Pretty well versed; my birthday present for my twelfth birthday - which I had requested - was William L Shirer's book, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, the first book of many I have read on the subject.
Such similarities as do exist are both more subtle, and, because the US is a western democracy, more damning, than the obvious stuff, such as (irresponsible) rallies, designed to appeal to base & cruel instincts, inflame passions against An Other, and stoke up fears.
These include the gutting of state agencies, the emasculation and deliberate frustration of the branches of government charged with oversight, the abject surrender - the supine abdication of all moral and political responsibility - by "classical conservatives" (and that is one dismal and depressing similarity to Nazi Germany that I will willingly concede) as they ceded power to the coarse court of sycophants, toadies, zealots and corrupt cynics who surround Mr Trump.
And it has also included the replacement of formal systems and structures of governance by something resembling a dysfunctional medieval court - for Mr Trump's administration resembles nothing so much as a particularly chaotic medieval court, where one's power is measured in terms of access to a narcissistic monarch, an access granted at the price of stratospheric levels of sycophancy, and whatever incompetent and corrupt governance occurs, occurs parallel with incredibly vicious turf-wars upon which incredible energies are expended, as satellite courts (mini-me courts) try to carve out some space for themselves in such a toxic environment.
Even when he had vague associations with the Democrats, I don't doubt that Mr Trump had authoritarian tendencies, was a racist, a sexist, and a bully with an extraordinary capacity for cruelty, a man with an appetite for the vindictive humiliation of anyone who had had the misfortune to cross him.
Yet, all of that - and it is a surpassingly unpleasant (and thoroughly corrupt) that, - still doesn't make him Hitler.
However, there is one area where I will predict a similarity with the world of The Third Reich, especially in its dramatic final days, and that will be in the veritable plethora of books - invariably penned by insiders - that will flood the market after the departure - possibly inglorious - of Mr Trump from office.