Mob storms Capitol

Surely even those at the top of the GOP - and the letter from the ten former Defence Secretaries should serve as ample warning, every bit as much as the events of Wednesday - can see that Mr Trump cannot be - and should not be - trusted with the nuclear codes at the moment, as the humiliation of having to accept the consequencs of his defeat, along with his stratospheric narcissm - will cause him to lash out and start some fresh conflagration?a

Sure, but as @despondentdiver has written, there is some legal inability (on paper at least, i.e. chain of command) to deal with a rogue or wacko president on certain issues and in certain circumstances. It's a problem. It gets addressed "somehow" when impairment or unavailability of a president occurs. And that's the problem !!

Assorted things happened (or not) on Nixon's watch that didn't rise to a nukes codes level of alarm, but which occurred at the hands of other than the president --when only the president could constitutionally do whatever it was-- because Nixon was too impaired by alcohol from time to time, or so that was what the officials were said to have claimed later on. Schlesinger, Al Haig, Kissinger...

A shop the size of the US government does get run, no matter who's out sick. It's when the sign says OPEN but no one answers the phone, you worry, because whatever else is going on, it doesn't mean the shop is closed.

And that is what made Schumer and Pelosi nuts the other night when they could not reach Pence for awhile.
Look these guys in the GOP got on this critter and rode it to stay in power. It didn't work and now they can't safely dismount, and more of them are starting to see that. Duh...

The problem for the rest of us that we're on the critter too.
Facebook is banning insurrectionists like Brandon Straka... included in this tweet was the best response I saw to his complaint:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347614244091666440/

EDIT: Wasn’t AppleOC Straka’s biggest fan with a 50-page thread of these “walk away” videos? I guess the final “walk away” video was all the terrorists being calmly ushered out of the Capitol instead of herded into police vans.
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But - and it is mindboggling, simply insane that I am even writing such a sentence - his character is such that he does not accept limits, constraints on his actions, humiliation, or accepting his new status as a "loser", and so, is capable of anything, will lash out, to cause mayham and destruction, to punish the world, (especially the US) for daring to reject him at the polls.

It is not enough for the Brahmins of the GOP to mutter - privately - about long spoons for supping with moral monsters, or Faustian pacts - this lunatic is dangerous, and cannot be allowed to further damage his country and the world in the period of just under a fortnight before Mr Biden is inaugurated.

If they won't impeach him, or invoke Art 25, they do have a responsibility to see that he is not permitted to do any more harm to his counry or the wider world.
You certainly must be distressed. In all the years I’ve read you, I can’t recall any typo... until now.
(Granted, most of the words you use are new to me so I wouldn’t recognise a typo anyway :ROFLMAO:)
Facebook is banning insurrectionists like Brandon Straka... included in this tweet was the best response I saw to his complaint:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347614244091666440/

EDIT: Wasn’t AppleOC Straka’s biggest fan with a 50-page thread of these “walk away” videos? I guess the final “walk away” video was all the terrorists being calmly ushered out of the Capitol instead of herded into police vans.
It’s funny how all of a sudden Zuckerberg is feeling the heat and finally being proactive in banning extremists...
You certainly must be distressed. In all the years I’ve read you, I can’t recall any typo... until now.
(Granted, most of the words you use are new to me so I wouldn’t recognise a typo anyway :ROFLMAO:)

It’s funny how all of a sudden Zuckerberg is feeling the heat and finally being proactive in banning extremists...

What I don't get is Facebook bans Trump's page until at least he's out of office but Twitter didn't do the same. I didn't even know Trump had a Facebook page because you never hear about it. Meanwhile half the total data of the entire internet would be wiped if you just removed references to Trump's Tweets. It's like today punishing a kid by sending them to their room. You mean that room where their TV, computer, tablet, phone, and game console is? What a brutal punishment.
This whole thing has been bothering me for obvious reasons and other reasons, but it finally clicked with me what really annoys me.

It's one line in this video

No one got zip tied early on, the police were unprepared.

Who had zip ties though?

The "protestors".

What the fuck for?!

Tell me there isn't a stark raving difference in approach. With no notice, they can rally the troops to teargas people for a church photo op to hold a bible poorly. With almost a month notice, they get overwhelmed by THIS crowd, a crowd that a has a fetish for military LARPing.

Wow, I've never seen a **** yelling at a ****.

Provide your own in-head solutions for **** :D

I was waiting for the part where they wanted to show him their pockets full of evidence but he refused to look at it. I blame a biased court system loaded with appointed conservative judges who lied about being conservative. Traitors to unproven biased allegations authored by a guy in his mom's basement. The rise of the ignorant will be televised.
There is of course lots of a angry far fright victims upset about these things. Their voices aren’t being heard. It’s all a conspiracy by the left to silence them etc. These poor snowflakes live everyday in fear and im prayer for trump. What an existence.

Yeah in that video in the tweet I put up, there's that one women chanting AUDIT OUR VOTE over and over... it's beyond politics and personal... for the first time it struck me that some of his followers really are in it at a cult level, and when a cult starts to collapse under real or perceived pressure on its leader, it's perceived as a collapse of the self. Gonna be messy out there for awhile. Damn Trump for leading these vulnerable people on like this, they don't know what the hell to do now except rant and threaten to burn everything down just like he has been demonstrating. And the weird thing is Trump doesn't know what to do either. Only people really sure what to do are opportunists like Cruz and Hawley and all the invisible agenda artists ready to pick up a lost flock of sheep. Appeal to them and act strong and cocksure of the next step to great success...
With almost a month notice, they get overwhelmed by THIS crowd, a crowd that a has a fetish for military LARPing.


I saw an MSNBC interview with a security expert or something like that which would be funny if the result wasn't so scary. She said these plans being made well in advance weren't on the deep web or something like that. They were plastered all over on easily viewable social media platforms.

What really bothers me is smaller incidents like this have been happening all over the country but it wasn't until it hit the halls of our precious do nothing Congress that now shit got real? I don't know if I could think of a more blatant example of how far removed the hive mind of Congress is from the common citizen.
Trump doesn't know what to do either.

Trump and his family need to given the Romanovs exit. It would be his last fitting homage to Putin. Then Trump's supporters can busy themselves with conspiracy theories about surviving family members. Everybody wins.
Really good article (IMHO) in Politico concerning the Capitol police. A couple takeaways: The Capitol police have a $460 million budget, 2,000 officers, and they only need to protect 270 acres. They have their own intelligence service that is part of the national anti-terrorism task force. There is ZERO excuse for their failure; it was obvious that something like this was likely to happen.
