I like random stuff...


Man. This meme is a mirror of what's been in my brain lately. I thought mine was the only number they knew since they've called it so often. The car warranty extension guys are right up there now with septic system pumping and what are the other ones... oh yeah, fake Apple iCloud issues, fake IRS issues, fake Social Security issues, fake overcharges by my power supplier and fake appeals from fake law enforcement widows and orphans funds or something. No wonder I'm homicidal by lunchtime. It used to be low blood sugar. Now it's robocalls.
Man. This meme is a mirror of what's been in my brain lately. I thought mine was the only number they knew since they've called it so often. The car warranty extension guys are right up there now with septic system pumping and what are the other ones... oh yeah, fake Apple iCloud issues, fake IRS issues, fake Social Security issues, fake overcharges by my power supplier and fake appeals from fake law enforcement widows and orphans funds or something. No wonder I'm homicidal by lunchtime. It used to be low blood sugar. Now it's robocalls.
You forgot the calls from India offering to fix the Windows PC I don't have.

Why you gonna talk to me when you hear me singing along with my favorite song?! No, I'm not gonna stop to engage in some small talk with you. You can wait until the song is over to tell me the house is on fire. Sheesh!

Me, I'm focused lately on trying to get rid of the ear worm the very catchy theme song of the TV show Suits has installed in me over the past couple months. Wow. No wonder "experts" warn about dangers of binge-watching, and I'm pretty sure they weren't even referring to ear worm acquisitions.

In fact I don't actually binge-watch the thing, so I'm only up to somewhere around season 5... but it will already take me months to have that intro theme quit popping into my brain at odd moments. Arggggh!
Me, I'm focused lately on trying to get rid of the ear worm the very catchy theme song of the TV show Suits has installed in me over the past couple months. Wow. No wonder "experts" warn about dangers of binge-watching, and I'm pretty sure they weren't even referring to ear worm acquisitions.

In fact I don't actually binge-watch the thing, so I'm only up to somewhere around season 5... but it will already take me months to have that intro theme quit popping into my brain at odd moments. Arggggh!

I am overly susceptible to earworms. My husband loves to come up behind me while I'm working and him something just because he knows I'll them be humming, singing, whistling it for the next four days.
I just needed to post this, to make myself feel better after all the current crap...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1298720119753854978/
Holy hell, hahaha, wow, the force it hits with is amazing!

We should also remember that a good 80% of the population didn't look upon him too favorably during his day. While only a relative few outright hated him, most of white America viewed him as a rabble rouser, churning discord and strife for no other reason than the attention it brought him.

...what's old is new again, I guess.
I think this qualifies as random. My main creative hobby is music, but over the last couple years I've also gotten into photography and video. I had never scored anything before. This was my attempt to make an indie horror movie teaser with footage from our cabin property with an absurd ending.

IMO this takes a minimum of 3 viewings. First watch the overall performance and then watch the individual performances. Surreal and amazing.
