Mob storms Capitol

Whether a President can pardon themself or preemptively pardon people before they’ve been charged with anything is a possible gray area? Are you fucking kidding me? So much for the genius of the founding fathers.

I fail to see how a self-pardon would stand up to scrutiny, given that it's something of an obvious conflict of interests. No one wants to set a precedent that would allow an acting president to openly defy the law, knowing they can keep themselves out of jail with nothing more than a wave of a pen.
Nah, if he had a pair he'd have picked up the phone and said WTF man resign already you're a disgrace to the club.

Come on, he’s British. At best he could call Trump and say “Mr. President, I find your behavior towards your citizenry quite disagreeable, some might say agitating. I respectfully request you consider behavior more fitting your station.” and even then there would probably be a mob who throws him into the River Thames weighted down by stones for language and an outburst unbecoming for an elected official.
Come on, he’s British. At best he could call Trump and say “Mr. President, I find your behavior towards your citizenry quite disagreeable, some might say agitating. I respectfully request you consider behavior more fitting your station.” and even then there would probably be a mob who throws him into the River Thames weighted down by stones for language and an outburst unbecoming for an elected official.

Oh right I forgot Boris is not cut out of same cloth as former PM "Call me Tony" Blair....
Only thing missing from that cartoon was the guy's dark sunglasses & cane.
Whether a President can pardon themself or preemptively pardon people before they’ve been charged with anything is a possible gray area? Are you fucking kidding me? So much for the genius of the founding fathers.

Well we must forgive the founding fathers on that score, probably. They had visions for the future and some sobering experience of past tyrannical governments, but not yet the benefit of others' imagination via truly dystopian fiction, which didn't come along until the latter part of the 19th century.

And in their very endeavors (although wary of tyranny), the framers of the constitution were fundamentally somewhat optimistic in outlook overall, just by virtue of attempting to build a constitution that would safeguard freedom of the people to consent to their representation in government and to continue doing so over time.

I think they feared populism taking us down a wrong road but I also think they never imagined the people voting for a man who was so transparently and malevolently narcissistic. And they surely did not entertain the idea of a woman running for president, nor how much vigor a group of wealthy right wing people in the USA would be willing to sink into disparaging a woman they had feared for 40 years might one day try for that highest elective office.

So to me it took confluence of a lot of different trends and circumstances to land us at 2016 facing a choice of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

What I never anticipated and I'm sure neither did the founders that a guy like Trump could fool a lot of people twice. He's a guy who was hell bent on becoming president for life, no joke, and all to protect his and his family's grfiting.

We're fortunate that Biden prevailed, but we're not out of the woods regarding influence of Trump and some of his family. It will be instructive to see who outside their immediate circle tries to keep the Trump name alive in politics and for what surely selfish purpose. These guys like Cruz and Hawley for instance, just want to scarf up Trump's base for their own aims. I think it the job of the American people now to serve notice that the Trump brand is of no value as of yesterday.

I did see a few tweets today sort of echoing Graham's "it was fun but nah I'm out now after this". Not enough though,
This is one of the casualties from Wednesday ...


Yeah, I guess he's a badass as long as you don't bring a stick of butter to the fight ...
...the dumbest coup attempt in history

Which brings up some food for thought.

The ringleader of this mob, Donald J. Trump, is so feral and self-absorbed that his every action is impulsive and uncomplicated. He did all this not through some complex, impenetrable Machiavellian plan, but through the continual repetition of lies and by surrounding himself with sycophants.

And that begs the question, what about the next guy who tries something like this? A guy who is not a lame-brain but a devious plotter and planner. Who could coordinate an insurrection on the downlow. Who is smart enough to place his fifth columnists in key places, in positions so as to be able to designate a specific time for the overthrow of the government, a specific day and time in which counterbalancing forces (such as other agencies) find themselves locked out of their computer and communication systems. Who will have a go code just waiting for the day to be given. Who may even, god forbid, find a way to surreptitiously remove any "obstacles" in his way...including human ones.

Basically, an American version of Vladimir Putin.

I know that sounds something like Designated Survivor, but as we're all too aware these days, apocalyptic fiction, even political fiction, isn't as far-fetched as it used to be.

So far, believe it or not, we've been lucky. For a would-be strongman dictator, we drew an imbecile. Next time, it might be "American Vlad".
Which brings up some food for thought.

The ringleader of this mob, Donald J. Trump, is so feral and self-absorbed that his every action is impulsive and uncomplicated. He did all this not through some complex, impenetrable Machiavellian plan, but through the continual repetition of lies and by surrounding himself with sycophants.

And that begs the question, what about the next guy who tries something like this? A guy who is not a lame-brain but a devious plotter and planner. Who could coordinate an insurrection on the downlow. Who is smart enough to place his fifth columnists in key places, in positions so as to be able to designate a specific time for the overthrow of the government, a specific day and time in which counterbalancing forces (such as other agencies) find themselves locked out of their computer and communication systems. Who will have a go code just waiting for the day to be given. Who may even, god forbid, find a way to surreptitiously remove any "obstacles" in his way...including human ones.

Basically, an American version of Vladimir Putinn

I know that sounds something like Designated Survivor, but as we're all too aware these days, apocalyptic fiction, even political fiction, isn't as far-fetched as it used to be.

So far, believe it or not, we've been lucky. For a would-be strongman dictator, we drew an imbecile. Next time, it might be "American Vlad".

Some of Trump's help was not as imbecilic, lazy or unfocused as the boss.

So we're not really sure what we have now in the way of 5th columns.. even if the more usual way the Trump administration operated was to put it out there and say "yeah this, and get over it."
So far, believe it or not, we've been lucky. For a would-be strongman dictator, we drew an imbecile. Next time, it might be "American Vlad".

It would be so easy to manipulate these imbeciles. A little talk of the bible, going back to "old school values", tough guy posturing, calling out the elites - yeah, it's scary that ~70M people willingly lined up to buy snake oil ...

This is shameless.

When some aren't busy trying to make this equivalence to BLM, others are trying to make this similar to what BLM was fighting.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347215293593088000/

When they aren't creatively bankrupt stealing others works, they obsessed with putting salt to wounds.
This is one of the casualties from Wednesday ...

View attachment 2483

Yeah, I guess he's a badass as long as you don't bring a stick of butter to the fight ...

And what is this "medical emergency" shit? 3 of the 4 people who died there died from a "medical emergency". Were they diabetic and forgot to put Gatorade in their tactical lunch sack? Did they have peanut allergies and the police used usually non lethal peanut bullets? Did they take a shot of bleach and algae remover instead of wearing a mask to help prevent getting covid during the siege? Did they go into septic shock from consuming so much of Trump's bullshit?

This is shameless.

When some aren't busy trying to make this equivalence to BLM, others are trying to make this similar to what BLM was fighting.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347215293593088000/

When they aren't creatively bankrupt stealing others works, they obsessed with putting salt to wounds.