MacRumors allowing unsubstantiated posts about the death of another user

We've seen countless examples of members being chastised and given suspensions for situations far less significant and disrespectful to another member, and yet RP got away with this scot-free, unblemished. Why? Now that Zenithal has made his presence known as a very much alive but busy person, this situation of RP casually tossing out word of his death should now be addressed and dealt with properly, the way it should have been in the first place.
We've seen countless examples of members being chastised and given suspensions for situations far less significant and disrespectful to another member, and yet RP got away with this scot-free, unblemished. Why? Now that Zenithal has made his presence known as a very much alive but busy person, this situation of RP casually tossing out word of his death should now be addressed and dealt with properly, the way it should have been in the first place.

Couldn't agree more.
I guess something has been said behind closed doors as the post Relentless Power made about Zenithal passing away appears to have gone. Seems an odd claim to make and even more so now he’s actually alive and well. I suppose his reluctance to corroborate the claim publicly and the promises to PM details to users which he never did now sort of make sense. I think the claim was made and he didn’t expect people to care enough to ask for more information. I’m glad the chap isn’t dead though and I hope he sees the funny side and invests in a few cans of creep spray.

All very bizarre lol.
I guess something has been said behind closed doors as the post Relentless Power made about Zenithal passing away appears to have gone.

All of the posts which attempted to discuss this - and challenge RP, or call RP to account, insist that he clarify or withdraw that post, - were culled on November 9 - with the marked exception of the one by RP dated September 4 (you can identify it by the fact that it says that it was edited by a mod), which is the edited remains of the post by RP where he made that statement.

The thread blew up when a number of us returned to the issue in November, and - yet again, again requested RP to clarify, or withdraw his original post, and argued that it was disrespctful in the extreme to announce the death of a member in such a manner.

.... Seems an odd claim to make and even more so now he’s actually alive and well. I suppose his reluctance to corroborate the claim publicly and the promises to PM details to users which he never did now sort of make sense. I think the claim was made and he didn’t expect people to care enough to ask for more information. I’m glad the chap isn’t dead though and I hope he sees the funny side and invests in a few cans of creep spray.

All very bizarre lol.
Extraordinarily bizarre, and - to be candid - downright weird; very odd - in fact, deeply disturbing - behaviour on the part of RP.
All of the posts which attempted to discuss this - and challenge RP, or call RP to account, insist that he clarify or withdraw that post, - were culled on November 9 - with the marked exception of the one by RP dated September 4 (you can identify it by the fact that it says that it was edited by a mod), which is the edited remains of the post by RP where he made that statement.

The thread blew up when a number of us returned to the issue in November, and - yet again, again requested RP to clarify, or withdraw his original post, and argued that it was disrespctful in the extreme to announce the death of a member in such a manner.

Extraordinarily bizarre, and - to be candid - downright weird; very odd - in fact, deeply disturbing - behaviour on the part of RP.
I think what's more telling is the hold RP has over moderators there, enough to question why he is always given a free pass when so many are penalized for far less. He either knows one of them on a personal level or donates enough to the site that they are willing to overlook it. In either case their bias is on full display.
I think it's also telling how many infractions/warnings were handed out in that instance. I received one for "off topic bickering"

As did I.

However, I very much doubt that RP received any reminder, reprimand, or warning, for writing such an egregious post.

Nevertheless, - while he craves attantion and thrives on notice - I suspect that he may have been rather taken aback by the vehement reaction to that appalling post.

I think what's more telling is the hold RP has over moderators there, enough to question why he is always given a free pass when so many are penalized for far less. He either knows one of them on a personal level or donates enough to the site that they are willing to overlook it. In either case their bias is on full display.
I remain absolutely flabbergasted by the fact that he appears to have been given a free pass over such an outrageous post.
I have now added an update in that original Covid Information thread on MR which lets anyone who is interested in the matter know that Zenithal is still among us, and still can be counted in the land of the living.

It will be interesting to see whether my post is left in place, or is reported and obliterated.
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I have now added an update in that original Covid Information thread on MR which lets anyone who is interested in the matter that Zenithal is still among us, in the land of the living.

It will be interesting to see whether my post is left in place, or is reported and obliterated.

Yah for being "off topic [again] and [still] bickering", eh? The mods in that place have gone off the deep end.
I guess something has been said behind closed doors as the post Relentless Power made about Zenithal passing away appears to have gone. Seems an odd claim to make and even more so now he’s actually alive and well. I suppose his reluctance to corroborate the claim publicly and the promises to PM details to users which he never did now sort of make sense. I think the claim was made and he didn’t expect people to care enough to ask for more information. I’m glad the chap isn’t dead though and I hope he sees the funny side and invests in a few cans of creep spray.

All very bizarre lol.

What I simply don't get is why the hell one would say in a forum that another member is deceased while knowing that he's not.

It wasn't a random assertion, and so it seems now a very odd way of saying something else, and NOT at random, although what exactly was implied, who knows.
What I simply don't get is why the hell one would say in a forum that another member is deceased while knowing that he's not.

It wasn't a random assertion, and so it seems now a very odd way of saying something else, and NOT at random, although what exactly was implied, who knows.

To be quite candid, I am equally at a loss for an explanation for such an (appalling) action.

Some have suggested ego, a need for notice, a craving for attention; if so, it still strikes me as a deeply disturbing and downright weird way in which to behave and demand attention.
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Also a new low for the MR mods, and that’s saying something.

Unfortunately, it does seem to be a new low for MR mods, - that is a bar that seems to move ever downwards.

However, while @quagmire suggests that it is a "new low" for PR, I am now firmly of the opinion that no low is too low for that gentleman.
@Eric; @Alli: @Cmaier; @DT and other staff:

I just wanted to revive this particular thread, - as a timely reminder of an especially egregious action - and to ensure that appropriate action, or steps, will be taken by the staff here on TA if something of the sort ever happens, or occurs, or takes place, on TA.

While MacRumors allowed this to occur without taking any action (or none that we are aware of), I should sincerely hope that such outrageous conduct would meet with a reprimand, or response, on TA.
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When the incident occurred on MR back then, the member who posted, rather casually, not to mention callously and without any supporting evidence whatsoever, that another member had died should have been suspended until he could provide proof of what he had stated, which was not provided even though at the time he was asked for that by other members. Nor was he permanently banned when it became clear that what he had posted was actually indeed a falsehood, wholly untrue and that the other member of MR is very much alive.

Most forums with which I have been involved over the years would at the time this all transpired have taken immediate temporary action (suspension) and once the truth had come out, permanent action (banning) regarding a member who behaved in this extraordinary and distinctly untrustworthy way. If they are aware or have been made aware of the history of this individual elsewhere, I daresay they certainly wouldn't welcome as a new or active member someone whose behavior has already been demonstrated to be quite questionable.
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I'm surprised to see RP cancel their account. Never thought I'd see that day. Apologies if this post doesn't belong here or isn't allowed (feel free to delete), couldn't find that other thread.
I'm surprised to see RP cancel their account. Never thought I'd see that day. Apologies if this post doesn't belong here or isn't allowed (feel free to delete), couldn't find that other thread.
They could do a fair amount of cleaning of other trolls. He was apparently angry about the way Mike was treated, of which, I have no knowledge.
They could do a fair amount of cleaning of other trolls. He was apparently angry about the way Mike was treated, of which, I have no knowledge.
Is Maflynn Mike? I also noticed he quit or retired or ... something. Quite a bit of change over there.... And agreed about troll comment - it's one of many reasons I've taken a huge step back from forums lately (personal life reasons mostly - nothing bad) - work getting heavy these days.

Never thought I'd ever see the day Maflynn and RP leave that place.