Kanye West, the media's predictable cycle, and the rise of reactionism

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I'm not asking about any comments from individuals. I'm simply asking, is it considered anti-semitic, to believe or suggest that Biblical Hebrews were black?

No, though I don't know how much evidence exists to support the notion.
I'm not asking about any comments from individuals. I'm simply asking, is it considered anti-semitic, to believe or suggest that Biblical Hebrews were black?

The fact that Jewish heritage is retconned does not alter the fact that it is a genuine, established ethnicity. The entire book of Genesis is allegorical, meaning that Jacob called Israel, from whom Jews claim to descend, probably was not a real person. Nonetheless, there are specific genetic markers that identify actual Jews. And since the standard is matrilineal descent (a shiksa cannot have Jewish children, even if the father is a true Jew), the markers should be present in mitochondrial DNA.

Hence, to claim that black people are the real Jews is ridiculous on the face of it. The Jewish ethnicity was established as a defined thing somewhere around 22~25 centuries back. To say that those original parties who codified the definition were wrong makes absolutely no sense. The only reason for saying that "we are the real Jews" is a lazy attempt to co-opt the claim on the source of Abrahamic faiths. Such a statement says "I can find no validity in and of myself, so I must steal it from someone else."
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Hence, to claim that black people are the real Jews is ridiculous on the face of it. The Jewish ethnicity was established as a defined thing somewhere around 22~25 centuries back. To say that those original parties who codified the definition were wrong makes absolutely no sense. The only reason for saying that "we are the real Jews" is a lazy attempt to co-opt the claim on the source of Abrahamic faiths. Such a statement says "I can find no validity in and of myself, so I must steal it from someone else."

I think you're failing to find that dividing line here. There are black Jews, and saying so isn't anti-semetic. The Beta Israelites are such, and have even been included as eligible for citizenship under the Law of Return. Even assuming there were some blacks included among the ancient Hebrews wouldn't be considered anti-semetic. Given the location in question here, it's not a stretch to assume there were more than a few around.

But the Black Israelite movement is anti-semetic, for all the reasons you've all stated.
So lemme get this straight. Believing the Biblical Hebrews were black is anti-semitic?
Conveniently leaving out the other BS, aren't you? Like the worldwide Jewish conspiracy to hurt Black people. That the holocaust was fabricated to gain sympathy. That Jews founded and controlled the transatlantic slave trade. The book author/video director uses the libelous "The International Jew" and "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to support both anti-semitic endeavors. This BS is up there (or really, down in the gutter) with "The Turner Diaries" embraced by anti-Black, anti-semitic conservakooks.
Conveniently leaving out the other BS, aren't you? Like the worldwide Jewish conspiracy to hurt Black people. That the holocaust was fabricated to gain sympathy. That Jews founded and controlled the transatlantic slave trade. The book author/video director uses the libelous "The International Jew" and "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to support both anti-semitic endeavors. This BS is up there (or really, down in the gutter) with "The Turner Diaries" embraced by anti-Black, anti-semitic conservakooks.

So I'm assuming you read the book or watched the doc? Or is this hearsay?

Whether what you are saying is true, or just filled with emotion (which I honestly don't care, for reasons explained in post #48), why don't Jewish leaders or the news media offer any detailed and logical explanations, instead of just demonizing someone or thing with the anti-semitic label?

When anyone black or black group yells out racism, everybody (including blacks) needs a logically reason for that accusation. Otherwise it'll be deemed as race baiting. And even then it'll still argued from all angles. Black leaders(so-called), are willing to get in front of the camera with their explanations and reasoning, and at least have a discussion about it (right or wrong). The Jewish leaders and community just don't do that, and to outsiders, they do have the aura of secret society. If you're going to use all avenues to punish those you accuse of being anti-semitic, at least be reachable to the common folks that have questions about your accusations. Otherwise, those stereotypes will never die, but just fester in the background, until a sleeping giant is woken.

I highly doubt most doing the public finger pointing are well versed in religious history and such. And being that I'm not well versed, I'm not just going to blindly accept that something or someone's statements are anti-semitic just because Jewish people or others say so without legitimate explanations from both sides.

I personally didn't read that book nor watch the doc. So I'm not going to condemn it unless I read it myself, or someone reputable gives a detailed summary of what it's truly about. But from my own perspective, it seems the title is more of the issue than the actual contents.
So I'm assuming you read the book or watched the doc? Or is this hearsay?

Whether what you are saying is true, or just filled with emotion (which I honestly don't care, for reasons explained in post #48), why don't Jewish leaders or the news media offer any detailed and logical explanations, instead of just demonizing someone or thing with the anti-semitic label?

When anyone black or black group yells out racism, everybody (including blacks) needs a logically reason for that accusation. Otherwise it'll be deemed as race baiting. And even then it'll still argued from all angles. Black leaders(so-called), are willing to get in front of the camera with their explanations and reasoning, and at least have a discussion about it (right or wrong). The Jewish leaders and community just don't do that, and to outsiders, they do have the aura of secret society. If you're going to use all avenues to punish those you accuse of being anti-semitic, at least be reachable to the common folks that have questions about your accusations. Otherwise, those stereotypes will never die, but just fester in the background, until a sleeping giant is woken.

I highly doubt most doing the public finger pointing are well versed in religious history and such. And being that I'm not well versed, I'm not just going to blindly accept that something or someone's statements are anti-semitic just because Jewish people or others say so without legitimate explanations from both sides.

I personally didn't read that book nor watch the doc. So I'm not going to condemn it unless I read it myself, or someone reputable gives a detailed summary of what it's truly about. But from my own perspective, it seems the title is more of the issue than the actual contents.
The author/director hypes all that BS. He doesn't shy away from it like Kyrie's defenders. He is a nutcase that insists that god imparts divine information to him in bits in pieces. I'm familiar with his nutcase brethren, the Black Jews/Hebrew Israelites. You can see them in crowded places preaching their nonsensical racism in costumes. Any time someone offers to give you divine/secret info for a fee, I secure my wallet and remove myself from their presence.
It's like every day that passes, it becomes a little more like Europe in the 30's around here...

Screenshot from 2022-11-05 10-18-43.jpg
It’d be more like if a group of white people claimed they were black because they originated in Africa, then proceeded to denigrate actual black people and defend it by saying “I can’t be racist against black people because I’m black too”.
You mean like in South Africa?

Honestly, it’s so much easier to have an obvious physical trait that people can hate. I am beginning to tire somewhat of a small section of American Blacks / African Americans (because you don’t see it elsewhere) who feel they have a lock on being slaves and discriminated against.
It's like every day that passes, it becomes a little more like Europe in the 30's around here...

Ich verstehe nicht worüber Sie sprechen. Jetzt, wo ist mein Schnitzel? Warten Sie eine Minute - haben die Juden mein Schnitzel gestohlen ?!
The author/director hypes all that BS. He doesn't shy away from it like Kyrie's defenders. He is a nutcase that insists that god imparts divine information to him in bits in pieces. I'm familiar with his nutcase brethren, the Black Jews/Hebrew Israelites. You can see them in crowded places preaching their nonsensical racism in costumes. Any time someone offers to give you divine/secret info for a fee, I secure my wallet and remove myself from their presence.

If that's how you feel, then why not cast the same stone at Jeff Bezos? Not one mention in the media or any Jewish representative pointing any fingers at Amazon for hosting the book/doc vid on it's platform.

Kyrie, who's most likely oblivious (like most) to what the actual truth is, is being demonized for simply posting a book/doc video. He's not hosting it on his platform, he's not making a dime of sales. They are literally trying to micromanage his beliefs or lack of beliefs. You don't get to use your critical thinking, just accepted what we let you and denounce what we tell you to.

And Joe Tsai (Nets owner), just WOW!!! Talk about the last one who should be throwing stones. 😳

Kanye says that when you call him anti-semitic, that‘s just code for calling him the n-word (which he spelled out in his now-blocked twitter post).

If you object to posts about Jews controlling the world, you‘re racist. Makes sense to me.

Kanye says that when you call him anti-semitic, that‘s just code for calling him the n-word (which he spelled out in his now-blocked twitter post).

If you object to posts about Jews controlling the world, you‘re racist. Makes sense to me.
Frankly, I'll never understand what exactly Jews have ever done to anyone to deserve such hatred in such large numbers.
Frankly, I'll never understand what exactly Jews have ever done to anyone to deserve such hatred in such large numbers.

It's because, traditionally, they're a fairly insular group, a minority wherever they go, tend to be well educated more often than not, and bathed slightly more than the average European during the last millennium.

For the average rabble, they're a pretty big draw for scapegoating.
It's their insularity and tendency to get involved in businesses like banking that have been the cause of much anti-Semitism (as well as, you know, Christians blaming them for the death of Jesus).
I want to go on record to say that I disliked you __before__ I knew you were Jewish.

I haven't had a problem with him, except his avatar confuses me. Is he yawning in boredom, or is he reacting to something shocking?
A photographer friend of mine who's Jewish and an attorney who specialized in bias/hate crime legislation, has a snappy comeback for "Some of my best friends are Jews." And that's, "Oh really, that's great. And some of my best friends are anti-Semites!"

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