Oregon looks at going "full Portugal"

Let me say, before getting sidetracked on the Trump yard sign issue...I have no problem with this Oregon ballot measure. I think it needs to be tried.

It's weird. I live in the heart of Red Republican Land, yet I've only seen a single Trump-Pence sign in a yard, and a handful of Trump bumper stickers during this run up to the election.
We were talking about this on MR, since trump supporters can't seem to STFU, the omission of trump support (by way of signs and whatnot) is almost a good indicator of a Biden/Harris vote.

Even here, where it was over 60% trump votes in '16, our neighborhood (we rides bikes all the time at night), like about 15 x 5 block grid, there's only like 12-13 houses with trump signs and at least 10 with Biden. given the trump supporter comfort level around here, that's pretty telling.

Or, to play devil's advocate, it could be an indication that Trumpers are so confident about their chances this fall that they don't feel a need to post signs.

I don't see how anyone puts that flag out while holding their heads up. I've also noticed that in my area, huge difference between 2016 and now. I see it on trucks but that's as far as they'll take it.
Oh, I wish I could say that. We're still some 50 days out and they're growing around Ohio like dandelions in the spring. I can't drive down my own street without being sickened by Trump signs and flags. :mad: (Or as I call them, the "I'm with stupid" flags.)

The ones that get me are the houses with an American flag on one side of the garage and a Trump flag on the other. Jesus Christ, people, make up your minds. You can't support both.
Or, to play devil's advocate, it could be an indication that Trumpers are so confident about their chances this fall that they don't feel a need to post signs.

Oh trust me, that runs through the back of my mind - constantly - I know this isn't a done deal till that last vote is counted in November.

Speaking of: the wife and I are going to vote in person.
The ones that get me are the houses with an American flag on one side of the garage and a Trump flag on the other. Jesus Christ, people, make up your minds. You can't support both.

The neighbor, gave me a couple of his company T-shirts, this was very early this year, anyway, he said, "New shirts, they've got that trump flag". The flag was the American flag. WTF.
Oh trust me, that runs through the back of my mind - constantly - I know this isn't a done deal till that last vote is counted in November.

Speaking of: the wife and I are going to vote in person.

Try voting early if it's available in your state. Less likelihood of long lines.

I took the media's advice and checked online with my local election board, and they did receive my absentee ballot request back in mid-late August. Since it's already in, when I receive and fill out the ballot itself I'm going to drive it in person to the election office. Same for Mrs. Veil.
The Portugal experiment has had some issues. There are efforts underway to make some revisions to the law, some of which sound sort of sensible.

While adjustments might be needed just like anything else in life, I don't think locking people up for possessing drugs is the right direction to head in while tweaking things. Clearly a fine of up to $100 isn't doing the trick. I'm not sure what it would take to fix things. But I don't think a small fine or jail time are the only two answers available either. As you said, there are some good ideas there. Thankfully, they're not yet called for my help, so I have the luxury of not having any answers. But I do know what feels wrong and I don't think jail time for an addict is how they're going to get their shit together. It's an us solution, not a them solution. It doesn't fix the problem, it just puts the problem behind bars and out of sight.

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