Mob storms Capitol

Wasn’t sure if I should point out that’s The Onion news satire site. I recently sent my mom their article on Amy Coney Barrett saying she wouldn’t let her Christian values interfere with the supreme court’s tradition of crushing the poor and my mom thought it was a real news article. She knows The Onion but I think a lot of people don’t know it’s still around coupled with the insanity of actual news stories these days.

Have to say if I'd just read a quote from that in Twitter somewhere without the link or reference to the Onion, I'd have rolled eyes and figured "typical" and kept on scrolling.
Wasn’t sure if I should point out that’s The Onion news satire site. I recently sent my mom their article on Amy Coney Barrett saying she wouldn’t let her Christian values interfere with the supreme court’s tradition of crushing the poor and my mom thought it was a real news article. She knows The Onion but I think a lot of people don’t know it’s still around coupled with the insanity of actual news stories these days.
These days it's hard to tell the difference.
Oh, white privilege, you amuse me:

Wow. They're letting her do it. 😲

The judge said ok and the prosecutors "took no position".

This is very interesting

Great read. That also needs to be done in video format cut with Nazi propaganda films and if you want it to help get people out of the cult do it with thoughtful narration. If it’s done in Lincoln Project format it’s just going to be blown off as a hyperbole insult.
LOL. Ya got me with that Onion story. I started reading the article and never noticed the page header.


And sadly, The Onion articles are usually worth reading the whole article compared to actual news. In fact there are several news sites that start with a bullet point list of what’s important in the story. If you want to read the rest of the filler beyond that it’s up to you.
This one they busted in the middle of the night. He had posted that he woldn't come quietly if they came after him for sedition so they'd have to kill him. He is another genius who had bragged online about his exploits, specifically "pushed Congress out of session,." So he faces 20 years for obstructing an official proceeding.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1357548040480038912/

The FBI found three videos posted on Zink’s Facebook account on January 6 that were taken at the U.S. Capitol during the breach.

“We stormed the Capitol. There’s thousands of us here,” Zink said in one of the videos, according to court documents. “They can’t stop us all!”

Zink also stated in a private message that he had been hurt, but that he had “accomplished the job.”

“Broke down the doors [and] pushed Congress out of session,” he said, “I took two flash bangs [sic] I’m okay [and] I’ll be posting pictures in a little bit.”
Lincoln Project,,,, the new duracell bunny.

I wasn't sure about their typecasting at first, but they were spot on with Hawley and Scott, particularly Rick Scott, as no one actually mentions him by name anymore.

Josh Hawley: the little bitch
Rick Scott: American Voldemort
So the update on Sicknick's death is that ME report is still pending. My MR frenemy was eager to downgrade this from homicide already. Now looking into the rumors some say he had a "clot and a stroke" and there wasn't evidence of blunt force trauma. I call bullshit on it. I can come up with 1 single kind of thrombotic/embolic stroke that can kills this fast in the context of adequate medical attention (basilar artery occlusion) and even those patients we consistently managed to keep alive for days (as there's a chance of meaningful recovery beyond the acute phase).

On the other hand it's an interesting development.
