Photo of the Day - January 2021

a nice dry day in portland.
Nope......I was shooting something else entirely, had a macro/tabletop setup on the dresser that is under a pair of windows in the master bedroom. Paused for a bit, getting frustrated because the natural light was starting to wane, the sun was getting pale. I glanced up and out the window, noticing the pattern of the shadowed trees and the pale sun shining through the assorted limbs and branches. Grabbed the camera again, and she was still wearing the 90mm macro lens, just fired away......

That said, I do use flashlights at times in my macro/tabletop shots, as sometimes I just need that extra bit of light pointed at a specific area..... But this time, the light source was not a flashlight, but the Big Kahuna, the Sun herself......!!!
LOL!!!!! Now sometimes in the past I've had "souvenirs" deposited on my car that I sure do NOT appreciate....I keep paper towels in the car for just that reason! (Happily, the new car has not had her first experience of this yet, but it will happen eventually!) Unfortunately, this comes with the territory of living where I do and parking outdoors all the time -- especially near or actually under trees...... It is interesting, though, that after this summer of having hosted the birdies on my deck that within the space of a month or so I've received two lovely feathery "gifts" from the feathered friends right at my door..... I've lived here a long time and this has never happened before!
LOL!!!!! Now sometimes in the past I've had "souvenirs" deposited on my car that I sure do NOT appreciate....I keep paper towels in the car for just that reason! (Happily, the new car has not had her first experience of this yet, but it will happen eventually!) Unfortunately, this comes with the territory of living where I do and parking outdoors all the time -- especially near or actually under trees...... It is interesting, though, that after this summer of having hosted the birdies on my deck that within the space of a month or so I've received two lovely feathery "gifts" from the feathered friends right at my door..... I've lived here a long time and this has never happened before!

I don't know if you have one of these near where you live, but I have a subscription membership at a local car wash and I can roll through everyday if I want to. Now I just laugh off bird shit. There's actually times when they pegged my car right after the day I washed it and not a problem. Just went back through the car wash later that day. $25 per month. Worth it. It's part of my morning routine every Saturday or Sunday morning.

Crows are quite famous for being intelligent and leaving you gifts if they like you. Not feathers or turds, but random stuff like small toys or buttons they find throughout the day. They'll drop them for you in the same location.
a lego cherry tree bonsai well. think it is a cherry tree. you can build it with green leaves or these blossoms. I got a kick out of what they are.