Second booster for those over 50

I get my 2nd booster in a couple hours. Wonder how sleepy I’ll be this afternoon, or if the side effects wane by the time you get to shot #4.
I had intended to get my second booster the next time I went to the grocery store. So yesterday I went to the store and it wasn't until I was actually in there and spotted the pharmacy section that I remembered what I'd meant to do; unfortunately, though, I'd left my vaccination card at home. Oh, well, since I had some things to do today and didn't want to be feeling poorly or have a sore arm, decided that it was just as well.... I'll go over there or to the CVS some other time. There was no one waiting there yesterday, they weren't busy, so it would've been an ideal time, though.
I'm planning on getting mine next week or so, had to spend a few hours in the hospital and want to make sure I didn't catch it so I'll give it 7 days.
I get my 2nd booster in a couple hours. Wonder how sleepy I’ll be this afternoon, or if the side effects wane by the time you get to shot #4.

My 1st shot of Moderna, zero effects that I could tell (I'm sleepy all the time ... :D), 2nd shot kicked my ass, like a high fever, down and out a whole weekend. We got booster #1 about 6 months ago, don't know that I had any ill effects, then our #2 a couple of weeks ago, I was initially fine, then the next day after like 24 hours, I had like a kind of an uncomfortable feeling over my body, not really aches, kind of like just an oppressive feeling and a touch chilled*, that cleared out the next day.

* That may have also been some kind of demonic possession, either way ...
Going for booster #2 this afternoon. Since I had nothing for the first 3, I don’t anticipate anything this time either.
Got my second booster today! Simply got my act together and went over to the store/pharmacy, they weren't busy and even though I did not have an appointment they let me do the necessary paperwork, hand over my vaccination card and get jabbed. No issues so far, but it's only been a few hours.....

ETA: wrote this earlier but forgot to actually send it. Now, a few hours later, I'm feeling mild discomfort in the arm, which is not surprising, but at this point no other issues with side effects.
Got my second booster today! Simply got my act together and went over to the store/pharmacy, they weren't busy and even though I did not have an appointment they let me do the necessary paperwork, hand over my vaccination card and get jabbed. No issues so far, but it's only been a few hours.....
Got mine yesterday. Arm hurts quite a bit and feeling run down now, but was good up until now.
Yes, I thought about it for a while and since I have no special plans for the Easter weekend figured that I might as well get the jab and get it over with and if I'm feeling somewhat unwell tomorrow or the next day, so be it. I remember that the last time it was a sore arm plus a general feeling of malaise all through the following day, so am kind of expecting that again. This being jabbed every few months is really getting old now.....
Yes, I thought about it for a while and since I have no special plans for the Easter weekend figured that I might as well get the jab and get it over with and if I'm feeling somewhat unwell tomorrow or the next day, so be it. I remember that the last time it was a sore arm plus a general feeling of malaise all through the following day, so am kind of expecting that again. This being jabbed every few months is really getting old now.....

I like it. So much fun.
My arm is sore as hell but always goes away in a couple days. I should be getting mildly ill in a few hours.

I made the appointment online at Rite-Aid. It makes you stick with whatever brand vaccine you’ve previously taken (Moderna). When I arrived I asked about taking something else and the employee giving the shot said they’d do that upon request but there‘s no consensus on whether that’s effective or not. 4th shot of Moderna for me, which is why I plan to not feel great. Pfizer doesn’t seem to affect my wife at all.
Left arm is mildly sore today, not as much as it has been after previous jabs, and when I arose I had a slight headache, but that's it for the side effects. After the last booster I also had a mild headache, too, but it went away after being up for a while. I don't normally get headaches at all.

Team Moderna all the way!!
Left arm is mildly sore today, not as much as it has been after previous jabs, and when I arose I had a slight headache, but that's it for the side effects. After the last booster I also had a mild headache, too, but it went away after being up for a while. I don't normally get headaches at all.

Team Moderna all the way!!

I was doing great (other than arm aches) until last night when I got very sleepy and my face got all flushed and itchy. Of course it could be psychosomatic - I had to pick up my wife at the airport at midnight, so of course all I wanted to do was sleep.
I remember after the very first Moderna jab that I was surprised a couple of days after I'd had it and had gone through a round of side effects to suddenly have a major spasmodic sneezing/blowing episode which felt like what happens when my usual spring allergies kick in, but since that was in the wintertime, January, it certainly wasn't spring pollen. It went away as quickly as it had started so I chalked it up to some sort of delayed response to the Moderna. I'm hoping that the arm discomfort and the headache will be the end of the side effects this time.
My side effects were really bad after the second, after the booster barely noticed and now I have the second booster scheduled for Tuesday. I was in the hospital for a few hours on Wed and I just want to make sure I didn't pick it up while there so I'll likely test today or tomorrow and if all is good I'll keep the appointment.
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We're going to get my mother in law (lives with us (80+)) her second booster this week. Wondering if we shouldn't get it too (we're in our mid 30s) just to help protect her...
Arm is only very slightly sensitive today, and aside from that I feel completely back to normal. Guess that's it now until the next booster.....sigh....
With my frequent traveling, I stay current with boosters and use my mask when traveling. I do understand they are working on possibly combing the flu and Covid booster into one shot, but don’t know when or if it will be ready.