I like random stuff...

So what exactly is aggravated operation of a motor vehicle? Driving while you're pitching a fit?

I believe it's when you've already had your license suspended and you get caught driving while the suspension persists. In the boondocks maybe ya do you pitch a fit if that charge sticks... because it probably annoys hell out of the justice of the peace who lifted your license to begin with and he might even slap you in the pokey for while over it instead of just fining you and extending the suspension. It's a pretty common charge in the sticks because there's no public transportation to speak of most places, so people drive to the store or job w/ a suspended license and try to stay off state roads doing it.

The charge in that list that got me was the one about criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation and fifth-degree arson. I get the part about trying to strangle someone but "fifth degree arson..." -- is that where she throws her now ex-bf's clothes out on the lawn and sets them on fire while waiting to see if the deputies rolled on his complaint that she earlier tried to strangle him?
I spit my coffee when I saw this.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1303457779357831168/
This made me laugh out loud.

Not totally random, but unusually cool if I do say so myself. And no, I don’t know why it’s coming in sideways.

I dare you NOT to smile!
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1305568424769269769/

If you are wondering what led to that, this is their compeition.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1301636743368790016/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1305595679776149508/

Yep, it happens. My boss at one time dropped a 60-foot oak tree onto the roof of his pricey home up in Westchester somewhere. He was sure he could cut it so it would fall towards the back of their property, although his self-assurance was based on just a couple hours of reading about how to do it. His wife confided at a party later that year that it took almost all of her energy for a solid week (plus digging her fingernails into the palms of her hands under the dining room table every night) not to utter the words "I told you to get that done professionally."