QAnon in the UK: No wonder we're in the mess we find ourselves in…


Sep 28, 2020
A survey shows that one in four Brits believe in QAnon-linked theories… Link

Analysis by the Guardian last month found that QAnon was gaining ground across UK social media, propelled by a loose coalition of spirituality and wellness groups, vigilante “paedophile hunter” networks, pre-existing conspiracy forums, local news pages, pro-Brexit campaigners and the far right.

17% of people believe Covid-19 was intentionally released as part of a “depopulation plan” by the UN or “new world order”.​
25% agreed that “secret satanic cults exist and include influential elites”. (35% among people aged 18-24.)​
26% agreed that “elites in Hollywood, politics, the media and other powerful positions” are secretly engaging in large-scale child trafficking and abuse.​
29% agreed that there is “a single group of people who secretly control events and rule the world together” regardless of who is in government. (42% of 25- to 34-year-olds.)​

Somewhere in his Alpine eyrie sits an evil mastermind stroking a white feline.
I don’t think the last one is far off except for the fact that it's not so secret.

It’s no surprise that these people who deep dive into subscribing to these type conspiracy theories also believe its poor people who have their money, never mind that lacks common logical sense and how much evidence and easy to understand graphs that shows where the money actually is.