I'm in the dark ages here......when a room becomes dim as the light outdoors begins to fade, I get up from my chair and walk to the light switch and turn it on. When I want to be a little cooler or a little warmer I get up and walk to the thermostat and adjust it manually, too. No fancy "Smart TV" here for me, either, as I rarely watch TV and am perfectly happy with the one I have, circa 2013 or thereabouts. It works. That's all I ask of it on the rare times I turn it on. Lighting in the house -- finally did get around to putting LED bulbs in the chandelier when I'd used up the last of the old kind, and I do have LED lights in my lamps. The kitchen still has the original fluorescent light fixture that was in here when I bought the place, and I'm sure one day it'll give up the ghost, at which time I'll replace it. I am in a small condominium apartment and like Lizkat, I am retired and would just as soon keep my muscles moving as much as I can rather than be depending on technology to turn my lights on-and-off for me. So no Alexas or Home Pods or any of that kind of thing live here.....