Mob storms Capitol

I’ll leave your interesting choice of comparisons to you.
However my statement includes any cause. It’s blame avoidance 101.
It's actually a fact, your statements are vague and leave most people scratching their heads. Instead of blaming others for reading things into your posts, maybe just make a clear point.
It's actually a fact, your statements are vague and leave most people scratching their heads. Instead of blaming others for reading things into your posts, maybe just make a clear point.
That would ruin the fun of baiting people into pointless arguments.

But I'll respond to you. Per wikipedia there were 27 deaths (all cause) linked to BLM protests.
Now this may seem like a very high number...but the BLM protests on their June 6 peak involved 500,000 people in 550 locations. Even the most reserved estimates place the number of total people protesting over the summer to 15,000,000.

Now...if we look at DC for some geographic matching. The June 1 BLM protest at the Capitol led to 287 arrests. ZERO deaths!
This week's Stupid Revolution involved let's say 1000 Trumpists. Same day arrests: 52. Deaths: 5.

So no. Fuck those who try to draw some false equivalency here.
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Cache issues making for the LOLs ... ;D

It's actually a fact, your statements are vague and leave most people scratching their heads. Instead of blaming others for reading things into your posts, maybe just make a clear point.
I was clear. Your reply demonstrates your frame of mind Matt.
Alright. THis needs to end...
Back to the topic at hand then :cool:

This is a truly unique situation, historic in fact. Comparing it to “protests” in general is absurd.
In fact, many of those involved never even pretended that they sought a peaceful solution. They openly called for a violent overthrow. The online chatter was about a civil war, and some of the terrorists even donned civil war shirts they made for the event. So, no, not EVERY ”protest/riot/rout” claims to be peaceful. The dangers of generalization.
Back to the topic at hand then :cool:

This is a truly unique situation, historic in fact. Comparing it to “protests” in general is absurd.
In fact, many of those involved never even pretended that they sought a peaceful solution. They openly called for a violent overthrow. The online chatter was about a civil war, and some of the terrorists even donned civil war shirts they made for the event. So, no, not EVERY ”protest/riot/rout” claims to be peaceful. The dangers of generalization.
The other issue is the BLM protests emerged exactly BECAUSE of this differential approach to certain people by the police.
So this week's events were a glaring confirmation of why BLM exists and in my books totally legitimized BLM rather than the opposite.

The other mega-irony is people denying the existence of implicit bias, but aim to emphasize the ambiguity of explicit bias (racism) here. Fuck that.:)

Here's the poster child of this shit:

"Arbeit macht frei" (this was written on the gate of Auschwitz). I can't name anything that angers me more than these three words.

The giga-irony is that GOP politicians are now harassed by the same monster they've been in bed with for some transient political gains in exchange.
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What's ironic is that this shit stole the thunder away from the Georgia victory, but honestly. The Georgia victory was much more surprising than Capitol's Stupid Revolution.

This is not ironic; rather, this is entirely deliberate.

By egging on the crowd, (apart from triggering a possible coup), Mr Trump hoped to engineer, to orchestrate, to divert (public and media) attention away from the fact that he, and by extension the GOP, had lost control of the Senate, and onto the unfoldng (and manipulated) dramas in and around the Capitol.

I have absolutely no doubt that he has in mind to pull some mad stunt on inauguration day, as he will not be able to stomach the idea of Mr Biden being the centre of atention.

After all, it has to be all about him.
That's Eric, lay off the booze ...


That's Eric drunky ...

The other issue is the BLM protests emerged exactly BECAUSE of this differential approach to certain people by the police.
So this week's events were a glaring confirmation of why BLM exists and in my books totally legitimized BLM rather than the opposite.

The other mega-irony is people denying the existence of implicit bias, but aim to emphasize the ambiguity of explicit bias (racism) here. Fuck that.:)

Here's the poster child of this shit:
View attachment 2533
"Arbeit macht frei" (this was written on the gate of Auschwitz). I can't name anything that angers me more than these three words.

The giga-irony is that GOP politicians are now harassed by the same monster they've been in bed with for some transient political gains in exchange.

I saw another POS that was photographed a few times had a '6MWNE' which apparently means 6 Million Was Not Enough ...

JFC. AG? You still want to take some "middle ground" on anything Drump related?
This is not ironic; rather, this is entirely deliberate.

By egging on the crowd, (apart from triggering a possible coup), Mr Trump hoped to engineer, to orchestrate, to divert (public and media) attention away from the fact that he, and by extension the GOP, had lost control of the Senate, and onto the unfoldng (and manipulated) dramas in and around the Capitol.

I have absolutely no doubt that he has in mind to pull some mad stunt on inauguration day, as he will not be able to stomach the idea of Mr Biden being the centre of atention.

After all, it has to be all about him.
I meant that the irony is that to me the Stupid Revolution was totally expected, but the Georgia win wasn't.
can't name anything that angers me more than these three words.

Well the speech and the non-renunciation "apology" by newly elected Illinois congressperson Mary Miller got to me.

Rep. Miller said to a rally that Hitler "got one thing right" and then expounded on how you have to reach the children and instill noble values and yada yada. When confronted, not least by some other members of Congress, Rep. Miller made a politician's textbook pro forma walkback but without renouncing Hitler by name, i.e., sorry if you were offended yada yada and indicated deep love for Israel and then repeated some of what she had said originally about instilling values in children

Here is an account of the speech.

Miller, from Oakland, a small town in southeast Illinois, spoke at the “Moms for America Saving the Republic” rally outside the Capitol on Tuesday.

Miller earlier announced she was joining with other Republicans in objecting to Congress certifying the election of Joe Biden, who beat President Donald Trump in the popular and electoral votes.

At the rally, Miller, said, “Each generation has the responsibility to teach the next generation. You know, if we win a few elections we’re still going to be losing unless we win the hearts of our children. It’s the battle. Hitler was right on one thing that whoever has the youth has the future. Our children are being propagandized.”

Here is an account of her walkback

“Earlier this week, I spoke to a group of mothers about the importance of faith and guarding our youth from destructive influences. I sincerely apologize for any harm my words caused and regret using a reference to one of the most evil dictators in history to illustrate the dangers that outside influences can have on our youth.

“This dark history should never be repeated and parents should be proactive to instill what is good, true, right, and noble into their children’s hearts and minds. While some are trying to intentionally twist my words to mean something antithetical to my beliefs, let me be clear: I’m passionately pro-Israel and I will always be a strong advocate and ally of the Jewish community. I’ve been in discussion with Jewish leaders across the country and am grateful to them for their kindness and forthrightness.”

Yeah so you decide. Another account of both sets of remarks is below.

Well the speech and the non-renunciation "apology" by newly elected Illinois congressperson Mary Miller got to me.

Rep. Miller said to a rally that Hitler "got one thing right" and then expounded on how you have to reach the children and instill noble values and yada yada. When confronted, not least by some other members of Congress, Rep. Miller made a politician's textbook pro forma walkback but without renouncing Hitler by name, i.e., sorry if you were offended yada yada and indicated deep love for Israel and then repeated some of what she had said originally about instilling values in children

Here is an account of the speech.

Here is an account of her walkback

Yeah so you decide. Another account of both sets of remarks is below.

I really need a 🤦‍♂️ response emoji's for stuff like that.
Didn't see this coming but if Schilling does want to make the Hall of Fame he's doin' it wrong. No surprise really.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347400835458854914/