Roe vs. Wade overturned

I agree, but when it comes to the medical side of things. That might be a little too much.

I guess it's a wait and see game right now. I think Reps are just throwing everything at the wall to appease their demographic and see what sticks. What's scary is the lack of fight coming from Dems. Speeches without action ain't cutting it.
Susan Collins and Joe Manchin could put their money where their mouth is. If they want to protect abortion rights: end the filibuster, pass a law making abortion legal nationwide, then they can fix at least part of their “oopsie!” when they approved Kavanaugh et al. But until the filibuster goes away, or they get 60 senators, what can the Democrats actually do other than make speeches? Sinema might end the filibuster for abortion rights, but Manchin? Not bloody likely.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540769077656014850/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540807815232634887/
The Alabama law, hypocritically called the Human Life Protection Act, makes it a crime for anyone in the state to "conspire" to help someone plan or obtain an abortion elsewhere. As I understand it, the woman who obtains the abortion isn't penalized, so the intent is clearly to coerce healthcare providers.
There will have to be a fight to get these rights back. As AOC said, voting will not be enough.

For example, I think DC residents would have to engage in a coordinated and extended shutdown of the nation‘s capital in order to get statehood.

We may need nationwide general strikes by women, with solidarity from men as well.

Major companies should forget this “we will pay you to travel for an abortion” nonsense and literally move all operations out of states where abortion is illegal. Economic warfare against the religious extremists.

Not to be constantly shitting on hope.....but I just listened to podcast on progressive groups and nonprofits and apparently a lot of them are collapsing due to things like "sexism" which honestly could be something like one worker hitting on another coworker and it didn't go well and then everybody is forced to weigh in. The greater good is getting steamrolled by internal cancel culture. As one person put it it's "I may not be able to change the world but I can conquer my office" mentality. I'm not saying these organizations should give everything a pass to keep the eyes on the prize, but I do believe the sensitivity and offended bar is probably way too low.

Contrast this with the right where probably everything short of hospitalization causing rape is tolerated, and even then there's probably a road to repentance and forgiveness if you support the cause.

The left is bringing a picket sign to a gun fight, literally and figuratively.
… just listened to podcast on progressive groups and nonprofits and apparently a lot of them are collapsing due to things like "sexism" … I do believe the sensitivity and offended bar is probably way too low.

Contrast this with the right where probably everything short of hospitalization causing rape is tolerated, and even then there's probably a road to repentance and forgiveness if you support the cause.

Here is the dynamic: the left wants you to be a decent person, and tolerant of others, of your own accord – you cannot, realistically, be coerced into not being an excretory orifice, but the incentives will be put in place to encourage decency, increasing in harshness the more of your posterior you insist on showing.

The right, by contrast, hedges its bets on the church. Their church teaches that we are fallen (a seriously bad misreading of their sacred text) and that the annointed one provides us with a path to redemption, if'n only we subscribe. They expect people to be bad, but it all works out because they can run to the sanctuary and repent and forgiveness will be bestowed upon them. Lather, rinse, repeat, on ad infinitum.

It is like the left is playing soccer on a football field against the armed (and poorly-regulated) militia. In the end, religion really is the problem, and it is a tough one to rein in.
Make no mistake; this is about "state's rights" for about five minutes:

It's almost like "state's rights" is not an actual political position. Who would've thought?
If one follows thru on why it's a state's rights issue over the constitution...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540772564921815043/
I think most people on this side of the pond and the rest of Europe are in utter disbelief at this ruling. America seems to be slipping back 50 years and some are very proud of that. The scary thing besides the effect this has on women’s rights is the fact abortion is worse to Christian law makers than a nutter walking into a school to murder children with a semi automatic rifle. You can’t talk about that!

A very bad day in history for women in America. What’s next, a ban on same sex marriages?? I wouldn’t be at all surprised.
I think most people on this side of the pond and the rest of Europe are in utter disbelief at this ruling. America seems to be slipping back 50 years and some are very proud of that. The scary thing besides the effect this has on women’s rights is the fact abortion is worse to Christian law makers than a nutter walking into a school to murder children with a semi automatic rifle. You can’t talk about that!

A very bad day in history for women in America. What’s next, a ban on same sex marriages?? I wouldn’t be at all surprised.
We are sliding into barbarism.

In Justice Thomas’ part of the opinion, he specifically mentioned same sex marriage and contraception as being vulnerable by the reasoning of this ruling. So it’s not fear mongering to worry about it.

And let’s not forget: the court CHOOSES which cases to take. There was zero reason to hear a challenge to Roe. Nothing has changed on it since 1992. They could have rejected every challenge to the end of time. The fact that they even took the case (and the gun case and the tax money for Jesus case) tells you about their extreme agenda. None of these cases should have been controversial enough to get to the Supreme Court. They all should have been handled based on very clear precedents.

We no longer have to wait for the rulings. We can see what courses the court decides to hear next term and we’ll know what to prepare for.
What’s next, a ban on same sex marriages?? I wouldn’t be at all surprised.

Clarence Thomas said as much in his opinion that those rulings should be “reviewed”. A sitting US senator called for a “review” of Brown v Board of Education (the one that prohibited racial segregation in public schools). I think it’s fair to say any civil rights precedent set by prior SCOTUS rulings is actively being targeted by one arm of the GOP or another at this point.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540769077656014850/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540807815232634887/

Not surprised. And it’s none of my business. And it’s a shame we have to vilify those who got abortions to defend the rights of others to do so.

But, if I remember correctly, she worked in the administration. For the guy who flat out said women who have abortions should be punished.

So yeah, sorry, but not sorry.

As for Mary Miller and “saving white lives”, a return to white male-rule America and Jim Crow segregation is their plan, so the fact they’re becoming more bold, more overt, more direct in their racism is not surprising. The defense of her statement will clearly be “we can say Black Lives Matter and have pride month, but saying the word ‘white’ makes you a racist?”

Which totally strips all historical context and circumstances from it. Which is stupid. But these people support Miller, loon Darren Bailey and Trump, so it’s to be expected.

“Darren is a farmer and he’s a fighter and he has been an outstanding warrior in the Illinois State Senate where he’s totally, totally respected by all of them,” Trump told a crowd of thousands at the Adams County Fairgrounds near Quincy.

That is a lie. Bailey is disliked by virtually all but a handful of MAGA cultists in the IL house (where he first served), and probably damn near everyone in the senate, where he was a lazy, do-nothing legislator more interested in running for governor and fighting a war on masks than he was doing anything for his constituents.

Oddly enough, Miller’s husband is state rep Chris Miller - another do-nothing legislator who’s a racist and MAGA cultist who was at the January 6 rally with his III percent truck decal. But he claims to know nothing about its racism.

These people are truly nuts.
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This guy is a real piece of shit

This asshole wants us to believe that if he was a slave he would have been "Brothers and sisters, first we need an amendment. Now let’s get back to the fields."
A lot of conservatives have been saying "well just pass a constitutional amendment allowing same-sex marriage". Yeah, there's a reason there hasn't been an amendment passed since 1992. It would take all 50 states. It's incredibly unlikely. And a federal law could similarly be found unconstitutional and states would not enforce it under the 10th amendment (likely what would happen with a federal abortion ban and what did happen with the federal outlawing of cannabis). The SCOTUS actually has done a decent job at securing certain rights when no other means would. The problem is, they can also take them away in an instant.
A lot of conservatives have been saying "well just pass a constitutional amendment allowing same-sex marriage". Yeah, there's a reason there hasn't been an amendment passed since 1992. It would take all 50 states.

No, it takes 38.