Millions will be dangerously shocked when Biden gets sworn in

Funny how the senators fearing for their lives suddenly don’t support the terrorists anymore...? Those traitors fomented this attempted revolution, and now they are face-to-face with the violence they created.
CNN has a photo of some maskless jackass sitting in Nancy Pelosi's chair at her desk.

They're wondering when Congress will be able to reconvene. The thought occurs to me that many areas will need to be scrubbed before that happens.

I daresay that they hope that if they can prevent Congress from reconvening that Mr Biden - legally, formally, correctly, - cannot be confirmed as Pesident-elect and the incoming President.
MAGA must be declared a terrorist organization.

(But by all means let’s worry about Antifa.)
I was just thinking the other day that it’s been said off the record for quite some time that Republican politicians are scared of Trump’s supporters. They don’t go into more detail than that so they can probably just say they are scared of losing the votes, but I think it can be said they are actually scared of the potential violence against them as such threats have been made and arrests have even been made over plans of such.

Antifa. Credited with violence but I haven’t heard one politician even suggest they are physically afraid of them or that they should be.
Am reading - reported by the Guardian, quoting the Washington Post - that the Defence Dept (under the recenty appointed acting secretary, Christopher Miller, who was appointed to replace Mark Esper, who had been fired by Mr Trump) has just denied a request from the DC officials to deploy the National Guard to the US Capitol.

What is even more interesting is that the White House - and Mr Trump - appear (belatedly) to have approved the deployment of the National Guard to the Capitol, but - and this is important, or, of relevance - not, note, before the Governor of Virginia (Dem) and the Governor of Maryland (Rep) had both offered to deploy - or place - their respective forces of National Guard - at the disposal of the authorities and officials in Washington.
Funny how the senators fearing for their lives suddenly don’t support the terrorists anymore...? Those traitors fomented this attempted revolution, and now they are face-to-face with the violence they created.

Yeah Marco Rubio was running his mouth about how this is 3rd world stuff looks like Venezuela. He's between a rock and a hard place in Florida, wanting to run in 2024, probably needing moderate Republicans but also needing Trump voters. Senator Rubio had resisted saying formally whether he'd object to any state's election results in today's now disrupted session of Congress.

But now he suddenly thinks the protestors, who are Trump supporters (and let's face it, some are also or only anarchists) are 3rd world types. OK Marco.
Trump has been yelling fire in a crowded theater almost non stop for 2 months now and close to nobody has done a goddamn thing about it.

There needs to be a Nuremberg size trial from this for Trump and all his enablers including those in the news media. Free speech doesn’t cover this.
Yeah Marco Rubio was running his mouth about how this is 3rd world stuff looks like Venezuela. He's between a rock and a hard place in Florida, wanting to run in 2024, probably needing moderate Republicans but also needing Trump voters. Senator Rubio had resisted saying formally whether he'd object to any state's election results in today's now disrupted session of Congress.

But now he suddenly thinks the protestors, who are Trump supporters (and let's face it, some are also or only anarchists) are 3rd world types. OK Marco.

Anybody who needs Trump voters should be automatically disqualified from running for office. That’s not a rock and a hard place. Either you believe in democracy or you believe in authoritarianism, and there’s no blending of the two.
Did you hear Trump's speech? He had to be talked into recording a video, and when he did he urged people to go home, but he couldn't resist the urge to also tell them what a terrible, terrible day this is for our country because the election has been "stolen" from him.


Biden's speech, by comparison, was classy and presidential.
What is even more interesting is that the White House - and Mr Trump - appear (belatedly) to have approved the deployment of the National Guard to the Capitol, but - and this is important, or, of relevance - not, note, before the Governor of Virginia (Dem) and the Governor of Maryland (Rep) had both offered to deploy - or place - their respective forces of National Guard - at the disposal of the authorities and officials in Washington.

Once again showing that with THIS administration, you have to count on the states to get shit done.
CNN is reporting on how shockingly low the security was for this and how tolerant the police were compared to BLM protests. Glad a major news source is reporting this.

Still waiting for the details on the woman who got shot. If it was by police I can't wait to hear the responses from ultra-police supporting Trump supporters. I'm sure "just doing their job" will suddenly disappear from their vocabulary.

Once again showing that with THIS administration, you have to count on the states to get shit done.

OK but to be fair here all the former DoD guys had written to Trump's new guy over there that the military should not get involved in an election results determination at the behest of the commander in chief, who is the sitting president. So DoD declined to send out the guards. So then the Mayor of DC asked governor of a state, Virginia, to give a hand and send in their guard. This is a customary kind of request when a muncipality's political leader or a state's governor needs help to maintain order.
OK but to be fair here all the former DoD guys had written to Trump's new guy over there that the military should not get involved in an election results determination at the behest of the commander in chief, who is the sitting president. So DoD declined to send out the guards. So then the Mayor of DC asked governor of a state, Virginia, to give a hand and send in their guard. This is a customary kind of request when a muncipality's political leader or a state's governor needs help to maintain order.
DoD declined when asked by Pelosi. Apparently when the mayor of DC asked, they mobilized. Must be a chain of command thing.
Anybody who needs Trump voters should be automatically disqualified from running for office. That’s not a rock and a hard place. Either you believe in democracy or you believe in authoritarianism, and there’s no blending of the two.

That's not how the Rs who are trying to thread this needle for months or years now with Donald Trump and his supporters are going to try to keep threading it.

They don't seem to realize that the way to break free of needing a nonexistent voter base bigger than the one they can currently keep on board is to switch parties or create one with a platform that can attract more voters.
DoD declined when asked by Pelosi. Apparently when the mayor of DC asked, they mobilized. Must be a chain of command thing.

Yeah because Pelosi is part of the federal government and it is about the election results... so it feels to DoD like too close to same problem as if Trump said just do it. DC is run by the mayor so she's free to request help from a state's governor.
Yeah because Pelosi is part of the federal government and it is about the election results... so it feels to DoD like too close to same problem as if Trump said just do it. DC is run by the mayor so she's free to request help from a state's governor.
The mayor mobilized the DC guard... her jurisdiction I believe.
Okay, and when this is over--and it may take quite a while--what are the next two weeks and beyond going to be like? Does this die down? I wouldn't bet on it. In fact, I expect either extremely intense security for Biden's inauguration, or maybe even the inauguration taking place at some undisclosed location.