Mob storms Capitol

Now Africa is making fun of us asking who lives in a shit hole country now and considering sanctions and cutting off trade due to our unstable government.

Of course this is being said in good fun and I have to tip my hat to them for it.
Of course not all shit holes are equal but that’s pretty darned funny.

Good read.

It is a good read... among other things for pointing out that even if there are some expected "consequences" along lines of arrests for proven participation in the storming of the Capitol, stuff like that does not deal sufficiently with what underwrote the events of yesterday. The place is full of traitors and a lot of them are sitting members of Congress.
In terms of shoring up a clearly unstable government of the present tense, this scoop from a WaPo reporter who covers Trump and Congress:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347244142284447744/

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and three other senators have been making private phone calls to White House national security adviser Robert O’Brien and White House counsel Pat Cipollone to stay in their posts through Jan. 20, according to an official familiar with the effort. The names of the other three weren’t immediately available.

The reasoning from Lee and the senators is that despite Trump’s behavior Wednesday, there needs to be “strong leadership” remaining at the White House in the final days of the Trump presidency, said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive issue.

Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) also issued a statement Thursday afternoon urging Trump administration officials to remain in their posts until Biden’s swearing-in for the sake of the republic.

“No matter what course of action is taken against President Trump in 13 days, Joe Biden will be sworn in as President of the United States,” Manchin said. “Until then, I urge the good men and women honorably serving at all levels of the federal government to please stay at their post for the protection of our democracy. The actions of a rogue President will not and should not reflect on you. Instead, your patriotism and commitment to the greater good of our country will be reaffirmed.”

Meanwhile Elaine Chao (McConnell's wife) confirmed her decision to resign as Trump's Secretary of Transportation. Presumably there is no appetite on McConnell's part that his wife end up involved in a 25A removal of Trump if it comes to that. From the same WaPo piece:

She [Secretary Chao] told others of her decision early Thursday afternoon, according to two individuals familiar with her plans who spoke on the condition of anonymity to disclose the matter.

“Yesterday, our country experienced a traumatic and entirely avoidable event as supporters of the President stormed the Capitol building following a rally he addressed. As I’m sure is the case with many of you, it has deeply troubled me in a way that I simply cannot set aside,” Chao wrote in a draft email to the entire staff.

Good read.
An excellent read.
Not surprising.

Mr Trump doesn't do decency, integrity, compassion, sympathy or loyalty.
Mr Trump doesn't do decency, integrity, compassion, sympathy or loyalty.

Yeah... or his day job either... including norms he's never bothered with and isn't bothering with now.

The White House has so far declined to ask for the resignations of its ambassadors and other political appointees, potentially delaying a turnover of the government’s most senior officials and risking more chaos across the federal work force in President Trump’s final days in office.

Mr. Trump’s monthslong defiance to issue an order for those letters of resignation — which has been a routine proceeding in past administrations — is another snub of presidential decorum that broadcasts the depths of division inside the United States.

The delay has irritated some foreign allies who want to plan for Mr. Biden’s policies but are awaiting the departure of Mr. Trump’s ambassadors so that career diplomats at American embassies are not put in the position of being insubordinate to their bosses. More broadly, and without a clear directive to leave, officials said, some political appointees may burrow into the federal bureaucracy until they are forced out by Mr. Biden.

When the Clinton and then the Bush administrations left office, there also were concerns about political appointees staying on, often transferring to permanent civil service positions. But people familiar with Mr. Biden’s transition plans said Mr. Trump’s refusal to formally tell his Cabinet secretaries, ambassadors and other senior policy advisers to leave before the Jan. 20 inauguration has created anxiety and a high level of confusion across the federal work force.
Yeah... or his day job either... including norms he's never bothered with and isn't bothering with now.

What a horrible human being, a reckless, irresponsible, contemptible, disgusting human wrecking ball.

A moral monster.

"A basket of Deplorables" deosn't even begin to describe this awful mob and their disgraceful and disgusting and unprincipled enablers.
In terms of shoring up a clearly unstable government of the present tense, this scoop from a WaPo reporter who covers Trump and Congress:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347244142284447744/

And isn't is an embarrassing shame for the United States that they're being asked to stay on because we need someone there to babysit this idiot?
Where? I will tell you. There opening the fucking doors to let the seditionists into the capitol building, and then fucking taking selfies with the seditionists once inside.

Once again, I'll state that I'm loathe to play the race card, but the differences in application of force here are really hard to justify. Yeah, the BLM marches drew, MUCH larger, crowds, but the most they were doing were throwing rocks at windows, and setting cars on fire in DC. I can understand the heavy police presence there, but when contrasted against what we saw yesterday, a mob of people storming the building that represents the heart of our republic, where the next three people in line of succession to the presidency are currently occupying, well, you'd expect to see more of a response than what we got.

Even ignoring the potential racial implications, the lack of security surrounding some of the most important people in the country is shockingly inept.
So I'm driving home, and I have the car radio on for ten minutes. I masochistically decide to see what Rush Limbaugh has to say about yesterday's fiasco. Maybe even he will be disconcerted by the insanity that transpired 24 hours ago.

The first thing I hear is some absolutely bonkers commercial about Things They Don't Want You To Know, which I gather is some kind of podcast on an iHeart Radio app? It's about flying saucers, conspiracies and other such rubbish. (Helpful hint: they recommend if you find a GPS unit on your car, you put it on someone else's.) 🤪 Oh yeah, absolutely crazy stuff.

Then comes a caller, some woman with a loud screechy voice who rambles on and on about how Trump was heaven-sent and how terrible it is that "they" (insert evil music sting here 😈) "got" to everyone--the lower court judges, the state election officials, the FBI, the CIA, even the Supreme Court--in this here effort to take down the finest president God ever gave this great country!

(Okay. By this time I need a drink--but I'm still driving.)

And then, to my surprise (though I guess it shouldn't be), while Rush doesn't outright put his imprimatur on all of this woman's bat shit, he does say that news coverage of yesterday's coup attempt is being coordinated by all the evil MSM (Mwah-ha-ha!) to make Trump look as bad as possible, and that this has been going on for four years, and this is finally the culmination of their effort to make sure that Trump can never get back into office.

A-ha! So what happened yesterday is the media's fault!

(Slaps head) Of course! Why haven't I seen this before??
The Trump supporter woman killed yesterday by police was a veteran. So there’s a real conundrum for Trump’s Republican Guard. She fought for freedom and then got killed by somebody protecting our freedom. Who to blame? But socialists!? Political correctness? People who don’t wear trucker hats to weddings?