Photo of the Day -- January 2022

Funny, I was just talking about NOT using bracketed exposures nearly as much these days over on MR but this one is an exception. We had these clouds this morning and I ran up to a local hill to grab this, took several shots, both bracketed and standalone. This a combo of 3 shots but the sky was this beautiful on it's own.

Funny, I was just talking about NOT using bracketed exposures nearly as much these days over on MR but this one is an exception. We had these clouds this morning and I ran up to a local hill to grab this, took several shots, both bracketed and standalone. This a combo of 3 shots but the sky was this beautiful on it's own.


I'm intrigued but mostly frightened ...
I keep thinking about this photo and how lovely it is. It reminded me of photos on Twitter by someone called Hans. He posts a lot of birding photos (birds and their nests too!) but the lichens and mosses photos he puts up are fascinating as well. He's up in Ontario.

Thanks. I'm a big fan of mosses and lichens. There's some good patches of moss at work that I'm sure everybody else ignores but I see nature and some creative ideas. I've been known to shovel some out, bring it home to clean, and then keep in a tub for a later nature display project.

Really like those photos by Hans.
Is that a Poinsettia? We've been planting our after Christmas and they do really well down here.
Yep, it's a small Poinsettia! Bought it at the grocery store before Christmas and the thing has been going strong ever since! I had also bought an Amaryllis and that fascinating plant with its huge blossoms held on to most of my attention since I'd never seen one before..... Unfortunately I do not have anywhere to plant either of them now that the holidays are over, and actually, neither would do well in our wintertime climate here anyway.