Roe vs. Wade overturned

Have abortion rights ever been on a ballot for direct voting anywhere?

I don't understand how in a supposed democracy these decisions are being made by a small group of legislators who clearly don't give a shit about the opinion of the majority.
It's all good, looking forward to a good old-fashioned public shaming for whoever the first republican lawmaker is who gets caught taking his mistress across state lines for easy access to an abortion.

I think we should be realistic here. It will most likely be a Republican supreme court justice who does it first. This is the world we live in now.
In the 2 years from 2009-2010, a lot of good things got done. But voters patted themselves on the back instead of going back out to vote in 2010, and that’s when the Tea Party nuts took over.
My friends and family get sick of me repeating this note from my friend Bernie:

In November 2008 Dems won and went home. Republicans (really, their money bags) lose and went to work.
Have abortion rights ever been on a ballot for direct voting anywhere?

I don't understand how in a supposed democracy these decisions are being made by a small group of legislators who clearly don't give a shit about the opinion of the majority.
Not sure I would be okay with that? What's next? Ballot Question #2: should the queers be allowed to marry? All the phobes would come out and too many would stay home thinking that their fellow American wouldn't be that evil. They would. Rights are rights or they're based on the whims of a dedicated group of haters determined to keep minority groups in their place.

I shudder thinking about a direct vote on whether or not Black people get equality. Enough already don't care if we have the right to even cast a ballot now.
I think we should be realistic here. It will most likely be a Republican supreme court justice who does it first. This is the world we live in now.

Yeah, and the same Republican shitbags who helped overturn abortion rights after years of pretending to sob tears of pain for the loss of the unborn will probably rally around whichever one of them gets caught.

Remember - It’s different when they do it.

I like what Carlin said… “rights aren’t rights if they can be taken away.”
They get their way & some "religious" demonstrate they are still truly shitty people deep inside

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540467204235337729/
Sorry but I have to agree. I've all but given up on the party at this point, hoping they'll some day decide to actually take on Republicans, until then this is the shame they deserve to face.

Where was this response on Jan 6th?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540362945921785856/

Abortion or BLM protest, they go into preventive mode

Truth is, you can blame dems, but remember there's a large group that will be affected by this, and wanted this.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540398227421274113/
Sorry but I have to agree. I've all but given up on the party at this point, hoping they'll some day decide to actually take on Republicans, until then this is the shame they deserve to face.

I saw that and thought they truly deserved getting called fucking useless for that.
Where was this response on Jan 6th?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540362945921785856/

Abortion or BLM protest, they go into preventive mode

Truth is, you can blame dems, but remember there's a large group that will be affected by this, and wanted this.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540398227421274113/
My thoughts exactly
If this keeps up… Mark my words, they are going to come after women's right to vote. Somehow someway. I used to be with them, but not anymore. I know how they think. What they really think is a perfect Christian man is a Southern planter.

Of course they are.

Women, gay people, people of clour aren't viewed as human, or aren't considered fully human, and thus, deserving of human rights.

This is because their rights (our rights) are conditional.

And that which is conditional can be both given but also taken away.
Yeah, and the same Republican shitbags who helped overturn abortion rights after years of pretending to sob tears of pain for the loss of the unborn will probably rally around whichever one of them gets caught.

Remember - It’s different when they do it.

I like what Carlin said… “rights aren’t rights if they can be taken away.”
I have made this very point twice already in this thread.
Where was this response on Jan 6th?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540362945921785856/

Abortion or BLM protest, they go into preventive mode

Truth is, you can blame dems, but remember there's a large group that will be affected by this, and wanted this.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540398227421274113/
Sure, "not all white women", (not I, never I), but, I will go to my death insisting that white women do not vote for these sadistic maniacs in the GOP and their foul fellow-travellers in anything like the numbers that white men do.
Of course they are.

Women, gay people, people of clour aren't viewed as human, or aren't considered fully human, and thus, deserving of human rights.

This is because their rights (our rights) are conditional.

And that which is conditional can be both given but also taken away.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540416006882983936/

The problem with "The Onion" lately is that it's hard to tell if they are making jokes or just speaking the plain truth
Women, gay people, people of clour aren't viewed as human, or aren't considered fully human, and thus, deserving of human rights.

This is because their rights (our rights) are conditional.

And that which is conditional can be both given but also taken away.
I believe you are correct.

In this week’s opinions, the court relied on “history” for their decisions.

Their view of “history” is that it applies to the 19th century or earlier. Women had no rights. Segregation was legal…. And on and on.

Anything after that doesn’t fit the “historic” test they’ve invented. They are telling everybody this is what they want to return to.

One other reminder about the early 70s. Title IX was made into law around the same time. And although usually discussed for athletics, it was meant to end quotas limiting women from university scholarships. SCOTUS could claim it’s not “historical” either.
Sure, "not all white women", (not I, never I), but, I will go to my death insisting that white women do not vote for these sadistic maniacs in the GOP and their foul fellow-travellers in anything like the numbers that white men do.

Let's check the googles


When we break it down by gender and race, however, we learn that 53 percent of white women cast their ballots for Trump, while 94 percent of black women and 68 percent of Latina women voted for Clinton.


Technically a majority of White women would disagree with you. They wanted the guy who would get the ball rolling on this.

It’s common for critics of the new wave of state laws severely limiting access to abortion to say the measures are part of a Republican “war on women.”

But strong support from most white women, especially those who identify as evangelical Christians, has helped Republicans dominate local government in the states passing the most restrictive measures, from Alabama and Georgia to Kentucky and Missouri. In some of those states, polling shows that opposition to legal abortion is higher among white women than among white men.

For many this isn't a self interest thing, it's a belief thing. Like Evangelicals many didn't care HOW they got results, just that they got results.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540346407785226242/
Ari Melber had the best breakdown of this I've seen yet. Old white men making calls and citing previous "intent" of founders and outdated rulings. As he said, its like using "intent" of slaveowners to debate voting rights. Fucking stupid.

The last few years have totally wiped out the facade of America being some progressive beacon of diversity and unity. Don't get me wrong, there's few other places I'd rather live, but we've got a large contingent of folks who really want to make this country an oppressive hell hole like Russia. And the people pushing for it the hardest will be the first ones bitching when they have to suffer under the regime they helped create. You think these Christian crusader gun nuts will be walking the streets with rifles if people like Trump have real, actual power?

It will be based on race, sex and class. You must past all three tests, and there's a lot of white guys who don't have the money to hang with Trump, and they'll be treated the same as a black woman in modern America at that point - if they're lucky. Maybe then they'll get it.
Meanwhile, the various Tribes are saying "You dug yourselves into this hole, and after shitting all over us for the last four centuries, we are not interested in helping you out by setting up clinics on our land."

There is a lot of NA land in especially Oklahoma as well as several other White-wing states where the state laws could be circumvented. But the Native Americans have been handed scraps and their healthcare situation is already drastically bad. That white people thought they might help out here is laughable at best.
Meanwhile, the various Tribes are saying "You dug yourselves into this hole, and after shitting all over us for the last four centuries, we are not interested in helping you out by setting up clinics on our land."

There is a lot of NA land in especially Oklahoma as well as several other White-wing states where the state laws could be circumvented. But the Native Americans have been handed scraps and their healthcare situation is already drastically bad. That white people thought they might help out here is laughable at best.


The problem with this is that I assume that women are also to be found among the enumerated Tribes; that Tribe membership is not confined to males.

Thus, such restrictions may well have an impact (negative) on the lives of women from the Tribes.

This is the sort of subject matter on which all of the various groups who may well run the risk of reduction or removal of (various) rights (women - all women, gay men, people of colour, - would do well to make common cause.