Mob storms Capitol

Call me shoc-

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1480568626939891713/


I really hope the 1/6 committee fully aware of their upcoming expiration date are doing all of this as a roadmap for a reluctant Merrick Garland to follow, so there is some form of acccountability.
Call me shoc-

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1480568626939891713/


I really hope the 1/6 committee fully aware of their upcoming expiration date are doing all of this as a roadmap for a reluctant Merrick Garland to follow, so there is some form of acccountability.
The Republican take on this entire thing is disingenuous. The initial plan was to have a bipartisan commission to study things. They opposed that, and then immediately attacked the commission that WAS formed as a “partisan” exercise... 🤦‍♂️

I have a feeling there are a lot of dirty hands among the GOP Congress.
Or, to reiterate,

As crews cleaned the US Capitol on January 7, 2021 … Rioters were calling "asking whether there was a lost and found because they forgot their phone there, or they left their purse or what have you," Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md. (said).

"(Police) quickly got on the phone and said, yeah, just give us your name, your address, your social, you know, and we'll tie up those loose ends," Raskin said.

… "But what's so fascinating to me about that there really were people who felt as if they had been summoned to Washington by the president. And when they were told that they were trespassing and invading the Capitol, they said the president invited them to be there," he said. "They didn't have any kind of subtle understanding of the separation of powers. They just thought that the number one person in the US government had invited them to be there, and therefore they had a right."

In other words, if they fail to adequately punish CFEFWSG for this, many of us will be very angry.
Something that hasn't gotten it's own thread yet, is the story of Ray Epps.

Who is Ray Epps? That means you aren't a Faux News viewer, or listen to Fled Cruz on his apologia tour.

Still mending fences with right-wing Republicans for calling the Jan. 6 Capitol riot a “terrorist attack,” Sen. Ted Cruz expanded his outreach Tuesday by promoting a conspiracy theory that pins blame for the assault on FBI provocateurs.

“A lot of Americans are concerned that the federal government deliberately encouraged illegal and violent conduct on January 6,” Cruz told a top FBI official at a hearing on domestic extremism. “Did federal agents or those in service of federal agents actively encourage violent and criminal conduct on January 6?”

“Not to my knowledge, sir,” responded Jill Sanborn, executive assistant director of the FBI’s national security branch.

But by then, Cruz had used his platform at the Judiciary Committee hearing to insinuate that a man named Ray Epps — an Arizona rancher and former president of the Arizona Oath Keepers, the largest chapter of a militia group whose members took part in the Capitol attack — had incited violence on orders from unnamed federal officials.

Here's an interesting take, if the Faux News crowd & friends want to pursue this line of diversion

If you build a bomb with the express intent of blowing up whatever, and it is with the encouragement of undercover agents, you are still guilty of building a bomb to blow up whatever. Failing to reject bad ideas is still illegal, whosoever it is that gives you those ideas.
😝 OUCH!!!

I needed a humor break.
Something that hasn't gotten it's own thread yet, is the story of Ray Epps.

Who is Ray Epps? That means you aren't a Faux News viewer, or listen to Fled Cruz on his apologia tour.

Here's an interesting take, if the Faux News crowd & friends want to pursue this line of diversion

What if interesting is that if Epps is guilty of being a guy who suggested the protestors become terrorists, force your way in, why ignore Trump? (As mentioned in the video) Let’s march down there and fight like hell! Others at that rally spoke of “combat” and “We are coming for you!“

One thing Mr Despicable is very accomplished at is not speaking in straight forward terms, and using surrogates to shield himself, while knowing how to express his desires without using direct language like Go bust into the Capitol! Such as when he told the official in Georgia (can’t remember who) I need 10000 votes. This should be be prosecutable, but in Donny’s brain he’d say he asked the election board to just work harder and not miss any votes for him. What is interesting thing about that is it’s not a small number, if you expect someone to manufacture that many ballots for you.

First the far-right loons mocked the fact that nobody was charged with conspiracy or sedition, and now they’re mocking the fact it’s seditious conspiracy or whatever. Which amounts to them saying that if you try to kill someone and are thwarted, you should face no charges.

The only way to charge sedition is via a conspiracy or attempt. If the plot is successful, you think the people who committed the coup will get charged by their installed leader?

I want to see the Justice Department bring their full weight on Donald Trump. It’s tiring only seeing the scum that’s easy to scrape off the top suffer any consequences, while Bannon still has his podcast, Roger Stone still peddles his BS with his shit-eating “I get away with everything” grin, and Trump trots around the country giving his racist and treasonous BS cult rallies.

Then you have the GOP creeps in Congress that McCarthy won’t do anything about. Republicans play the victim and use everything as proof that democrats are corrupt, so I say give them something substantial to whine about.
Here’s what I don’t get about Republican voters who aren’t cult members but also think 1/6 was no big deal. Republican voters tend to be slippery slope obstructionists. While they may not have issue with the current legislation on the table, they are 5 steps ahead mentally on what they think its going to lead to that they definitely don’t agree with. Yet they see no slippery slope ahead if nobody in a leadership position is held accountable for 1/6. There’s probably even members of the cult loyalists who think the prison sentences of the street patriots are no big deal as they were fighting for the greater good. It’s a badge of honor. There’s close to zero deterrent here for all involved and a big incentive to just hit back harder next time votes don’t win in their direction.
Here’s what I don’t get about Republican voters who aren’t cult members but also think 1/6 was no big deal.
They have joined the cult then. A number of Republicans, most notably Liz Cheney, remain conservative, but strongly condemn 1/6 and want to get to the bottom of it.
Here’s what I don’t get about Republican voters who aren’t cult members but also think 1/6 was no big deal. Republican voters tend to be slippery slope obstructionists. While they may not have issue with the current legislation on the table, they are 5 steps ahead mentally on what they think its going to lead to that they definitely don’t agree with. Yet they see no slippery slope ahead if nobody in a leadership position is held accountable for 1/6. There’s probably even members of the cult loyalists who think the prison sentences of the street patriots are no big deal as they were fighting for the greater good. It’s a badge of honor. There’s close to zero deterrent here for all involved and a big incentive to just hit back harder next time votes don’t win in their direction.

That's the issue, this slow-lurch to the right. Remember in 2016 when people said Trump would never accept the results if he lost? And they said he wouldn't leave office quietly throughout his presidency? All of it was written off as "TDS". Trump has crossed every bridge that republicans laugh at and act like you're crazy for even suggesting it. And even republicans who would never storm the Capitol themselves and go about their lives and don't bother anyone - even they think Trump is still just a great guy, the election was stolen and January 6 was just some riled-up patriots who - at worst - got a little carried away.

So what happens next time? If January 6 was no big deal, if Trump is just a guy being railroaded and did great things for America - then all they've done is move the limits of acceptability and paved the way for the next person to be that much worse. Pardoning scum like Bannon and Stone, getting impeached twice, trying to actually coordinate an overturning of official vote tallies to remain in office....

I know this gets said a lot, but imagine the outrage and coverage Fox News would have if - in January 2013 - Barack Obama refused to concede to Mitt Romney and had his supporters overtake the Capitol and delay the certification of the votes. The democrats reaction to January 6 would like coverage of a baby panda compared to that.

And that's just one incident of Trump's debauchery. A recorded call with Obama asking a SoS to "find" him an exact number of votes? Pressuring Joe Biden to not do his job? Calling Ukraine to dig up dirt on Romney's kids? Having his campaign officials meet in private with Russian operatives? Golfing at his own privately-owned resorts? Paying off a porn star? Multiple sexual-assault allegations? On and on.
Some people may be familiar with this claim from Trump, made on Hannity’s show:

Fox News host Sean Hannity asked Trump during an interview Thursday evening if he authorized the use of the National Guard before Jan. 6.

"100%," Trump responded almost immediately, saying his claims were "attested to by many people."

"They turned it down," Trump said. "Nancy Pelosi turned it down." Pelosi has been criticized for not allowing the National Guard to protect the U.S. Capitol.

He claims he wanted 10,000 troops to protect the Capitol, but Pelosi said no.

Well, I know this will come as a huge surprise, but that was a blatant lie.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1418702235224182788/

I do find it odd that AP says it’s a “claim circulating online.” While true that it’s circulating online, it was a direct statement from Trump’s mouth on TV. Come on AP, you can do better... try this:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1479411984085004296/
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well then pelosi is more powerful then the president? thats what he's claiming?? kinda like how democrats are so powerful and smart they wont the lection stole it right from under trumps nose? who would be stupid enough to admit such things??? well the ompa loompa of course.
well then pelosi is more powerful then the president? thats what he's claiming??
The Cheeto-Faced Extraterrestrial-Ferret-Wearing ShitGibbon is claiming that he ordered ten thousand NG troops to be sent to the Capitol (presumably to protect his terrorists from attacks by the Capitol Police) but that the Speaker, who it the CiC of Capitol Security, said no, we do not want extra security.

According to the story, there is no record of the extra troops order having been proffered or issued.
The right-wing folks also claim January 6 happened because of Pelosi. But they also say it was ANTIFA. Or the FBI. Or both. But then they voted against a non-partisan committee to investigate. Makes a lot of sense, right?

This is all just insane lunacy.

I just watched a blistering half-hour on The Beat with Ari Melber - a live interview with Peter Navarro, Boris Epshtyn - where they are adamant the election was rife with fraud (while offering no proof) and admitting to the scheme to seat "alternate" electors. Pretty painful to watch.

Who are these illegal voters? Show me an excel spreadsheet of Biden votes that were actually Trump voters or people not allowed to vote. Show me! If there was "massive fraud" in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin - show it! There is nothing illegal about exposing an illegal vote. There are cash payments for the taking for evidence of fraudulent votes. They've shown NOTHING. Zero. Zilch.

Nobody wants unsafe and fraudulent elections. I would not accept a fraudulent Biden win any more than I'd accept a fraudulent Trump win. Where is the proof? This is maddening. How can so many Americans be so gullible? Just because they lost? What happened to just being irked and trying again in four years? Arghhh....

One other thing, I think Melber's third guest - Dustin Stockton - a major coordinator of Trump rallies who has cooperated with the Jan 6 committee - he sort of implied some of the people he was with were coordinating with officials to prevent "evidence" of voter fraud to present if Mike Pence were to not certify the results. That may be innocent in and of itself, and I'm probably sure he is telling the truth. Meeting with officials, there's nothing illegal about that, even if its to provide them with a pile of BS. But if the officials themselves were fishing for BS or were lowkey trying to plot a way to overturn the results - that may not be so innocent. Or legal.

Here's the show:

Call me shoc-

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1480568626939891713/


I really hope the 1/6 committee fully aware of their upcoming expiration date are doing all of this as a roadmap for a reluctant Merrick Garland to follow, so there is some form of acccountability.

Oh wow. I've seen that clip before, but must have been busy because holy shit is he a stumbling, stuttering mess. And unlike Biden, I don't think he has a natural stutter... ol' Gym seems to get his words out pretty quickly and precisely when he's grandstanding during a committee hearing or interviewing people giving testimony.
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Just soak it in. Let the sheer amazement wash over you. How quickly even the old guard fall in line of not wanting find anyone responsible for 1/6.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1485332371981406212/

Now compare THAT Newt with the one when it came to BLM protestors.

The only way to break violence is to "keep arresting people until there's no one left,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday in the wake of unrest over the police-involved shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis.

“I think they need to take every video they can and ask people to send us whatever video you might have taken, they need to track these people down, they need to charge them with the highest possible crime,” Gingrich told “Fox & Friends.”

Gingrich said this “simply” needs to happen in order to “break the fever by which people on the left,” including Antifa, have “come to believe they have the right.”


When it comes to BLM, EVERYONE needs to be arrested.

When it comes to 1/6, only fellow republicans on the investigation committee seem to be the ones that should be arrested.

Interesting. :rolleyes:

Stay away Newt, no one cares.

this father of the year threatened to kill his kids if they turned him in. It really shows the brainwashing that was involved in this stupid attempt.​

Son Of Capitol Riot Defendant Takes The Stand Against His Father​

Reffitt, an alleged member of the far-right Three Percenters militia group, threatened to shoot his son and daughter if they talked about his part in the riot after he returned from Washington, court documents say. His attorney has said Reffitt is prone to hyperbole. He pleaded not guilty.
A CBS News reporter at the trial said that the defendant “immediately broke down crying” when he saw his son called into the Washington courtroom.

Jackson Reffitt, 19, said that he and his father had been close until around 2016 and that his father’s rhetoric took an alarming turn following the 2020 election. That paired with his father’s increasing involvement with the Texas Three Percenters ― Guy Reffitt allegedly tossed his son out of their Wylie, Texas, house while the militia met there ― prompted Jackson to send the FBI a tip about his father on Christmas Eve, Politico reported. He said he felt “paranoid” that his father’s talk might lead to violence.
In a Dec. 24, 2020, text exchange shown in court, Guy Reffitt told his son that “what’s about to happen will shock the world.” Jackson watched the storming of the Capitol unfold on television alongside his mother and sister.

Just soak it in. Let the sheer amazement wash over you. How quickly even the old guard fall in line of not wanting find anyone responsible for 1/6.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1485332371981406212/

Now compare THAT Newt with the one when it came to BLM protestors.


When it comes to BLM, EVERYONE needs to be arrested.

When it comes to 1/6, only fellow republicans on the investigation committee seem to be the ones that should be arrested.

Interesting. :rolleyes:

Stay away Newt, no one cares.
Slimy till the end Newt. Have no doubt if these shits stay close to Congress there will be a snit storm. Then ask yourself why they are still there, how could this possibly happen, and you can be shaken. :oops: