Mitch McConnell stepping down as Republican leader


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Mitch stepping down as senate republican leader in November.

Looks like he made it just long enough to see his party morphing into a bizarre cult. Hopefully Trump further decimates the party to give Mitch a nice parting gift.


Chew Toy McCoy

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Mitch stepping down as senate republican leader in November.

Looks like he made it just long enough to see his party morphing into a bizarre cult. Hopefully Trump further decimates the party to give Mitch a nice parting gift.

It pisses me off these assholes are going to get off the hook. They are 100% complicit in creating the monster but as soon as it turns on them they attempt to leave with an air of respectability. The decades of fear-mongering, propaganda including bullshit trickle-down economics, and obstructing everything that doesn’t help the rich all made Trump look like an attractive alternative for the right. Then tired of being lied to by politicians they believe Trump’s even bigger lies because he’s “an outsider” and they clearly have a lie addiction. Now toss in violence as a possible solution to everything they disagree with.

Just as insulting, compared to MAGA those who birthed the movement through their long-term actions and inactions seem respectable and dignified. So I guess we’re all supposed to forget they got us here. Fuck that.


Mama's lil stinker
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Mitch stepping down as senate republican leader in November.

Looks like he made it just long enough to see his party morphing into a bizarre cult. Hopefully Trump further decimates the party to give Mitch a nice parting gift.

My .02 is that he's one of the last holdouts from what Republicans once were. Yes, he was on the other side of issues most of us support but he was never a full on MAGA nut, the party as a whole has been upended by Trump and it's a shame.

Chew Toy McCoy

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My .02 is that he's one of the last holdouts from what Republicans once were. Yes, he was on the other side of issues most of us support but he was never a full on MAGA nut, the party as a whole has been upended by Trump and it's a shame.

My argument is without decades of Mitch and others we wouldn’t have MAGA. They didn’t just wake up in 2016 and decide to be racist assholes. They were created over decades by design. Trump just allowed them to be their true selves publicly.

The collective Republicans’ long game actions is like getting a medication with a long list of “side effects might include” and then every single one of those side effects happens.


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Mitch deserves for his long senate career and tenure as republican leader to be remembered as an afterthought. "Trump enabler" is what he will be most remembered for. It's not like Mitch wasn't given a half-dozen chances to not be remembered that way.

Mitch was in the news this week, as it was rumored Trump's people were courting him for an endorsement.

Mitch probably saw what was happening with his party and decided it was time to get out. I doubt his age was the motivating factor for him to make this announcement now.

If the country is worse off without McConnell leading the party, its more a condemnation of the party than it is a compliment towards Moscow Mitch.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Mitch probably saw what was happening with his party and decided it was time to get out. I doubt his age was the motivating factor for him to make this announcement now.

If the country is worse off without McConnell leading the party, its more a condemnation of the party than it is a compliment towards Moscow Mitch.

Even the Koch brothers (1 down and 1 to go) are horrified that the end result of their lifetime project is Trump and his supporters. Congratulations, assholes, you broke the country. Take a bow.


Mama's lil stinker
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Mitch deserves for his long senate career and tenure as republican leader to be remembered as an afterthought. "Trump enabler" is what he will be most remembered for. It's not like Mitch wasn't given a half-dozen chances to not be remembered that way.

Mitch was in the news this week, as it was rumored Trump's people were courting him for an endorsement.

Mitch probably saw what was happening with his party and decided it was time to get out. I doubt his age was the motivating factor for him to make this announcement now.

If the country is worse off without McConnell leading the party, its more a condemnation of the party than it is a compliment towards Moscow Mitch.
I think we have to consider much of Trump's agenda falls inline with Republicans, so it makes sense that they'll vote his way 99% of the time, especially when it comes to the SCOTUS. That said, he did publicly denounce him when it came to the insurrection and didn't partake in a lot of the ensuing bullshit that many of the others did.

In a nutshell I don't blame Republicans for voting their beliefs (as Democrats do the same), especially when they are not part of the extremist wing. All in all he served the constituents who democratically voted for him over and over again, regardless of our disagreements on the issues and it's hard to blame him for that. I hope he has a happy retirement. (ducks for cover now).


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I think we have to consider much of Trump's agenda falls inline with Republicans, so it makes sense that they'll vote his way 99% of the time, especially when it comes to the SCOTUS. That said, he did publicly denounce him when it came to the insurrection and didn't partake in a lot of the ensuing bullshit that many of the others did.

In a nutshell I don't blame Republicans for voting their beliefs (as Democrats do the same), especially when they are not part of the extremist wing. All in all he served the constituents who democratically voted for him over and over again, regardless of our disagreements on the issues and it's hard to blame him for that. I hope he has a happy retirement. (ducks for cover now).
I think you’re treating him too kindly. He could have convinced enough R Senators to convict Trump, but he chose to pass the buck. I hope he’s miserable thinking about it the rest of his life.


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I think we have to consider much of Trump's agenda falls inline with Republicans, so it makes sense that they'll vote his way 99% of the time, especially when it comes to the SCOTUS. That said, he did publicly denounce him when it came to the insurrection and didn't partake in a lot of the ensuing bullshit that many of the others did.

In a nutshell I don't blame Republicans for voting their beliefs (as Democrats do the same), especially when they are not part of the extremist wing. All in all he served the constituents who democratically voted for him over and over again, regardless of our disagreements on the issues and it's hard to blame him for that. I hope he has a happy retirement. (ducks for cover now).

True, but he also helped break Washington in part with stunts like refusing Garland a vote for Supreme Court justice. McConnell did involve himself in a lot of the BS until it became too much. He was also someone who made it clear he thought a tan suit disrespected the office of the presidency.

McConnell started off as a socially progressive conservative, someone who was big on voting rights and equality. Not sure what happened, but I don't care either, he deserves to have his career summed up as a Trump enabler. Nothing personal, I'm sure he's a decent man - but every republican who has been directly or passively implicit in the rise of Trump deserves to watch him destroy their careers and reputations.


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Why is he waiting so long to step down? And why doesn’t he just retire rather than just stepping down from leadership?

Chew Toy McCoy

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(ducks for cover now).

Thanks for the setup ;)

Nobody in office is more responsible for the current Supreme Court and their decisions than Mitch. Serving his constituents is laughable. Kentucky ranks among the lowest state on every metric but in the south the race to the bottom seems to be attractive to voters. More than anything, he served the greater conservative project that has brought authoritarianism to our doorsteps. We’re supposed to overlook all that just because he is more polite and selective in his wording than MAGA?


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
My argument is without decades of Mitch and others we wouldn’t have MAGA. They didn’t just wake up in 2016 and decide to be racist assholes. They were created over decades by design. Trump just allowed them to be their true selves publicly.

The collective Republicans’ long game actions is like getting a medication with a long list of “side effects might include” and then every single one of those side effects happens.
Basically you are inditing the species. The outcome is the culmination of the whole. When the country implodes, you might hear “but it was such a good country”, but not good enough. Ask the minorities. Ask the citizens who are adversely being affected by having their civil rights stripped. Ask those who sat by because they were mostly unaffected, maybe until now. We will be judged as the whole, not as the good individuals who tried and are still trying to right the boat, if we fail in the end.

Clarification, this is not a sermon I am preaching to counter or critique your post, just an observation. There is a long trend here. In small group survival situations we may act for the good of the whole because the stakes are so apparent. But in any larger group and in some percentage of us, mostly the smart ones who have the opportunity and are in the position to take advantage, this is what we often see. Oh, and you also need a lot of sheep willing to be oblivious, or herded and sheared. That’s humanity in a nutshell. 🤔

In a condensed history, The World According to Huntn, the group that represents the Republicans has never been for the working class. Usually I finger Reagan in the 80s, and slimy Newt Gingrich in the 90s as the start of the Republican party disintegrating. This is where the GOP had reached a point of lessened popularity, of turning to outright lies, manipulation, mischaracterization, hypocrisy, and double standards in an effort to hold onto power. And as they started to lose their grip, their devotion towards the standards upon which the Nation was founded, started disintegrating with them as they move on to fascism as the solution.

In the post WWII environment, first economic boom, and then slowly sliding backwards, capitalism holds no patriotism. And as the huge middle-class from the 50s started to dwindle, to what it is today, you have a group of dissatisfied citizens, struggling paycheck, to paycheck, wondering how they pay their medical bills or their rent who might normally be classified as blue-collar, and unhappy with the inability of liberals to keep their good paying jobs for them.

Then comes along the genius of the corrupt, millionaire, sociopath, Lil’Donny and MAGA who appeals directly to the disaffected (and the disaffected racists) with his latest con job about how he cares for them and will make America great again. Ha ha. 😡 We’d be kidding ourselves if we didn’t think that racism, and white privilege does not play a big part in this movement.

Capitalism will never do it for the majority without hard-core regulations design to prevent gluttony, the unhealthy accumulation of wealth. I’d regulate out of existence, both billionaires and multimillionaires. How much money do you need to live a good life? Do we have it in us? Let’s see if we can first avoid imploding. 🤔
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