"Most people?"
Sigh: I don't usually employ acroyms, but, in this instance, it seems appropriate, fitting and apt.
Good grief.
Not only have I never done this (for what it is worth, my fridge is home to fridge magnets from places I have visited - Istanbul, Paris, Stockholm, Tbilisi, Chernobyl....not "unobtainable swimsuit models"), it would never, ever, cross my mind to want to do this. What a waste of fridge space.
What idiot wrote and posted such utter tosh?
To clarify something: yes, this was written by a woman (an adult, too, not a teen) and no, it was not a post which appeared on MR, nothing to do with MR at all. I ran across it somewhere else and was so stunned and appalled that here was such a perfect example of the "selfies" mentality and the narcissism about which I've been complaining -- it is certainly shown in all its glory in this post.
That first remark is what immediately seized my attention -- "most people"....?!!!! This person must be delusional if she thinks that "most people" put photos of models and actors/actresses on their refrigerator as "inspiration." ??!!!! Eh.... I don't think so! Certainly that simply never has occurred to me in all the years I've been around this planet. Maybe it is because I don't feel the need to be "inspired" by photos of models and actresses, and/or, for that matter, by quotations and platitudes..... And then to top it off, and this is what really got me, this individual announces that she has put on her fridge a photo of herself from a couple of years ago to "inspire" her now.... ??!!!! I suspect she is not dealing well with the natural progression of aging, among other things. At any rate, something is seriously wrong here, either with this person or with the society in which she participates, or, most likely, both.
My fridge, like SS's fridge, has magnets from various places I've been (although nothing as exotic as some of the countries in which she's been) and a series of magnets that were produced not long after the first iPhone came out, each small magnet representing one of the stock icons on the iPhone's desktop back then, and a couple of magnets with cameras on them...... I also have a calendar on there, too, as I still prefer a print calendar upon which I can quickly jot down a notation and also at which I can glance each day to see what the day holds in terms of appointments, library books due, social get-togethers (although the latter have been quite lacking over the past couple of years. Here's hoping that will change soon!). Sure, the calendar in my Apple devices is great but I still prefer a printed calendar. I also still hand-write my grocery list, too, and take a piece of paper with me when I go to the store, too....
As for what "most people" may have on their refrigerator, I would guess that many have photos of their family members, both immediate ones and far-flung ones, and probably a few of cherished family pets, displayed on their fridge, along with kids' artwork and perhaps schedules of activities in which family members participate, and yep, probably a few magnets from places they've visited as well.