Jan 6 Committee Public Hearings

Some potential good news at the local level. Sucks to be him!

"Shafer, who has faced inquiries from federal investigators, Georgia prosecutors and the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol, acted as a pro-Trump elector in Georgia. He also helped organize the fake slate of electors in the Peach State, which Trump lost by nearly 12,000 votes."

Makes a lot of sense as to why Pence didn’t want to leave the scene of the redneck coup attempt.

Malcolm Nance had a good point - the entire line of succession to the president were in jeopardy that day.

It’s interesting; Republican MAGA cultists immediately seized on a report of one of these secret service guys supposedly contradicting Hutchinson’s testimony. Oddly enough, they took THIS second or third hand account at face value while trying to discredit Hutchinson’s testimony - under oath - for the same reason.

Well, I’ve yet to hear anyone discredit her testimony under oath, but we did hear the White House counsel corroborate her testimony. Of course, people like Mark Meadows, Mike Pence, Donald Trump and others could easily clear some of this up if they have vindicating evidence they’d like to share… wonder why they won’t?

So not only have these one or two agents being mentioned NOT debunked anything at all under oath, the secret service is now being eyed because texts from the 5th and 6th just magically, coincidentally, were purposefully deleted? And AFTER they were asked to turn them over?

I seriously want to know what kind of person believes the election was stolen, but also believes these texts went missing by pure coincidence.
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Makes a lot of sense as to why Pence didn’t want to leave the scene of the redneck coup attempt.

Malcolm Nance had a good point - the entire line of succession to the president were in jeopardy that day.

It’s interesting; Republican MAGA cultists immediately seized on a report of one of these secret service guys contradicting her testimony. Oddly enough, they took THIS second or third hand account at face value while trying to discredit Hutchinson’s testimony - under oath - for the same reason.

Well, I’ve yet to hear anyone discredit her testimony under oath, but we did hear the White House counsel corroborate her testimony. Of course, people like Mark Meadows, Mike Pence, Donald Trump and others could easily clear some of this up if they have vindicating evidence they’d like to share… wonder why they won’t?

So not only have these one or two agents being mentioned NOT debunked anything at all under oath, the secret service is now being eyes because texts from the 5th and 6th just magically, coincidentally, were purposefully deleted? And AFTER they were asked to turn them over?

I seriously want to know what kind of person believes the election was stolen, but also believes these texts went missing by pure coincidence.
I remember when there were stories about Trump wanting HIS people in the Secret Service. Well, look at the result of that. Destroying evidence and being so well known for their loyalty to Trump over America that Pence won’t even get in a car with them.

Early 2017, concerns raised:

Late 2020, Biden concerned about loyalists:
It’s maddening, because we all saw what happened. Yeah, facts and evidence are important, and we need it laid out in detail, but this isn’t exactly a big fucking mystery. It’s not a game of who done what and when. We all saw what happened play out over several months.

These people have been given such a long leash that no other average human would be given, in virtually any other country. These people still want Hillary locked up for her email and oppo research, while this gigantic gang of circus freaks broke every ethic and criminal law on the books, and continue to do so to cover up said crimes.

Trump literally tried to call a witness after Liz Cheney said “don’t do it, we’re watching you”.

Lindsey Graham is trying to get out of testifying in Georgia. Meadows, Pence and others are silent. The Justice Department has yet to arrest or indict any of the major players in this (though the raids of Clark and Eastman are good signs). The party of “law and order” need to be taught two big lessons;

Facts matter, and white collar crime is still crime. You don’t get to preach to us about Chicago just because your crimes involve phone calls and abusing your elected office.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1548429325468254213/

The part I found interesting, and wondering when we are getting to it since so much focus is on who knew they did something wrong.

As a mob ransacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Roger Stone, Donald Trump’s longtime political adviser, hurried to pack a suitcase inside his suite at downtown Washington's Willard hotel. Before leaving the city on a private jet, he told an aide he feared prosecution by the incoming attorney general, Merrick Garland. “He is not a friend,” Stone said.
Here’s one of the insane “advisors” Trump called on when deciding how to try and overturn the election:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1164680118079492096/

The FBI asked him to sleep with Maria Butina and spy on her?

🤔 Sure….

Anyway, here is this nut-job’s description of what happened in his Dec 18 2020 meeting in the Oval Office:

The President was there, waiting, and after we walked in the three lawyers joined again. Meadows entered as well. A waiter brought out a bowl of small, bottle-cap sized Swedish meatballs, with share plates. Trump motioned for them to be placed at the small table so that everyone could indulge, but the table was in front of me, for which I was grateful. I actually keep vegetarian from time to time, especially when I travel, but how often does one sit with a President serving meatballs from his grandmother’s recipe? And they were good. For the rest of the meeting there were two and only two people eating meatballs: myself, scarfing them down like popcorn, and occasionally the President, who would get up, walk over to me, and refill a small share plate. Nobody else had any.

Sidney and Mike began walking the President through things from our perspective. In brief: there was a quick way to resolve this national crisis because he had power to act in ways he was not understanding. Under an Executive Order that he had signed in 2018, and another Executive Order that President Obama had signed in 2015, he could “find” that there was adequate evidence of foreign interference with the election, and while doing so would give him authority to do a number of big things, all he had to do was one small thing: direct a federal force (we suggested US Marshall Service + National Guard) to go to the six counties in question (the Problematic 6), and re-count (on livestream TV) the paper ballots that were held as fail-safe back-up. It would only take a few days. Even more conclusive would be if they imaged the hard-drives and those images could be examined forensically (which would make the project last no more than a week, as we had already cracked the Antrim County machines and knew precisely what to do going forward). In either case, if there was no mischief found, then President Trump would concede the election. But if (as we suspected) evidence of hundreds of thousands of improper votes was found in each of the six counties in question, then he would have a wide variety of options. He might have those six states re-counted. Or he might have 50 states recounted on livestream TV by federal forces, and America would finally have its answer to, “How much election fraud does our nation suffer?” Or he might skip that and have the National Guard re-run the elections in those six states. We pointed out that, it being December 18, if he signed the paperwork we had brought with us, we could have the first stage (recounting the Problematic 6 counties) finished before Christmas. And even if the result was hinky enough it demanded a rerun of the election in those states, it could be done before January 20, so that the January 20 Constitutional deadline would not be disrupted. The more time that he let slide by, the more compressed things would become. If he waited to see what the January 6 outcome was, however, and then decided to follow a plan such as ours, it would engender accusations of “sore-loserism”, so he had to act quickly. The alternative was an election that 47% of Americans doubted, which would not be good for the country.

“You know Pat,” he said to me (the only people who call me “Pat” are either friends from childhood, or men from a background like my own family’s), “you know…” He caught my eye and gave a little snort of humor. “You know, I could leave here and my life would be really …. fine. I could be with my family, my friends, I could be playing golf …” We looked at each other and shared a moment as may occur only with CEO’s and other “leaders”: people think our lives are glamorous, but in many ways they are unpleasant.

What are the chances this guy made it through 7 hours of testimony to the Jan 6 committee and kept his stories straight?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1549201557006139392/

Read the whole thread. This is not good.
Garland is weak, you can see it and the Democratic party as a whole has become a joke. I hate saying that because I've always been proud of them but their absolute inability and unwillingness to fight has a lot of us losing faith and the tide is shifting against them, the people want their leaders to take a stand, not a back seat.

Right now there is a groundswell and my guess is we'll have to be voted out and slapped around for at least another election cycle or two until we get candidates willing to do what it takes. I've never been more ashamed of my country or my party.
I will keep my fingers crossed on Garland. I understand the policy, even though it sucks. It didn't stop Comey from walking to the podium before a presidential election and possibly costing Clinton the election... but I can understand why they don't want a repeat of that.

However, the part that concerns me is that the committee seems to have more info than the DoJ. You don't have to announce charges or indictments to subpoena people and gather information.

If I don't see movement shortly after the midterms, I'll start worrying.

The thing is, its a no-win situation. If they indict people before the midterms, the republicans will say its a plot to steal the midterms. If they do it after, it will be a plot to taint the 2024 election, or "they fear Donald Trump and will do anything to stop him". Facts don't matter to these people. They are with Donald Trump until the end, no matter what comes out, what happens, etc. And if nothing at all is done, they'll claim victory.

I'm sure Merrick Garland knows this. What he will do remains to be seen, but I can't see all of this leading to nothing.

Right now there is a groundswell and my guess is we'll have to be voted out and slapped around for at least another election cycle or two until we get candidates willing to do what it takes. I've never been more ashamed of my country or my party.

There's a lot of truth here. Republicans don't like folks like AOC and other young progressives for the same reason we don't like people like Gym Jordache, Josh Hawley, etc.

Of course, we are right and they wrong - about almost everything. But that's besides the point. Each party doesn't like outspoken leaders of the other party. They don't like Pelosi, Schumer, etc. either, but they also don't like McConnell and other old-dog establishment figures. That's why they let these far-right loons into office, and have started elevating them. So its time we do the same. Time to start pushing young, smart and very progressive candidates to higher offices and give them more power in congress. They will get things done and not give a feck about what the far-right loons think. They're never happy anyways unless they get criminal celebrities like Walker and Trump into office, or do-nothing crazy cheerleaders like MTG, BoBo and Jordan. It really is time to start fighting fire with fire.

At least then, the next time these muppets try to kill officials and burn down the Capitol, at least they'll sort of have an excuse, even if its a stupid one instead of a lie.
The thing is, its a no-win situation. If they indict people before the midterms, the republicans will say its a plot to steal the midterms. If they do it after, it will be a plot to taint the 2024 election, or "they fear Donald Trump and will do anything to stop him". Facts don't matter to these people. They are with Donald Trump until the end, no matter what comes out, what happens, etc. And if nothing at all is done, they'll claim victory.
These people will twist anything to make it look like the libs are out to get them. There's no winning with them. I think everyone needs to ignore them and just do the right thing.
The issue is that Dems always follow precedent while Rs change and do whatever the hell they want. I hope Garland understands that.

Keep in mind that Garland still holds all the cards, so even if the Rs take back everything in November and can the J6 committee, Garland still has his job and will keep moving forward.
So maybe it's not as bad as it sounded. Seems there's some misinterpretation of that memo.

Similar to the bugaboo with payments to migrants that had their children stolen, raped and otherwise abused: jump the gun, whining and outrage, and then total silence when it shows that that is not the case. :unsure:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1549434341322784768/

Gee, what a coincidence. I guess its just more proof Trump had the best people, and this is divine intervention, God acting on behalf of the chosen one, the Great Donald Trump.

"But her emails".

How about Ivanka and Kushner's emails, the classified/secret documents taken to Trump's fucking golf course and personal home, and now these "accidentally deleted" text messages. On top of the other couple hundred of debauched and borderline criminal things the Trump administration did in four short years.

I'm sure the MAGA crowd - the same ones who wanted Hillary to be locked up over an email server - are perfectly ok with all of this.