Ilhan Omar to introduce articles of impeachment

As much as I hate Trump and hold responsible, I don’t think he carefully coordinated with anybody. He knew what he was doing but it’s not like he called up the proud boys and said “Here’s the plan”.

Possibly related, I’m curious what they think they’ll find that wasn’t allowed or even requested in the impeachment trial. It was all blatantly in the open.

Maybe for this trial Trump can use the Charles Manson defense. “Brother, I didn’t make anybody do anything.” But that didn’t really work out as a defense.
Heh. No sooner do I say this topic is kinda “over”, when this happens:

...many Republican staffers on Capitol Hill are privately having some of their greatest reservations about continuing to serve GOP members who continue to serve Trump.
“I don’t know a single person who works as a staffer for a senator or representative who isn’t angry and horrified at the lack of accountability their bosses are taking,” one Republican staffer told HuffPost.
This staffer later went on to say they had checked in with about 50 friends who work for Republicans on Capitol Hill since Jan. 6, and 49 were “struggling and very, very angry.”
...many more Republican staffers were struggling with the actual ethics of continuing to work for members who have stood by Trump, who have refused to acknowledge that Joe Biden won the election, who have voted to overturn the election results, and who refused to vote for impeachment or conviction.

It’s nice to know that somebody on Capitol Hill besides Democrats is upset about this.

It’s just too bad they’re powerless to do anything about it.