Mob storms Capitol

I could be naive here, but were I Merrick Garland I'd be checking out using either the Insurrection Act or RICO laws to declare the Republican party a seditious, terrorist and/or organized crime group. Then I'd have the FBI investigate and bring charges against Trump, Giuliani, Meadows and the rest of those traitors.

But that's just me.
I was watching I believe the 11the Hour and they had one guest saying she doesn't expect Garland to go after anyone above the those that stormed the Capital. Her thinking was based on that Garland just doesn't want to deal with the politics, so the DoJ won't focus on the bigger players. Quite a few people have wondered why there hasn't been talk about going after anyone that was an organizer or higher. Thus I imagine if true, it's the reason Liz Cheney is laying out cases for the DoJ, putting them out in the open & doing the work for them. So she was basically warning against getting hopes up, lest they be dashed like people with Mueller.
I was watching I believe the 11the Hour and they had one guest saying she doesn't expect Garland to go after anyone above the those that stormed the Capital. Her thinking was based on that Garland just doesn't want to deal with the politics, so the DoJ won't focus on the bigger players. Quite a few people have wondered why there hasn't been talk about going after anyone that was an organizer or higher. Thus I imagine if true, it's the reason Liz Cheney is laying out cases for the DoJ, putting them out in the open & doing the work for them. So she was basically warning against getting hopes up, lest they be dashed like people with Mueller.
The thing about Mueller was that he basically said to Congress: I cannot prosecute this person. YOU SHOULD IMPEACH HIM. If you listened to the testimony, there was no doubt that the report was basically a roadmap to impeachment. It’s appalling to me still today that Congress failed to act. The only reason there was no “smoking gun” was because every single member of Trump’s organization lied and obstructed justice.
The thing about Mueller was that he basically said to Congress: I cannot prosecute this person. YOU SHOULD IMPEACH HIM. If you listened to the testimony, there was no doubt that the report was basically a roadmap to impeachment. It’s appalling to me still today that Congress failed to act. The only reason there was no “smoking gun” was because every single member of Trump’s organization lied and obstructed justice.
Which I believe was kind of the point of the reporter. This is an inverse. Congress doesn't have the ability to press charges, so the committee is laying out the work for a DoJ that seems reluctant to go after those responsible for intentionally directing those protestors to the Capital when there wasn't any original plan to do so. Combined with the Nat'l Guard supposedly being on standby to PROTECT 45 supporters, with the seeming hope that counter protestors would clash. When you combine that with the power point, it seems like a pretty deliberate plan for shit to hit the fan, and use that as a pretense to stop the count. Somehow the DoJ couldn't have found any of this out, that the committee and reporters keeping finding out weekly?


It seems like something Garland doesn't want to go after the true criminals. When everyone else is pointing at bank robbers who burned down the bank on their way, and left a trail of gasoline behind to them.
So, ANTIFA is trending on Twitter again this week, for the exact same reasons.

They DIDN'T do anything! Yet fingers were pointed in their direction at the time.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1470559556719759365/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1470552398754193422/
Right-wing content is amplified by Twitter, much as it is by Facebook. The right-wingers cry that the opposite is true, but that’s just because when their heroes post offensive content that violates the TOS, they start whining that they are being repressed.

Most of their cries of “big tech trying to silence the right” are made on big-tech platforms like Twitter and Facebook. In other words, more made-up garbage from the lunatic right. Read Trump’s old tweets and then read Biden’s twitter feed. Is it really a wonder one is banned and not the other?
It seems like something Garland doesn't want to go after the true criminals.
There is a sort strategic reason for this. The conductors of the symphony of lies are almost entirely, if not entirely, Republicans. Because of this, attacking them directly from a government run by Democrats could (and probably would) be painted as using their position of power (such as it is) to persecute the opposition. Hence "Tyranny!" It is a dangerous position in which to put oneselves.

Meanwhile, the civil courts provide a serviceable venue. The terrortsars can be sued with abandon by anyone who can establish standing. Such actions would not be seen as a political attack by agents of the government and, even if unsuccessful, could serve to drain significant resources from the coffers of the aspiring autocrats.

Thus, in a very real way, Garland's strategy is probably the best approach.
Meanwhile, if you were still wondering whether "Ashli" rhymes with "Asshole",

yeah, it does. In fact, it could become a replacement (as a word, I mean, because we still need those things).
Sean Hannity has been asked by the select committee for voluntary cooperation.

The texts from him to Meadows show that he had advance knowledge of January 6. To his credit, he did not want the insurrection. Yet it’s his rhetoric on TV and radio that incites and fuels such a thing in the first place. Ugh.

I mean, we all saw it play out. I watched his redneck cult rally on January 6 because I knew something would go down. Who couldn’t see it coming?

This story is getting juicy.

EDIT: Trump has cancelled his January 6 cult press conference!!
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EDIT: Trump has cancelled his January 6 cult press conference!!

This is very good news. It remains to be seen how his alternatively scheduled Jan 15th Arizona rally goes, but not having Trumpspeak featured on the one-year anniversary of the insurrection is a blessing, regardless of whatever reason caused him to call it off. Maybe he has one sane lawyer after all.

I know the word “patriot” is thrown around too much. However, I think it applies to the people who have spent countless hours, unpaid, to help the FBI catch the Jan 6 terrorists. This article in the Huffington Post is inspiring.

From their home offices, couches, kitchen tables, bedrooms and garages, these independent investigators have played a remarkable role in archiving and preserving digital evidence. Often operating under the “Sedition Hunters” moniker, they’ve archived more than 2,000 Facebook accounts, over 1,125 YouTube channels, 500-plus Instagram accounts, nearly 1,000 Twitter feeds, more than 100 Rumble profiles and over 250 TikTok accounts. They’ve gathered more than 4.1 terabytes ― 4,100 gigabytes ― of data, enough to fill dozens of new iPhones with standard-issue storage.
Sleuths have logged more than 2,300 individuals who entered the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Combined with the hundreds of suspects on the FBI’s Capitol Violence webpage, that brings the total universe of potential Capitol riot defendants to nearly 3,000.
Troy Nehls, a sitting member of Congress, just went on the PBS NewsHour and claimed that most people at the Capitol on Jan 6 were just walking around doing nothing wrong. He also claims they were “ushered in” to the Capitol. The reporter who had been in the Capitol that day called 🐂💩 on that, but of course he refused to admit he was lying. Capitol police died because of the terrorism that day.

This guy is truly a piece of work. At the end, the reporter tried to be nice and asked “what can we do to bring Americans together?” He replied by taking a crap all over Joe Biden and spouting divisive rhetoric instead. What a piece of utter and complete garbage.

Is this truly what the Republican party has become? I usually see some silliness about MTG or Boebert and assume they are outliers. No. They are the new normal in the Republican Party. How anybody can possibly support these traitors is beyond me.

Here’s what Troy Nehls said right after the riots though (Fox News source):

Nehls, R-Texas, had spent the eight previous years as sheriff of Fort Bend County, Texas, and was a retired major in the U.S. Army Reserve. So when rioters tried to break into the House chamber, Nehls' instant reaction was to run to the danger to help the police.

"My training kicked in that day," Nehls told Fox News in an interview. "I've been in tense situations before. And for the last 30 years, I've always been a guy I guess ... that runs to the danger. I'm a guy that tries to defuse situations. And that's what I did. I tried to defuse that situation. And make sure that nobody got through those center doors.I refused to leave."
Protesters were crowding outside the House chamber yelling, pounding and banging on the doors, Nehls recalled. The doors were "shaking violently."
"I will not leave," Nehls told Fox News that day. "I said I will be staying here with my brothers and sisters in blue."
Was he lying then or is he lying now? Based on the video and pictures from that day, we know the answer. Oh, and don’t forget the same guy who claimed to ”stand with” the police that day, is now blaming them for the riot, and accusing the person who shot Ashli Babbitt of murder. Texans will vote for this guy again? How sad.

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