Next MacBook (Air)

I got me a cheap-ish Canon that has WiFi built in, so, on the road, I can copy images directly to my iPad (using the Canon app, which also allows me to use the iPad as a viewfinder). Wireless is massively more pleasant to use than dinking around with cards.

And I have an old Time Capsule, which soldiers on after many years. Handy for storing stuff off my iPad, since my current Mac is a G5 iMac. WiFi NAS is so freaking much more convenient than cabling. I kind of fail to understand why it is not more popular: if I was using a notebook on Concourse C, being able to keep all my real work in my shirt pocket would make me feel a lot safer given that a notebook in public could be snatched in an instant.

And for anybody who's interested in learning about the history of the MacBook Air, watch this YouTube video.
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And for anybody who's interested in learning about the history of the MacBook Air, watch this YouTube video.
