Man (or woman) cave shit

Chew Toy McCoy

Site Donor
Aug 15, 2020
Over the last 5 years or so I've found myself really getting into statues (what they are called in the hobby). My favorite line is Court of the Dead by Sideshow. Sideshow also does more commercial statues like Star Wars, Alien, and Marvel, but this is their original IP. Here's about half of mine and they are about 2 ft tall, give or a take an inch or 2.




Over the last 5 years or so I've found myself really getting into statues (what they are called in the hobby). My favorite line is Court of the Dead by Sideshow. Sideshow also does more commercial statues like Star Wars, Alien, and Marvel, but this is their original IP. Here's about half of mine and they are about 2 ft tall, give or a take an inch or 2.

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The detail and colors are pretty amazing. I’m fond of statues as well but more traditional. Here’s my favorite in California.


I have a few in Minnesota but they’re mostly in the yard.
Over the last 5 years or so I've found myself really getting into statues (what they are called in the hobby). My favorite line is Court of the Dead by Sideshow. Sideshow also does more commercial statues like Star Wars, Alien, and Marvel, but this is their original IP. Here's about half of mine and they are about 2 ft tall, give or a take an inch or 2.

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I appreciate the artistic value of these statues, they are impressive, great details and aesthetically pleasing, but not really my taste. My favorite would be no.2 the Snake Lady. :) I’ve never felt strongly about statuary but cherish our Geisha and Sea Serpent by the pool and I appreciate my wife’s tradional fare of Lladro figurines.


Two of the many :)
I have a few Lladros. They are on a shelf away from any access and almost at the ceiling to keep them away from the cats. Unfortunately, it means I frequently forget all the beauty that is up there.
Those are wonderful! I can’t have nice things cause I have cats.

I'm still not quite connected most of the time to the fact I can unpack some nice things or just be less cautious about where I choose to put anything no matter if fancy or utilitarian. It's two years since my old kitties had passed away and I'd decided not to seek out another cat deliberately... with a nod to possibility that one may land on my porch sometime.

Like lots of other seniors, I'm supposedly in divestiture mode these days, so one would think I'd at least unpack a few bins of bubble-wrapped items brought up from the city when I left... just to see them again for awhile before foisting them off on kin, friends, a yard sale or the rubbish bin.

Somewhere I have a wonderful little Mexican pottery cat... I always suspected that its real and bratty counterparts would find it just the right size to tip off a bureau or bookcase top to wake me up on a weekend morning. That little clay cat hasn't seen the light of day for more than three or four weeks the whole time I've owned it, which is nearly 60 years, so does beg the question why I bought it.