The bare minimum for some of these asshats is “it’s not illegal”. Legality shouldn’t be the roof it is for some of these people. Unfortunately, it’s not the floor for many of them either.
Regardless of legality, the optics speak for themselves. This is a guy who was already indicted and he wasn’t really fully exonerated like he’s pretending to be. Sometimes you act shady or break the law and get off. It wouldn’t be the first and probably won’t be the last time. No semantics or logic gymnastics of whether it was a bribe or a gift or “personal and separate business dealings” or whatever BS he will come up with makes it any more acceptable.
John Edwards got off too, who here thinks he was an innocent man?
It doesn’t help that he seems incredibly arrogant and defiant. After the last 8 years, that’s not what the party needs. If he cared about the party or country, he’d step down and run again if he’s acquitted. Preferably, he’d step down and retire in quiet if acquitted.