Roe vs. Wade overturned

A lot of the big tech companies did something similar.
Yes, many gaming companies ( with the exception of course EA ) are doing the same

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540389574739865600/

My favorite company has been at the forefront since the leak.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540367105551347712/
What I am saying though is imagine hypothetically that Biden did step aside.

Who's your choice?

Whoever that choice maybe, there will be a hundred people who will have an issue with your choice.

If Biden remains the alternative that unites as much of the party against whoever the 'r' want to use to roll back freedoms, that may still be our only option. If that option turns enough voters away, we will get the monster the voters fear so much. We can bicker as much as we want about who isn't progressive enough, is too conservative, too centrist, whatever. Yes, it's unfair. Dems have to continually give up on their priorities, but when the only other party is fanatical in it's quest to literally rule there's little choice.
I don't have a choice, as I haven't taken a look at potential candidates, apart from the people who ran in the primary last time and a couple others like Connecticut senator Chris Murphy. I'll vote for whomever is nominated, even if I think there are better alternatives. What I want is for the Democrats to choose someone I and others will be excited to vote for.
I don't have a choice, as I haven't taken a look at potential candidates, apart from the people who ran in the primary last time and a couple others like Connecticut senator Chris Murphy. I'll vote for whomever is nominated, even if I think there are better alternatives. What I want is for the Democrats to choose someone I and others will be excited to vote for.
As I've said though, the problem the democratic party always faces, is that the choice that excites you will turn off many others. The democratic party hasn't completely sold it's soul for victory at any cost. That's the advantage one has when fighting an opponent who clings to the rules, if you don't think the rules apply to yourself you'll do whatever it takes to win & stay the winner.
I don't have a choice, as I haven't taken a look at potential candidates, apart from the people who ran in the primary last time and a couple others like Connecticut senator Chris Murphy. I'll vote for whomever is nominated, even if I think there are better alternatives. What I want is for the Democrats to choose someone I and others will be excited to vote for.

And that's the problem. The establishment goes out of its way to crush anybody voters have been or might be excited to vote for. Nobody is going to get excited to vote for centrist mediocrity. That's what we have now and look how that's turning out. But I have faith in establishment Democrats' ability to continue to map out their own doom. I don't know who is more mediocre than Biden but I'm sure they'll find them and force them to the front of the queue, a candidate who will only be appealing to middle-aged white men who aren't racist.
Whoa, I’m shocked they’d get into this.
I want to say I'm shocked as well, but we've seen this over & over again in Florida.

The party that is supposedly pro business, goes too far & affects the employees of those businesses.

So the businesses have to step up for their employees.
One thing, even though conservatives & some religious got their way, they will still have quite a bit to wail about after this

San Diego Comic-Con's Pam Noles had previously tweeted in response to a Variety article headlined "Disney, Netflix, Paramount and Comcast to Cover Employee Travel Costs for Abortions After Roe v. Wade Overturned". She wrote "Covering bare minimum of travel costs to seek Basic Reproductive Health Care is good. But! Will those multi-billion corps ALSO cover the legal costs of the states that now have SCOTUS clearance for bounty hunters targeting pregnant women known or suspected?"

I get the feeling someone somewhere is preparing that reality TV show right now. Probably one of those companies Pam mentioned. She continued "Do their lawyers have protocols in place to handle & evaluate cases of forced pregnancy resulting from domestic rape/abuse that may involve minors? Cuz you never *really* know what's happening in a family bubble. Is the press releases put out by these multi-billion Corps TRUE and ready to ACTUALLY be backed up by the Might Of Their Lawyers, or is it all Performative for the knee-jerk We Got Y'all immediate reaction? THESE are the questions y'all need to ultimately ask, @Variety @CondeNast. Cuz if these multi-billion corps hand-wave away The Deep Dive *Terrifying* Rest Of It? All you're doing is giving them cover. You are their Beard. You are complicit. Ask the Hard Questions, even if that means your people may be "punished" with being culled from access to actors/creators et and al on red carpet or other interviews *temporarily*. Y'all @Variety @CondeNast are in a unique position to possibly Help if you choose to do so."

It was an excellent point, will such companies so more than pay lip service to this issue? Well, Emily Seife, Senior Editor at Scholastic Press, the biggest publisher of comic books in America, and who recently bought Maysoon Zayid and Shadia Amin's graphic novel, Shiny Misfits, had a different approach from her own wheelhouse. She tweeted; "I'll mention now that my colleagues and I absolutely do want your YA books with or about abortions. There aren't enough of them and these stories need to be told and normalized, and that's not going to change. Senior Editor at Scholastic Press tweeted out "I'll mention now that my colleagues and I absolutely do want your YA books with or about abortions. There aren't enough of them and these stories need to be told and normalized, and that's not going to change."

There's a whole lot of people & businesses NOT on the same page as conservatives. Will the conservatives be as understanding as they demand others to be of their views?

What a deeply depressing day.

This is about punishment and control, punishment of women for thinking that they could have a sex life determined by their own desires, preferences and needs, risk sex without consequences (as men have been able to do since the dawn of recorded time), and control of women for daring to dream that biology is not destiny, and that autonomy, independence and being able to exercise choice are possible inn life without being answerable to any man.

I suspect that this judgment is also be a part of this egregious mindset to compel white women (above all, poor white women) to carry pregnancies to term.

We hear all of this wittering on about demographics and declining numbers.

That this will serve to hurt women of colour (especially poor women of colour) even more than white women is simply the sadistic icing and cherry on that particular cake.

Today incontestably proves to me that rights of some groups, - for now, above all, women, white women, black women, brown women, poor women, in the United States are not inalienable but are conditional; and conditional rights can be withdrawn at will, - for they are conditional, not absolute - for they depend on the benevolence, and goodwill, of male legislators (and their fanatical supporters) rather than rights based on the rule of law, rights that citizens might expect to hold by virtue of their shared humanity.

Of course, reproductive rights - and here, I am referring to access to safe, affordable reliable birth control, in other words, contraception - will - inevitably - now be viewed as a target, ripe for repeal. As will the hard-won rights of gay men (and women).
Meanwhile in Ohio...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540448701855911937/
(read the whole thread)

This fucking guy. He's clearly just trying to make himself look good by pretending to care. He's clearly dug in to pro-life, he doesn't give a shit what the other side has to say.
This decision has killed my ability to suggest any creative title changes. I'm open to whatever.
We can rename it to something like "Roe vs. Wade overturned" (or whatever you like) or we can create a new thread and move any posts started today into it, or we can leave as is. It's your thread and your call.