Mob storms Capitol

For people that love social media so much, they sure forget about it when it comes back to haunt them
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1353835735237812224/

Boebert has such a fetish about collecting support from extreme fans of the 2A that she hasn't seemed to think there's any sort of line on First Amendment protection of either her speech or in some cases her assembly with others known to step over the line.

n May, when armed militia members entered the Michigan Capitol over COVID-19 orders, Boebert tweeted that Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “should not be in power,” and that “she’s become an outright tyrant.”

Last month, Boebert said in an interview with Breitbart News that “the Second Amendment isn’t about hunting, except hunting tyrants, maybe.”

In September, Boebert appeared at an event to accept the endorsement of the Gun Owners of America, a far-right gun group whose founder peddled the conspiracy theory that the Aurora theatre shooting was a false flag attack orchestrated by the federal government

She also appeared at a private fundraiser hosted by Sandy Hook conspiracist Tom Ready.

One would think she'd have lost a lot of sane Colorado parents as prospective voters right around the time she met up with any conspiracy theorists spinning lies about what happened either at the Aurora or Sandy Hook shootings.

Maybe by now more of those who did vote for her are having second thoughts about having delegated their voice in Congress to Lauren Boebert. She seems inordinately fond of risk taking, even before getting down to her consideration of national or Coloradans' interests in US legislation.

They believe that a secret 1871 act eliminated the government of the Sainted Founders, replacing it with USA Inc. and have filed a motion in court to enjoin Joe the President from signing any more Executive Orders.

We need to build more Funny Farms.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1354301629814738944/

This is not counting claims surfacing that a meeting did happen on the 5th.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1354300613350236160/
Still sounds like the stuff of conspiracy theories, but as this bunch has already shown it may not be. They really were that desperate & stupid.
Remember that conspiracy stuff I was mentioning, that Tuberville denies being involved in...?

Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville through a spokeswoman Tuesday denied meeting with the then-director of the Republican Attorneys General Association and others inside Trump’s private residence at the Trump International Hotel on Jan. 5 — on the eve of the deadly U.S. Capitol attack.

But a photo posted to social media appears to show Tuberville in the hotel’s lobby that day, and a company CEO in a separate post describes meeting with Tuberville and others at the hotel that day and discussing “illegal votes.”

Charles W. Herbster, who was then the national chairman of the Agriculture and Rural Advisory Committee in Trump’s administration, in a Facebook post at 8:33 p.m. on Jan. 5 said that he was standing “in the private residence of the President at Trump International with the following patriots who are joining me in a battle for justice and truth.”

Among the attendees, according to Herbster’s post, were Tuberville, former RAGA director Adam Piper, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Trump’s former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, adviser Peter Navarro, Trump’s 2016 campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and 2016 deputy campaign manager David Bossie.

This sounds less like conspiracy theory, and more like investigations are justified.
Some guy wanted to keep the party going by blowing up Democratic Party offices in California...

They found this card among his belongings:

Boebert has such a fetish about collecting support from extreme fans of the 2A that she hasn't seemed to think there's any sort of line on First Amendment protection of either her speech or in some cases her assembly with others known to step over the line.

One would think she'd have lost a lot of sane Colorado parents as prospective voters right around the time she met up with any conspiracy theorists spinning lies about what happened either at the Aurora or Sandy Hook shootings.

Maybe by now more of those who did vote for her are having second thoughts about having delegated their voice in Congress to Lauren Boebert. She seems inordinately fond of risk taking, even before getting down to her consideration of national or Coloradans' interests in US legislation.

Boebert needs to go, followed by Greene, then Cruz, in that order, with exits stacked as closely as possible. I would be happy to see Boebert thrown out in the very near future. Congress has enough of the crazy.

These people aren't very smart.

That is pretty stupid. I imagine some number of them just went along with it though as part of the mob. Otherwise, there are numerous ways these guys could have reduced their chances of being detected in a crowd.

At a very basic level, they could have used burner phones and avoided the use of personally identifiable items. At a more detailed level, disguises might have been a good idea. Decent prosthetics are probably out of scope, but these idiots made themselves quite identifiable. My underlying point is that they did not attempt to really conceal anything. Presumably, had they succeeded, many of them would have been pardoned by Trump.
Boebert needs to go, followed by Greene, then Cruz, in that order, with exits stacked as closely as possible. I would be happy to see Boebert thrown out in the very near future. Congress has enough of the crazy.

That is pretty stupid. I imagine some number of them just went along with it though as part of the mob. Otherwise, there are numerous ways these guys could have reduced their chances of being detected in a crowd.

At a very basic level, they could have used burner phones and avoided the use of personally identifiable items. At a more detailed level, disguises might have been a good idea. Decent prosthetics are probably out of scope, but these idiots made themselves quite identifiable. My underlying point is that they did not attempt to really conceal anything. Presumably, had they succeeded, many of them would have been pardoned by Trump.

Somehow a fair lot of the go-along crowd seemed to latch on to the idea that a "revolution" --as some were calling their participation-- is like a Constitutional fricken OPTION for when you don't like how an election turned out.

(So we've arrived in the USA to the point where I have my rights and anyone with different ideas has bupkis or is not even on my radar at all)

So yeah, then they bragged on their "activism" the way normal people might brag on having helped distribute flyers or take shifts at a voter registration drive at a block party or county fair. Wow.

"I helped try to rob that bank, didn't get much but I was there for it!"

FBI, showing handcuffs: "Great. Here's your participation trophy."
Here, in case you want to punish yourself for 20 minutes, is the interview with

I find her a bit disturbing.
These people aren't very smart.

Guy never made it out of concussion protocol, did he?

NY Times posted an article with audio clips from a chat room of the types who stormed the Capitol...

Good lord these people are bloodthirsty. And how many more are sympathetic to their “cause”, just don’t want to get their own hands dirty?

I swear, it makes me look at my own pro-Trump neighbors differently.

This guy is in a lot of trouble

Do it. Do it. Charge everyone you can with sedition and conspiracy and throw the whole lot of them into Guantanamo.
Charge everyone you can with sedition and conspiracy and throw the whole lot of them into Guantanamo.
Much simpler: let them all go. Order secret CIA rendition. Quietly disappear the terrorists to black sites in Bahrain, Afghanistan, Bolivia, Niger. Never speak of them again.
Much simpler: let them all go. Order secret CIA rendition. Quietly disappear the terrorists to black sites in Bahrain, Afghanistan, Bolivia, Niger. Never speak of them again.


If you preach the rule of law, and the idea of a state governed by the principle of the rule of law, then, it is imperative that you adhere to the rule of law - and be seen to do so - when dealing with such people.

Therefore, your task is to gather evidence (watertight evidence), arrrest them, charge them, convict them, and imprison them.
Much simpler: let them all go. Order secret CIA rendition. Quietly disappear the terrorists to black sites in Bahrain, Afghanistan, Bolivia, Niger. Never speak of them again.
Don't think that when I mentioned Guantanamo, I didn't automatically also think of waterboarding.

But I immediately (albeit reluctantly) rejected the idea, for the reasons Scepticalscribe mentioned.

That doesn't mean I don't want them gone. Yeah, try 'em fairly. Yeah, convict 'em where possible. (It shouldn't be hard.) And then when they get sent to that Cuban hellhole (Blackgate and Belle Reve not being available, nor Arkham for Marjorie Taylor Green), I wanna forget about 'em. I don't ever want them on our shores again.