So I guess everybody is getting Covid

The fever stage has passed, and now that I am on day 5 it’s settled into continued coughing (which i can keep mostly in check by chugging Delsym), bad nasal congestion that I can’t do anything about because of other meds I am on, a generally pleasant light-headedness, and a loss of some (most?) of my sense of taste. I blame @Colstan. As soon as that “vaccinated” label came down, BAM!
Sounds like it hit you pretty hard, was hoping the vaccine would've had some staying power but it's been a long time since the last one for most of us. Glad you're on the road to recovery.
The fever stage has passed, and now that I am on day 5 it’s settled into continued coughing (which i can keep mostly in check by chugging Delsym), bad nasal congestion that I can’t do anything about because of other meds I am on, a generally pleasant light-headedness, and a loss of some (most?) of my sense of taste. I blame @Colstan. As soon as that “vaccinated” label came down, BAM!
My turn, just tested positive today but have had symptoms for the last 3 days just haven't tested until now. Had a pretty high fever and chills last night (102.5) and was pretty miserable, also a dry hacking cough but no phlegm. Today the fever is down to low grade/almost gone, is this how it worked out for you? TBH I'm pretty freaked out right now. My wife is still negative and I've moved into a different section of the house.
My turn, just tested positive today but have had symptoms for the last 3 days just haven't tested until now. Had a pretty high fever and chills last night (102.5) and was pretty miserable, also a dry hacking cough but no phlegm. Today the fever is down to low grade/almost gone, is this how it worked out for you? TBH I'm pretty freaked out right now. My wife is still negative and I've moved into a different section of the house.
Sorry to hear that, but if you’re relatively young and without underlying medical conditions, you should be fine, especially since your symptoms are improving. You should wear a mask around other people, and your wife should keep testing.

But your experience just adds evidence to counter the prevailing opinion that “COVID is over.”
Getting the new booster tomorrow, hoping to not get this a 2nd time.
I was scheduled for Saturday. I'm pretty serious about protection and mask up at all indoor events where there are people around, the only thing I did was my art show and the streets were full of people but I felt safe because it was outdoors. I did talk face to face and close to some people though so that's probably what did it.
My wife is still negative and I've moved into a different section of the house.

Back when the swine flu was going around, my wife got it. So she banished herself to the master bedroom and whenever I or the offspring had to bring her food, we would open the door spraying Lysol. Seemed to work. Long week but neither of us caught it.

Best of luck on your recovery.
I'm wondering if I should go on Paxlovid, @Cmaier do you end up using it? It sounds like your symptoms got bad but you recovered okay.
My turn, just tested positive today but have had symptoms for the last 3 days just haven't tested until now. Had a pretty high fever and chills last night (102.5) and was pretty miserable, also a dry hacking cough but no phlegm. Today the fever is down to low grade/almost gone, is this how it worked out for you? TBH I'm pretty freaked out right now. My wife is still negative and I've moved into a different section of the house.
Yeah, that sounds pretty similar to mine. The annoying dry cough continued for a few weeks (and in one coughing attack I injured my eye). Then it all went away. The fever got very high (close to 104?) before I decided to take some tylenol. The miserable stage lasted only 24 or 36 hours if I remember correctly. After that it was just the annoying cough and feeling tired all the time.
Yeah, that sounds pretty similar to mine. The annoying dry cough continued for a few weeks (and in one coughing attack I injured my eye). Then it all went away. The fever got very high (close to 104?) before I decided to take some tylenol. The miserable stage lasted only 24 or 36 hours if I remember correctly. After that it was just the annoying cough and feeling tired all the time.
The fevers are miserable that's for sure, okay I'll probably just ride it out rather than go the work of getting Paxlovid.
I'm wondering if I should go on Paxlovid, @Cmaier do you end up using it? It sounds like your symptoms got bad but you recovered okay.
Whether you are eligible for Paxlovid depends on whether you’re considered at high risk for progression. Also, it’s most effective given within five days of symptom onset. From your description you may be close to that. You can check with your physician to be sure.
Whether you are eligible for Paxlovid depends on whether you’re considered at high risk for progression. Also, it’s most effective given within five days of symptom onset. From your description you may be close to that. You can check with your physician to be sure.
Yeah the consensus seems to be I won't be getting it. Just feel like total shit right now, hoping I can eventually shake this fever that's been bouncing around between 100 and 102, just have to ride it out I guess.
I'm wondering if I should go on Paxlovid, @Cmaier do you end up using it? It sounds like your symptoms got bad but you recovered okay.
I got Covid from a co-worker on a Thursday. I started feeling bad, and by the time I got home, I had a fever of over 100 and tested positive. I got Paxlovid on Friday, and was able to run for my wife's prescription on Sunday, although I was not yet better. I was back at work on Wednesday, which was our required quarantine period. My wife got Lagevrio due to interactions with Paxlovid and asthma meds. It seemed to take her a little longer to bounce back, but she had breathing issues before I brought the pestilence home.
My son has Covid for the 2nd time. PR/Marketing are still holding large public (indoor) events. Apparently many of the employees and a lot of guests are also down with Covid right now. Fortunately, he seems to be having a much easier time of it this time.

Yesterday, husband and I went and got the new booster. We’ve remained Covid-free so far, and I aim to keep it that way.
They're re-implementing mandatory masking in healthcare up here as of Oct 3 (why not immediately?!) - anywho - cue the protests from the morons who refuse to be inconvenienced in any way. :(
Fever jumped back up to 102.5 again last night and I woke up this morning with soaked clothes and sheets and it seems to have broken, still some residual hacking and sniffles but the fever is what really kicked my ass. Hoping that part stays gone 🤞 it's feeling like I'm through the worst of it.
Fever jumped back up to 102.5 again last night and I woke up this morning with soaked clothes and sheets and it seems to have broken, still some residual hacking and sniffles but the fever is what really kicked my ass. Hoping that part stays gone 🤞 it's feeling like I'm through the worst of it.
Ah, i forgot about that part. I was constantly sweating through pillow cases, mostly, and had to keep rotating in fresh ones for about a week. Even after the fever broke, it went on for a few days.
Ah, i forgot about that part. I was constantly sweating through pillow cases, mostly, and had to keep rotating in fresh ones for about a week. Even after the fever broke, it went on for a few days.
It sounds like we got the same variant since my symptoms and timeline has mirrored yours for the most part. Not changing my sheets every day though. :ROFLMAO:
Everyone that gets covid should be taking iron supplements!!! 35mg - take it daily (don't get a larger supplement - you could damage your kidneys).

They've found most people that get long covid symptoms are iron deficient.

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