Going to push back a bit here. It is not so much they are feeding people lies. But instead they either don't cover the story or leave out certain parts.
Take Hunter's laptop. Most of the media refused to cover it when the story broke. Twitter and Facebook blocked stories about it. Two years later they acknowledged that the story was true.
Why should we trust them?
Another example, when Trump met Abe in Japan, the media made fun of him for just dumping his whole container of food into the water. As if he had broken some sacred tradition. The full video revealed that Trump only did so AFTER Abe dumped his in the water.
Why should we trust them?
Ivermectin. All the media wanted to do was call it horse dewormer. This ignored the fact it was given to refugees coming into this country. Perhaps had the media been willing to do real stories on it instead of just calling those who took it idiots for taking horse dewormer.
Follow me on this. Someone wants to take it and finds a doctor willing to prescribe it. That is between them and their doctor. So the media is calling it horse dewormer, but the package they have doesn't say a thing about horses and instead clearly has directions for humans.
Why would they believe the media after that?
The media has made their own bed and now they must face the consequences that half the public doesn't trust them.
People were actually going out and buying and ingesting horse dewormers based on “alternate treatments” circulating online and elsewhere, and they were circulating amongst the usual circles before the media at large got wind of it. That’s what started things - though I do remember the leftist-media referring to it as an actual prescribed drug many times. It’s still not a treatment for COVID - wasn’t then, isn't now. You should be more angry at the conservative media pushing quack medicine and not the rest for pointing out the truth, even if they call it “horse dewormer” in jest. If a doctor prescribed Ivermectin to treat COVID and not a symptom of it, then I would criticize that doctor as much as if a doctor prescribed rash cream to treat a brain tumor.
I don’t disagree that the media takes liberty and runs with small stories, but again, we are clearly ignoring degree to which these media sources lie or bend and slant the truth. Do you think Fox is being persecuted for being a conservative network, or for telling false and misleading stories? And do you think the right portraying Biden as a dementia patient or the left portraying Trump as an idiot, even if the stories are misleading, are as serious as running coverage about Dominion, Ray Epps and Ruby Freeman that was all based on complete lies?
The standard here seems to be “perfect”, and if we can point to the left exaggerating a story about Trump dumping fish in a pond or not covering a story about a laptop involving lunatic Rudy Giuliani, then that must mean all the media has issues and so well, it’s ok to call them the enemy of the people I guess. There were good reasons for not covering that laptop, and given the vast amount of lies Trump and his peddlers were pushing around that time, is any wonder nobody was in a huge hurry to cover a story about a laptop dug up by the guy who had his hands down his pants in a Borat movie?
Even if we concede the mistakes of the media or the liberal media, we’ve got to be able to discern degrees of severity. “They all do this or that so they‘re all bad“ is how this comes across, and there’s is no media more dishonest, more often than conservative media.
Hunter Biden is just not that interesting. He’s not a public figure and his stereotypical addict behavior isn’t newsworthy to me. The only thing tying Joe Biden to any of this are phone calls in which he sounds more like a father than a criminal.