Jan 6 Committee Public Hearings

Whether it’s Mo Brooks or Steve Bannon, no one has the right to dictate how they will be deposed. And nobody demanding a live public hearing should get one.

I don't imagine the committee wants to give a known troll an open mic to spew at their expense, unless they have something up their sleeves as well. Which wouldn't mean much, since then the witness would spend the rest of the air time claiming "the fifth", and planning how they will spin their time on air into ways to fleece the sheep.

At best they could offer to put it on tape as they've done the others.
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I just don’t see any way Bannon isn’t a stunt; Trump is about to send him the letter revoking his assertion of privilege. There is no way that Trump would revoke privilege unless he expected Brannon to go in there and spout conspiracy theories and tell everyone how big Donald’s hands are.

yup, I'm inclined to agree......Bannon still owes Trump for the pardon
Trump wants a world in which white collar and political crime can’t be prosecuted. Everyone is either a dem or a RINO. He has used this playbook over and over, and it’s tiring. I hope judges of all political persuasions see through this BS.
Whether it’s Mo Brooks or Steve Bannon, no one has the right to dictate how they will be deposed. And nobody demanding a live public hearing should get one.

On the public hearing aspect, least of all should the committee cater to that idea from a self-serving publicity-seeker like Bannon. So far the public hearings have been anything but the circus the MAGA-oriented GOP had hoped to see ensue. Nice if that record can be maintained.
Maybe Bannon's obvious last minute turnaround isn't a sure thing after all?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546363193982738435/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546363200764985347/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546363211338764288/

At some point this collection of clowns has to realize that ALL of the gov't isn't as stupid as they are, or when they were supposedly a part of it.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546363215075938304/

Requesting a public hearing when you wouldn't cooperate at all previously of course doesn't look suspicious. Waiting until the last minute to cooperate when you aren't considered trustworthy, and instead turned that lack of cooperation into an act of defiance for publicity & cash doesn't help either. We'll have to wait to see what comes of this, but I see another hissy fit & rage coming.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546368493519441920/

I just read an article about that. Who knows what Bannon's motives are. He's an opportunistic snake, so I say its 50/50 on whether he were to spill the beans or just pontificate and gaslight in public. He may think he's going to be some far-right "martyr", when in reality he's just your usually scumbag with equally-scumbaggy friends in high places.

Either way, looks like he's toast. The inside of a prison cell will be good for him.
Maybe Bannon's obvious last minute turnaround isn't a sure thing after all?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546363193982738435/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546363200764985347/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546363211338764288/

At some point this collection of clowns has to realize that ALL of the gov't isn't as stupid as they are, or when they were supposedly a part of it.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546363215075938304/

Requesting a public hearing when you wouldn't cooperate at all previously of course doesn't look suspicious. Waiting until the last minute to cooperate when you aren't considered trustworthy, and instead turned that lack of cooperation into an act of defiance for publicity & cash doesn't help either. We'll have to wait to see what comes of this, but I see another hissy fit & rage coming.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546368493519441920/

Good try by Steve, but it looks like he's out of luck.
An account from a Capitol police officer.

(paywall removed)

Other disturbing details I heard at the hearing had to do with Mr. Trump’s apparent disregard for everyone but himself. Before Mr. Trump addressed his supporters on the Ellipse ahead of the insurrection, he was told that those who were armed weren’t being let through security checkpoints and, according to Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony, he said, “I don’t effing care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me.”

Later, when rioters breached the Capitol, according to Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony, the former White House counsel Pat Cipollone told Mr. Meadows that they had to go see the president about what was happening. Mr. Meadows’s response was that Mr. Trump “doesn’t want to do anything,” Ms. Hutchinson recalled. Mr. Cipollone replied, according to Ms. Hutchinson: “Something needs to be done, or people are going to die, and the blood’s going to be on your effing hands.”

The nine people who died as a result of that horrific day — including the four officers who died by suicide after the attack — weren’t so lucky. Neither was I. At the West Front of the Capitol, I was attempting to hold a tactical police line along with about 60 members of my team, as we were taught at the academy, to keep the invaders at bay. We were savagely beaten and easily overpowered. I later learned that the mob was estimated to be10,000 strong.
Although this should probably go in the agenda thread, let's remember what the next hearing is also about. How intimidation has become a part of this party, and how they won't hesitate to turn on their own. But if who they champion is protested, we need to possibly look into doing something about that.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546640367587659776/

Also, because the restaurant that beer bong was dining at, whined in defense of brett, they are catching their own heat online and outside.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546585291816947713/
Trump is going to rip Pat Cipillone. And maybe Mark Meadows, though Meadows has refused to testify, so that may keep him in Trump's good graces for a while.

While Trump whines about not having "equal representation", the only people who can defend him are hiding, because they would have to lie to defend him, or admit guilt and breaking the law. Its SO PAINFULLY obvious. Those who didn't break the law are speaking to the committee, those who did are stonewalling them. Not a difficult case to figure out.
Whoever is helping the committee put their video and arguments together is great. They're playing sections of Hutchinson and Cipollone making corroborating statements. There goes the "second-hand testimony" BS the conservatives were spewing.

They'll move from that to just discrediting them both, calling them RINOS and liars.
So Trump lost all recounts and court cases, his top campaign advisors and legal counsel informed him that he really did lose the election and yet the pathological narcissist continues to spew his big lie about having really won. That would be bad enough but large numbers of people go along with the fiction, just on the basis of Trump's saying it and despite his long history of compulsive lying and cheating.
Wow, ironic that Rudy and Powell’s comments are so incriminatory. They virtually make fun of the legal counsel of the White House and seemed geeked at undermining the law. Powell saying Cipollone “broke land speed records” kinda shows the severity of their crimes.
The testimony from a former Oath Keepers’ publicist and a man who was part of the mob that day are worth a watch if you missed it live.

The guy who was part of the mob was asked why he left the Capitol at the time he did. He said it was the tweet from Trump telling him to leave.