Thanks! LOL! He's wondering what the heck that strange woman is doing standing there pointing this big white long thing at him! Why wasn't she offering him a nice treat, something to nibble on?
I was surprised that he didn't immediately take flight, instead just stayed where he was while I hurriedly made some adjustments in my settings, then raised the camera to my eye and fired off some shots. Later I got a few more shots which I haven't yet processed of several swallows all lined up in a row on another section of rope. What is interesting is that not all that far from them there were several people sitting out on a deck chatting away. Only when someone came walking along the boardwalk and got pretty close did they quickly take flight, but they returned within a couple of minutes and resettled themselves on the rope as I kept watching and shooting.
This was great, as the day before when I'd gone out on the boardwalk to shoot I had a different lens on -- the wide-angle one -- and of course that wasn't great for getting nice closeup shots, so I went out there prepared this time.