Roe vs. Wade overturned

“We are all, on this floor, elected officials and not medical professionals,” she said. “If it was your wife, your daughter who was suffering through a miscarriage, are you gonna tell her she can’t until her fever gets high enough and until she’s bleeding harder?”

I know what Rep. Slotkin means, but there are 13 representatives in the current congress who are physicians. Not that their medical degrees mean they're more thoughtful or competent at lawmaking than anyone else. I'm also sure Paul Gosar would point out that as a dentist, he's highly qualified to deal with such matters because, you know, he can read body language.

There were some interesting replies to one Twitter user who had also posted that video. One guy --who apparently had not read all that was in the Solid Start Act-- was complaining about why was it just women whose health care the VA was going to ramp up for returning vets. Someone set him straight on that...

"Because NO one tells a man what to do with his body in the way they feel they have the right to tell women. They’re BUSY tipping the scales against us and we are in a PANIC. Also, men typically aren’t at a risk of dying after raping a woman. Unless she’s a damn good shot."​

Reminded me of a woman I know who served in the Air Force and said the most important thing she learned in airframe mechanics 101 was how to throw a 2 pound wrench when needing to emphasize that "No means no."
The Republican incumbent from Utah's 3rd Congressional district has weighed in on the fact that the high court has essentially now moved abortion law to legislative levels. He also says he realizes that legislatures are mostly men, and that

“I wish, as a man, I didn’t have to make this decision. I wish women could make this decision.”​
Hah, right. Well anyway lightning didn't strike him dead on the podium so maybe he wasn't lying. Or maybe he was, and God figures if voters in Utah will like to help this guy out with his wishlist, more power to them. Still... he's an R in Utah and a three term incumbent who was primaried each time out and has held his chair, so whatever else he is, he's apparently as persuasive as a snake oil salesman. Maybe this time though his obvious underestimation of a woman's freedom to choose --at least in the voting booth-- will be his undoing.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1578226610880540673/
what kind of a statment even is that?? even if he can't decide for himself as a man, can't he ask around his female family/friends/colleagues and vote the way *they* would vote if in his position? so stupid.
We see the quality of the men reublicans put in charge of a womans body. Look at the football guy. at least three kids he never took care of or acknowledged. A abortion he paid for and wanted and lied about. it seems the less ideal of the man they claim republicans are the more they promote him as their ideal.
Let me translate: "I wish we men could trust women to make the decision we men think they should, but, sadly, we are tasked with being ever so much wiser than tie poor dears."
Yeah you might have that about right. Look in the Wikipedia piece about him, in "Controversies" where it talks about how when he was a mayor, he dealt with two complaints against the police chief of sexual harassment (first time he told the guy not to get himself in a position for someone to make such complaints, second time he made the guy take sexual harassment training over again) and then an allegation of rape before he finally asked for the guy's resignation. Then he commented on it later thus:

"One of the things I’m learning is what women expect is more than checking the boxes legally. They need a lot of emotional support and understanding. And we don’t talk a lot about that portion of what do you do when these things happen. So, in a way, if you think about this, I’m seeing, like, 'OK, my primary responsibility is to get this into the right hands.' I read her comments about how what I did made her feel, and it was clear to me that she expected more from me than just getting it into the right hands. Lesson learned."​
Oy, I dunno. At least he did finally ask for that police chief's resignation. The Wiki piece noted that the DA handling the rape charge had declined to prosecute. Rep. Curtis apparently figured after five women had made harassment complaints against that police chief and he'd had the guy up on the carpet in his office about it twice already, then when there was smoke yet again, there was enough smoke to ask for a resignation, even if the DA didn't think he could make a case.

Still, the delays and level of condescension were stunning. Not sure his regret that "women can't make the decision" on abortion runs all that deep in him really. The poor dears....

On the other hand the law says that a man may not flog and cudgel his own wife under his own roof, which goes against the tenets of several christianoid and islamical denominations.
Given the abortion situation surrounding Herschel Walker, it defies logic this doesn't bother more people. I know we don't operate on logic, but still... republicans for years used abortion as a major campaign issue. So important was banning abortion that we had to elect conservatives into office and seat conservative judges. To some, its a strong religious belief, to others its just a moral issue without religion, to some its flat-out "baby murder"...

Ok, so if that's your belief, then why would you elect someone who has provided via payment abortions to others?

The rush to rally to Walker's defense only shines a light on the hypocrisy of republicans, or at the very least, the fact they are lying about their beliefs on abortion. You can't on one hand say its the serious issue you believe it to be, then treat someone like Walker as if his only sin was shoplifting as a teenager.
Given the abortion situation surrounding Herschel Walker, it defies logic this doesn't bother more people. I know we don't operate on logic, but still... republicans for years used abortion as a major campaign issue. So important was banning abortion that we had to elect conservatives into office and seat conservative judges. To some, its a strong religious belief, to others its just a moral issue without religion, to some its flat-out "baby murder"...

Ok, so if that's your belief, then why would you elect someone who has provided via payment abortions to others?

The rush to rally to Walker's defense only shines a light on the hypocrisy of republicans, or at the very least, the fact they are lying about their beliefs on abortion. You can't on one hand say its the serious issue you believe it to be, then treat someone like Walker as if his only sin was shoplifting as a teenager.

That's because it's mostly about controlling women, same reason a moderate level of domestic violence gets a pass. She probably did something to deserve it.

[Stitt] has repeatedly said, and continues to say, he will sign any piece of “pro-life” legislation which crosses his desk. In arguing that position during our interview, he made the claim that “Colorado, California - they’re proposing abortions 28 days after birth. Okay? 28 days after birth is what California is talking about.”

The bullshit is flowing fast and thick

Other opponents have been posting similar claims, including Jenna Ellis — a member of former President Donald Trump’s campaign legal team — who wrote on Facebook, “This is INSANELY evil. California Democrats are trying to legalize killing children up to the age of 28 days.”

and speading like a toxic fungus.
The rush to rally to Walker's defense only shines a light on the hypocrisy of republicans, or at the very least, the fact they are lying about their beliefs on abortion. You can't on one hand say its the serious issue you believe it to be, then treat someone like Walker as if his only sin was shoplifting as a teenager.

Hypocrisy is barely even a venial sin for any pro-Trump Republican now, compared to mortal danger to the soul in even thinking about voting for a Democrat.

Meanwhile anything goes in the general election campaign. Nothing can be too lurid or ludicrous. Hypocrisy? Fuhgeddaboudit. It's worn like a badge of pride.

Sure we say this about acting like that, and then maybe act like that but so what, we're Republicans!
How much more trauma and tragedy before these draconian states' laws on abortion get modified?

This couple had high hopes for long awaited successful fertility treatment, and the woman was 18 weeks pregnant when she miscarried with no hope of fetus viability. In Texas... where despite availability of excellent medical care, she was denied proper care until the fetus died and her life was threatened by sepsis. All this because new laws would have made felons of the medical staff. Now it's unclear if she will be able to carry another child at all.
what its Texas they don't give a shit about the health of the woman. any change will look like weakness.

At the moment it would appear that you're right. However the current state legislature of Texas which has passed their inexcusable life-hostile law has not yet undergone a rethink at the polls....

So. The women of Texas who aren't dead yet and who are old enough to vote are enough to make change in Texas. Maybe more women have to die before the rest of them all wake up? There will come a time when that law gets modified and it won't be that long from now either.

The medical profession is not happy about the extent to which politicians have inserted themselves into medical decision-making. Doubtless same on the part of insurers. Lawsuits will abound, and meanwhile prosecutors don't know what the hell to do because they are being asked to make decisions well outside their own expertise when it comes to knowing if a particular pregnancy termination is legal now or a flat felony.
I wonder how many women have voted for these troglodytes in the past. Never thinking that the Antis would harm them in any way. If the recent anti-abortion/women laws aren't enough to wake them up, I don't know what will.
I wonder how many women have voted for these troglodytes in the past. Never thinking that the Antis would harm them in any way. If the recent anti-abortion/women laws aren't enough to wake them up, I don't know what will.

Yah the woman in that People mag piece said she was furious when Roe w s overturned but never imagined that the new law would have an effect on her own situation. She and her husband had been trying so long to have a child... so of course she didn't imagine having a personal need for termination of a pregnancy gone wrong... and then to find that she literally had to get so sick that her life (and future fertility) was endangered before Texas doctors could do the right thing by her.

So much for the GOP's "pro life" hypocrisy. The woman nearly died AND she may not be able to ovulate or carry again by time they finish treating her for aftereffects of the sepsis and eventual emergency treatment. Hope she and her friends retweet that People Mag story all over the state of Texas before election day.