they have doesn't say a thing about horses and instead clearly has directions for humans.

Why would they believe the media after that?

The media has made their own bed and now they must face the consequences that half the public doesn't trust them.
Follow me here.

The FDA and CDC warn against Ivermectin, here are the highlights:
  • The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals. Ivermectin is approved for human use to treat infections caused by some parasitic worms and head lice and skin conditions like rosacea.
  • Currently available data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19. Clinical trials assessing ivermectin tablets for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in people are ongoing.
  • Taking large doses of ivermectin is dangerous.
This is misinformation at the highest level spread around right wing media outlets with absolutely no scientific data to back it up, in fact they've shown that it cannot work to treat COVID.

Yet people like you are watching Fox News every day saying stupid shit like "the mainstream won't tell you this" all while duping older people and the immunocompromised into a death sentence by lying to them about it. You should all be ashamed and IMO the mainstream media you so scornfully hate didn't do nearly enough to denounce it, or we would've seen a lot less needless deaths.