Millions will be dangerously shocked when Biden gets sworn in

Weird that Vox published a story saying Ossoff wins early this morning. Nobody else has called it that I’ve seen.

edit: Sorry, meant to post this in the Georgia thread.

98% of the precincts have reported in, with the remaining being in solidly blue counties. It's not over yet, but he's already made his victory speech.
Weird that Vox published a story saying Ossoff wins early this morning. Nobody else has called it that I’ve seen.

edit: Sorry, meant to post this in the Georgia thread.
Because even if the remaining 2 pro-Purdue counties with <98% processing have 3K votes left. So even if ALL of those went to Purdue, it would be greatly offset by Henry, Dekalb and Chatham, 23, 67 and 18% preference for Ossoff. It's over.

98% of the precincts have reported in, with the remaining being in solidly blue counties. It's not over yet, but he's already made his victory speech.
The celebration is premature but Perdue would have to bring the remaining 2% of votes with a 20% edge in order to flip this. If you look at the counties and the general shifts compared to Nov (major blue shift except for 2 counties), this is extremely extremely unlikely.

Ossoff wins.

It looks like Mitt Romney had the misfortune to be riding the same plane as a bunch of these fascism lovers. 😡

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1346623707247226880/​

Unfortunately these people are gonna be around for a long time yet.
He also had an encounter before that in the airport that I had posted as well over there.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1346637313372278785/
He also had an encounter before that in the airport that I had posted as well over there.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1346637313372278785/
"Trump is a juggernaut, your legacy is nothing." This made me spit my coffee:D:D:D

Juggernaut is a word very close to my heart because of its history that sums up the essence of the colonialist mindset:

"The English loanword juggernaut in the sense of "a huge wagon bearing an image of a Hindu god" is from the seventeenth century, inspired by the Jagannatha Temple in Puri, Odisha (Orissa), which has the Ratha Yatra ("chariot procession"), an annual procession of chariots carrying the murtis (statues) of Jagannātha, Subhadrā, and Balabhadra.

The first European description of this festival is found in a thirteenth-century account by the Franciscan monk and missionary Odoric of Pordenone, who describes Hindus, as a religious sacrifice, casting themselves under the wheels of these huge chariots and being crushed to death. Odoric's description was later taken up and elaborated upon in the popular fourteenth-century Travels of John Mandeville.[5] Others have suggested more prosaically that the deaths, if any, were accidental and caused by the press of the crowd and the general commotion.[6]"

Our juggernaut got a flat tire.
"Trump is a juggernaut, your legacy is nothing." This made me spit my coffee:D:D:D

"The English loanword juggernaut in the sense of "a huge wagon bearing an image of a Hindu god" is from the seventeenth century, inspired by the Jagannatha Temple in Puri, Odisha (Orissa), which has the Ratha Yatra ("chariot procession"), an annual procession of chariots carrying the murtis (statues) of Jagannātha, Subhadrā, and Balabhadra.
It now means a huge wagon bearing an image of a golden calf, apparently.

The cult is going to have a major freakout as they move from denial to anger.
I wonder if these idiot protesters will try to replicate their actions at certain state houses and charge the Capitol building in an attempt to break in and disrupt the proceedings.

The part of me that enjoys seeing these knuckleheads make complete asses of themselves thinks that would be awesome.
At the end of the day it boils down to this incredibly deep conclusion:
If your party relies on low turnout from the opposition, it is NOT a winning strategy to anger them any step of the way you can.

Trump managed to wake up a whole new generation of activists who are not going back to sleep. For all the cute cat posts on TikTok just for instance, there's been a parallel universe of "get out the damn vote in Georgia on January 5th" posts building up to yesterday's finale. That generation of new activists now realizes that their activism really matters, their own votes mattered and the reggies and votes of their peers have flipped the United States Senate and the White House.

It's not lost on the GOP that the voting rights movements that Stacey Abrams and LaTosha Brown launched are not limited to the state of Georgia. Next up: Voting Rights Act renovations.

If you get a chance, go over to Fox News (the only time you’ll hear me recommend that) and listen to his demented address to the protest crowd. He sounds like Hitler leading a Nuremberg rally. He’s yelling, running through a laundry list of grievances and conspiracies, calling anyone who opposes him stupid, claiming he will be victorious, and in general sounding like a tyrant who is losing his marbles. It may (and should) go down as the most infamous address of his career.

He’s talking about states that received their absentee ballots back before they sent them out, and all kinds of weird stuff. Somebody take this man away in a strait jacket.

If you get a chance, go over to Fox News (the only time you’ll hear me recommend that) and listen to his demented address to the protest crowd. He sounds like Hitler leading a Nuremberg rally. He’s yelling, running through a laundry list of grievances and conspiracies, calling anyone who opposes him stupid, claiming he will be victorious, and in general sounding like a tyrant who is losing his marbles. It may (and should) go down as the most infamous address of his career.

He’s talking about states that received their absentee ballots back before they sent them out, and all kinds of weird stuff. Somebody take this man away in a strait jacket.
Funny, the electoral votes of Alabama didn’t get challenged. I wonder who they voted for? So, they just want to make it abundantly clear: they are only going to challenge electoral votes in states they lost, because those are the only places with fraud? And they didn’t challenge House or Senate races that went FOR republicans in states won by Biden either. Seems like they really are doing this based on evidence and principle, and not purely political reasons at all, hmm?
Watching McConnell address the chamber now on C-SPAN2. He’s arguing against Trump and the GOP objectors...and you can hear the nervousness in his voice.
His speech is conciliatory to the Dems - if the GA result had been different, would he have a different speech? He knows he is a minority now.