Texas' winter power woes are due largely to deregulation

Texas did this to itself. Their politicians are responsible. And the citizens are responsible for electing them. It’s a difficult lesson to learn. Hopefully we’ll see better choices in the next election.
We shall see. I don’t think people bought the “blame the windmills” baloney, especially since they can see Texas uses almost 90% NON-renewable energy, by its politicians’ choice. Funny, you intentionally have your own power grid separate from the national system so you can stick to using oil, coal, and natural gas. But when it fails, you blame a power source you’ve intentionally minimized?

I could be wrong though. People could be dumb enough to look at the windmill pictures (from Sweden) and think it’s all because of Al Gore and his green energy satanic cabal.
Texas did this to itself. Their politicians are responsible. And the citizens are responsible for electing them. It’s a difficult lesson to learn. Hopefully we’ll see better choices in the next election.
I doubt the republican voters in Texas are intelligent enough to know any better. They'd rather believe the bullshit that Greggy Abbott feeds them on Hannity anyways. Let them freeze. As the mayor of a city there said, they shouldn't be looking for hand outs. The intelligent will survive and the stupid will perish. It's the middle of the road & left leaning Texans I'd worry about. Hoping those good folks stay safe.
Abbott and his cohorts in the legislature are gonna have a lot of ‘splaining to do next election.

It’s frozen turbines! It’s ERCOT! It’s liberal policies! LOL.

I hope Trump’s wall is keeping them nice and warm.
Texas did this to itself. Their politicians are responsible. And the citizens are responsible for electing them. It’s a difficult lesson to learn. Hopefully we’ll see better choices in the next election.

21st century conservatism is built upon the core belief that they're at all times always correct, especially when they're wrong. They'll find someone else to blame for this soon enough.
The other night Tucker Carlson said Texas is completely reliant on windmills.

I have an alternative to slavery reparations that won't cost a dime. If you get all your information by consuming Fox News then you're vote will count as 1/3 a person, and that's being generous to how ignorant you are.
My favorite piece of propaganda is that this is happening because of the Green New Deal. You know, that thing that hasn’t even passed a vote yet in Congress, much less been implemented?
Like people blaming Biden for COVID-19 when Trump was still in office. Those bogeymen - they can do ANYTHING!
Texas did this to itself. Their politicians are responsible. And the citizens are responsible for electing them. It’s a difficult lesson to learn. Hopefully we’ll see better choices in the next election.


Today, in the Guardian, I saw a photo (actually, a video clip) of Texans, well wrapped up against the cold, clutching containers, (massive plastic water containers) queuing for water, water from a tap (faucet) on the (snowy) street. Not something you expect to see in the First World.

The last time I saw such a scene, for real, unfolding in front of my own bespectacled eyes, was in Bosnia, in November 1997, not long after their civil war (which had lasted several years) had ended, - followed by complete state collapse, and I was (part of a team of western experts that was) supervising an election.

I had attended a meeting at an Amercian military base, - to do with confirming security matters for the election, agreeing respective security mandates and responsibilities, (securing election materials, buildings, and protecting officials) - and I was being driven back to my own quarters, in a convoy (protected by SFOR, the western military), - for, the verges of some roads were still heavily mined, as were adjoining fields, and the route we took was one such - when we passed this dismal queue of local people, lined up at a water tap, (faucet), clutching containers, bowed down and wrapped up against the freezing weather.

Before the war, in the country that used to be known as Yugoslavia, these people had jobs, - often very good jobs - houses, educations, drove cars, took foreign holidays, worked abroad, and enjoyed a good standard of living and quality of life - as one of them reminded me - "once, you know, we used to be just like you", before adding, bitterly, "and look at us now."

But, it took several years of war, civil war and ethnic conflict to reduce Bosnia to such a state.

Whereas, it merely took Texas a matter of days to be similarly reduced to a state of utter dysfunction.

Those who have brought the state to this sorry pass of dysfunctional deregulation need to take a long, hard look at themselves.
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Sometimes, there’s a perfect hero for the situation. Texas may be overlooking the obvious choice.

Nigerians in Texas celebrating the return of power.
The are screaming O (?) NEPA!! NEPA stands for Nigerian Energy and Power Authority, but it became the synonym of power outage, or as Nigerians say it: Never Expect Power Always.

Texas turned into Nigeria, lol.

My favorite piece of propaganda is that this is happening because of the Green New Deal. You know, that thing that hasn’t even passed a vote yet in Congress, much less been implemented?
Hey, look at the bright side. The Republicans blamed "antifa" for so many problems, and antifa does not even exist, but American has now rejected fascism (for the time being, at least). They got all in a tizzy about gay marriage back in the '90s, when it was not really on anyone else's radar, and now it is a thing, that no one really objects much to. So, if they are so adamantly dead set against the GND, that probably bodes well for it. Eventually, at least. Hopefully before it becomes an afterthought.
Feb 2021 Arctic Vortex- Ten years ago we had hard freezes, and there were lessons, but none apparently were learned. The State of Texas runs a independent, deregulated electric grid. They don’t need no stink’n Federal regulations. The good ole boys need those profits so if 4 million customers end up a week or so without power, it’s worth it!

First Gov Abbott blamed green energy:

But when that blew back in his face, it was Down with Ercott! ...the corporation that manages the Texas Electrical grid, however it has been pointed out that winterizing equipment comesunder the perview of the State. 🤔

Note: 95% of the leafy crops in the state the grow all year long wiped out.

Sad stories (maybe behind a paywall):