Roe vs. Wade overturned

Like I said before: history shows they can‘t pass anything. The fears of the filibuster are unfounded and benefit the Republicans.

Many other countries have parliamentary systems with a simple majority needed. Many of them have far better social safety net systems and reasonable gun laws than we do. Our system benefits the wealthy minority. Even without the filibuster it does, but the filibuster makes it even worse. Will it ever go away? I don’t know. A lot of Senators LOVE that they can shut everything down single-handedly whenever they feel the need to get some attention.

Republicans have nothing to solve economic issues, or more specifically nothing that will actually solve economic issues. So they’d just ram through culture war legislation which will both not solve economic issues and piss off a majority of Americans. So good luck with that.
Republicans have nothing to solve economic issues, or more specifically nothing that will actually solve economic issues. So they’d just ram through culture war legislation which will both not solve economic issues and piss off a majority of Americans. So good luck with that.
Again, they won’t ram through anything. You are assuming they would, based on what? History tells us the exact opposite, so I just don’t see anything to support your assertion.

A state legislature is very different than the US Congress. That crazy nonsense won’t win over Senators from “purple” states. They know they’d lose their seats.
Again, they won’t ram through anything. You are assuming they would, based on what? History tells us the exact opposite, so I just don’t see anything to support your assertion.

A state legislature is very different than the US Congress. That crazy nonsense won’t win over Senators from “purple” states. They know they’d lose their seats.

They're pretty good at ramming through tax breaks for the rich. And now they think persecution of "others" is the winning ticket with no signs of pumping the breaks.

I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just stating the worst case scenario options
Many other countries have parliamentary systems with a simple majority needed. Many of them have far better social safety net systems and reasonable gun laws than we do.

Many other countries have political structures that are not so tightly locked into the entrenched 2-party "system". Even in the early days of the US it was not that big a problem. Today, the exclusionism of "D or R: pick a side or go home" is an enormous problem that is screwing the country over. That is what we need to fix.
They're pretty good at ramming through tax breaks for the rich. And now they think persecution of "others" is the winning ticket with no signs of pumping the breaks.

I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just stating the worst case scenario options
in the past yes they have to somewhat conform to the wishes of the voters. but thats gone Now and they do what they want. They have already shown they would not vote for abortion rights.
in the past yes they have to somewhat conform to the wishes of the voters. but thats gone Now and they do what they want. They have already shown they would not vote for abortion rights.

Trump and the Republican party have gotten away with all kinds of things that most thought weren’t possible or legal. I don’t know why anybody thinks they would stop given more power and the main reason to not think that is their agenda is nearly 100% fear and anger based. Their base is never going to reach a point of contentment. About 2 seconds after the monumental task of overturning Roe v. Wade they were already stating their next targets. If they don’t keep their base enraged, or maybe more accurately give them the breathing room to realize that this isn’t solving any major issues, they’d lose voters.
So she’s going to allow abortion by assault rifle?

Was checking out That Damn Michael Che show on HBO Max this weekend. There was a skit that was a commercial for an "Abortion Dojo" in Texas where the instructor was paid to terminate pregnancies through a karate punch or kick to the stomach. I'd say it didn't age well but it actually came out shortly after Texas passed its abortion bounty legislation. I didn't know if I should have laughed or cried.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1541517724647428097/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1541474958014038016/

Read that sentence again, "some women's rights outdated". "Rights outdated"? How the F-?


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540518329621921792/

Framing it that way if anything involves "railroads" being organized against your actions, historically in this country, you're probably on the wrong side of history.
Wait until women start dying because something goes wrong and they can’t get an abortion. I have a HS friend that is Pro Life and she’s had several miscarriages and is high risk when pregnant. I wonder what she’s gonna do the next time she gets pregnant and something goes wrong. I bet she didn’t think that through.
The mid terms might be a test run on this. So we’ll see, but I imagine the GOP would use the opportunity to pass unpopular legislation but then get their ass booted out of office as a result. Right now they’re high off their own supply but that level of addiction doesn’t end well.
They can't pass unpopular legislation with Biden ready to veto it into oblivion. No way they get any Dem for their nonsense. They would need to take both The House and Senate and then the Presidency in 2024 without the filibuster. I'm not sure they can run the table to get there.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this two party system is awful. It seems all too often we get pulled one way or another by 25% of the country.

I never thought the day would come (up until recently) when Abortion became illegal, at least in certain states. I used to think it was astonishing it took until 2018 for Ireland to legalize abortion, but I don’t know how much more backwards one can get from moving backwards with abortion.

I’ve always been of the “safe, legal, and rare” mindset. “Rare” meaning taking all precautions to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place by whatever means necessary (social support, access to healthcare, etc), certainly allowing it for cases of rape/incest and threat to mothers physical health, but also allowing it for anyone who wants it. What time frame for abortions to be allowed I suppose is up for debate, but at a minimum should provide a “reasonable” amount of time to detect the abortion and access abortion services. Most places in the western world would call that at least the first trimester. “Rare” should not mean outright banned in a number of states.

I find this argument by many on the right of “well just change your states law” so disingenuous.
The long game is criminalizing abortion, and making it a crime to even have a miscarriage. Then it will be a felony, and now those women cannot vote.
THIS can't be stressed enough.

It may fall under unintended consequences, but I strongly doubt it.

As we often say, "it isn'a bug, it's a feature". Especially when you consider who may have an abortion because they won't have the assistance to raise a child they may no be able to care for. It furthers the cycle of poverty for some people, and if they choose to side step that, it punishes them with the removal of yet another right. The right to vote.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1541603540396716033/
Not to be crass, but this is also a serious boner killer which I’m sure is also an intended consequence of the anti-women movement. I live in a state where abortion is safe until the federal thugs shut it down, but even here I think at least in the near term people won’t be able to think about sex without also thinking ABORTION! In the same thought.