Mob storms Capitol

At some point, someone has to start pointing out the irony in the term in white supremacist for some...

MARYLAND (WJZ/CBS NEWS) — A self-professed white supremacist from Maryland was arrested Sunday after his GPS monitor placed him at the US Capitol during the riots on January 6, CBS News reports.

According to a federal affidavit, Bryan Betancur has made statements to law enforcement officers that he is a member of several white supremacy organizations and has voiced “homicidal ideations, made comments about conducting a school shooting and has researched mass shootings".

His parole officer told the FBI that he claimed to have been inside the Capitol with the rioters on January 6. He also said he was tear gassed and was paranoid about the FBI watching him.

Betancur was on probation, and when he asked for permission to go to DC to sell bibles with an organization called Gideon International, the request was granted.

He had gotten permission previously to go to DC with this group. Betancur had originally asked to be allowed to go in December 2020 and then reiterated his request on January 4. That request was approved. Under the terms of his probation, parole and probation agents use an online software to monitor travel and make sure they are following court-ordered curfews.

Based on a screenshot from the software, Betancur appeared to have gone in the direction of the White House Ellipse before moving east to the area around the west front of the U.S. Capitol building, the affidavit says.
Yeah... :rolleyes:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1349876874327982080/

Once again, the party of 'personal responsibility' showing everyone how it's done when it's their time to take responsibility for their shit.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352830802879524864/


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352969342082834433/
Once again, the party of 'personal responsibility' showing everyone how it's done when it's their time to take responsibility for their shit.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352830802879524864/


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352969342082834433/

McCarthy should resign.

I'm starting to feel like I need a template and a shortcut to type it so all I have to do is plug in a name.
McCarthy should resign.

I'm starting to feel like I need a template and a shortcut to type it so all I have to do is plug in a name.
When was the last time any of these guys resigned? (I.e. taken personal responsibilitah!!!)

Edit: it's actually data very difficult to find beyond senate.
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When was the last time any of these guys resigned? (I.e. taken personal responsibilitah!!!)

Edit: it's actually data very difficult to find beyond senate.

Some House members have resigned after being indicted, or sometimes only after being convicted, of assorted offenses, including campaign finance violations etc. Trump pardoned a few, as he's apparently not big on people getting punished for grifting anyway.

Trump vowed to drain the swamp. Then he granted clemency to three former congressmen convicted of federal crimes.

Trump pardoned former congressmen Duncan D. Hunter (R-Calif.), who pleaded guilty to misuse of campaign funds, and Chris Collins (R-N.Y.), who was in prison after being convicted of securities fraud. The president commuted the sentence of former congressman Steve Stockman (R-Tex.), who was convicted of misusing charitable contributions. Hunter and Collins were early and avid supporters of Trump’s campaign.

Among Trump's last batch of pardons was one for a former congressman from Arizona, Rick Renzi.

Renzi was convicted in 2013 of extortion, bribery, insurance fraud, money laundering and racketeering for using money from clients of his insurance agency to fund his campaign and for trading his vote on a proposed mine in exchange for a land deal. James Sandlin, a former business partner of Renzi’s, was convicted with Renzi on public corruption charges in the deal.
“Everybody across this country has some responsibility” for the Jan. 6 insurrection?

Hell no. That’s infuriating! I am so sick of the GOP trying to palm off responsibility for their outrages on someone else.

They cultivated a fear of “socialism”, human rights, progress, science and facts.

They cultivated the demonization of Hillary and other Democrats.

They cultivated the normalization of racism during Obama’s two terms.

They nominated a mentally disturbed maniac named Donald J. Trump to represent their party.

They voted for him despite knowing what he was.

They made excuses for him for his entire four years in office.

They looked the other way as Trump encouraged fascist right wing radicalism.

They never said a word as their Don tried to overturn a fair election.

And now they want to spread the blame around for an insurrection? An attempt to kill elected officials and take over the government?

McCarthy is among the lowest of the low. The man is a slime. 😡
Yeah Faux & friends, keep trying to convince me I should care about this :poop: stain's feelings.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1353113508674760704/
Yeah Faux & friends, keep trying to convince me I should care about this :poop: stain's feelings.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1353113508674760704/
34 years old, stormin’ capitols, tweetin’ ‘bout sassinatin’ non-white congresswomen and livin’ large in the great state of Texas.

I‘m guessing our hero Garrett will rapidly seek out the white power faction among his prison neighbors. New tattoos and hairdo imminent.
Well, gee she only tried to sell a US gov't officials laptop to Russians. What did you think would happen if you sent her home instead of prison like you would anyone else suspected of stealing something? If the system & justice were at least equal if not colorblind, her ass would be locked up, and at best trying to use AOL dial up.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1353818587262144517/

👇 Recognize
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1354069982410375169/