TF Guy! You know what it means

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352301929406242819/

Methinks Ms. B is not as good at counting votes yet as some of her seniors in the 117th House.

So her use of "us" is questionable.

An old Wisconsin response to unwarranted assertions of "we" / "us" runs like this: "You got a mouse in your pocket?"
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352301929406242819/
I remember TF guy

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352375184334987265/

When someone needs to rewrite your speech for their ends.
I remember TF guy

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352375184334987265/

When someone needs to rewrite your speech for their ends.

Imma stick to my favorite recollection of Karl Rove from way back in 2010... he had put together a memoir titled Courage and Consequences (yeah, imagine)... and word got out about it and a totally indignant project was launched by some rock bands to compile and release an album with that same title a week before Rove's book came out... specifically just to mess with the search results... 😇😇😇

Yes really.. you can even buy the album on Bandcamp.

On March 9, 2010, Karl Rove, “Bush’s Brain”. will release a self-aggrandizing contrivance of his political past, “Courage and Consequence,” in all of its hard-bound, chicken hawk glory.

On March 3rd, 2010, a coalition of up-and-coming rock bands will release an anticipatory sonic recollection of the gross misdeeds attributable to Rove over the past decade, “Courage and Consequence: The Unabridged Audio,” in all of its aggressively righteous indignation.

This record would not have been possible without: Lindsey Heist, André Zivkovich, Russell Emerson Hall, Ryan Usher, the PRF, Jon Burns, Rachel Swan, Joseph Schell, and the East Bay Express, Lisa Hix, Stefanie Kalem, Rick Valentin, Mike and Kathy Malloy, Sharon George, Lee “Rude Pundit” Papa, Jason Myers, and every one of our generous donors/pre-orderers. This wasn't funded by George Soros, ACORN or any other conservative strawmen, this was funded by a bunch of rock and rollers and working class American citizens.

On that note it should be noted that this entire project and LP was conceived, put together and released with a budget about 1/8th of the average speaking fee Karl Rove gets for every engagement.
Getting tired of Hannity....

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352437454364667905/
A reason why metal detectors are a thing now with the current crop of politicians.

After being criticized for allowing members of the Proud Boys to speak at a previous meeting, a lawmaker in Michigan decided the most appropriate response was to grab his rifle during an online meeting.

According to the Associated Press, the incident took place during the public comment period of a meeting of the Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners. When Kelli MacIntosh, a local woman, criticized the board for allowing two self-proclaimed members of the Proud Boys to speak last year during a meeting regarding a pro-Second Amendment resolution. When MacIntosh asked for Chairman Rob Hentschel to denounce them, board member Ron Clous stepped away from his webcam and returned with a very large rifle.

MacIntosh, understandably, felt threatened by the display. “This guy is in the middle of a government meeting brandishing a weapon,” MacIntosh told the Traverse City Record-Eagle. “Why would I not think they were trying to harm me?” The 74-year-old MacIntosh told AP that she plans to file a report with the Michigan State Police.

“I didn’t think he was going to shoot me, obviously, but I do think his whole point was to intimidate me and threaten me and anyone else who’s going to speak out ... and see if he can stir up masses of people who are just looking for things to fight about,” MacIntosh told AP.

Predictably, the two white men at the center of this incident see nothing wrong. In fact, Hentschel could be heard laughing in response to Clous grabbing the gun.
Let a PoC or a Muslim politician pull out a gun for no reason during a meeting, and see those two F'N guys still laugh.

I put politicians in italics earlier, because it's becoming clear a portion of the current group of elected officials have absolutely no business being involved in governing for diverse communities. Instead they are individuals who need to be sent back to front porches with their buddies telling racist jokes they of course find harmless, and away from everyone else.

But this happened elsewhere...

Dani Elliott was at work last month in Colorado Springs when her 12-year-old son’s vice principal called with alarming news: A police officer was on the way to her house — all because her son had played with a toy gun during his virtual art class.

Elliott says she was terrified, especially considering her son is Black.

“I never thought: ‘You can’t play with a Nerf gun in your own home because somebody may perceive it as a threat and call the police on you,’” Elliott said.

Elliott’s son, Isaiah, was later suspended for five days and now has a record with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office and a mark on his school disciplinary paperwork saying he brought a “facsimile of a firearm to school” — even though he was in his own home doing a virtual class. The “gun” was obviously a toy, painted black and green with “Zombie Hunter” on the side.
A reason why metal detectors are a thing now with the current crop of politicians.

Let a PoC or a Muslim politician pull out a gun for no reason during a meeting, and see those two F'N guys still laugh.

I put politicians in italics earlier, because it's becoming clear a portion of the current group of elected officials have absolutely no business being involved in governing for diverse communities. Instead they are individuals who need to be sent back to front porches with their buddies telling racist jokes they of course find harmless, and away from everyone else.
They are SO threatened by a 74-year-old woman asking them a question that they need to whip out a gun? The statements in that article from the gun nut were like things I’ve seen on far-right echo chambers: “The Proud Boys are really nice people, why is everybody hating on them?” Um...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1352816691554598917/
A little more about this piece of work

Republican congressman Madison Cawthorn, one of the youngest racists to hold elected office is consistently full of absolute shit. Among the many falsehoods reportedly told by Cawthorn as he propped himself up as the star child of the GOP was a very casual lie about training for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics, which actual Paralympians found adorable according to The National. One athlete, Amanda McGrory who medaled seven times at the Paralympics compared Cawthorn’s claims that he was training for the Paralympics to that of a “kid saying they want to play in the NBA when they’re on their fourth-grade basketball team.”

Cawthorn reportedly claimed on a podcast that prior to the announcement that there would be no Tokyo games that year, he was training for the Paralympics because he “had an opportunity” for track and field competition. However, the Paralympics isn’t some summer sports camp: It takes years of playing the same sport at a level of unmatched excellence to get noticed by scouts for Team USA and, eventually, a few more months of qualifying competitions to maybe get invited to train with the team. There is also a list created by the International Paralympics Committee, The National reports, that has the names of all athletes eligible to compete internationally, the severity of their disability, and their ranking in their sport. The name Madison Cawthorn does not appear on this list.
There was one positive outcome to a man who did not attend a school with an athletic program for disabled athletes and never appeared in a qualifying event for track and field lying about his opportunities: real Paralympians got a hearty chuckle out of it. Elite wheelchair racer, Robert Kozarek told The National that had Cawthorn actually been in consideration for the Paralympics, the two would have met each other already. “There’s probably 50 [elite wheelchair racers] in the entire country, and we see each other four, five, six times a year, at least.”
Siemann admitted, a little sheepishly, that he and other elite athletes were aware of Cawthorn long before he ran for office. In fact, Cawthorn’s Instagram feed was a bit of a running joke. “[My teammates and I] would share whatever posts [Cawthorn] put up and be like, ‘Look at what batshit thing he said about the Paralympics this week.… The claims he was making were just so absurd, you have to find some humor in it.”
A little more about this piece of work

Well Madison Cawthorn is not alone in his party, of course... including in the other chamber of Congress.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1353007765485015040/

From the tweet's cited piece in Salon, regarding Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)

In his first run for Congress, Cotton leaned heavily on his military service, claiming to have been "a U.S. Army Ranger in Iraq and Afghanistan," and, in a campaign ad, to have "volunteered to be an Army Ranger." In reality, Cotton was never part of the 75th Ranger Regiment, the elite unit that plans and conducts joint special military operations as part of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command.

Rather, Cotton attended the Ranger School, a two-month-long, small-unit tactical infantry course that literally anyone in the military is eligible attend. Soldiers who complete the course earn the right to wear the Ranger tab — a small arch that reads "Ranger" — but in the eyes of the military, that does not make them an actual Army Ranger.

As to visible distinction in military uniform between acquiring a Ranger tab and actually serving as a Ranger:

The Ranger Regiment is considered the Army's top action unit, and over the course of the so-called War on Terror, Rangers have killed or captured more high-value targets than any other unit. The regiment comprises four battalions, and members wear distinctive tan berets as well as a red, white and black Ranger "Scroll," a cloth badge distinct from the black-and-gold tab that Cotton earned at Ranger School. Attending the school, in fact, is not a prerequisite to serve in the Ranger Regiment.
Well Madison Cawthorn is not alone in his party, of course... including in the other chamber of Congress.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1353007765485015040/

From the tweet's cited piece in Salon, regarding Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)

As to visible distinction in military uniform between acquiring a Ranger tab and actually serving as a Ranger:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1353045275179425793/
I hope this is the right thread. I'm not 100% on what the TF Guy thread is for (please don't throw smelly, wet Herring at the n00b 🥺).

Madison Cawthorn is seriously dense as a turnip.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1353179682632589313/
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The woman also known as "expert on Blackface" makes her triumphant appearance
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1353191156645982214/
and promptly earns a "GTFO".

Still one side isn't sold on the whole 'lies' thing led to what happened on the 6th, and their eager willingness to spread those lies. Ookay.
The woman also known as "expert on Blackface" makes her triumphant appearance
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1353191156645982214/
and promptly earns a "GTFO".

Still one side isn't sold on the whole 'lies' thing led to what happened on the 6th, and their eager willingness to spread those lies. Ookay.
Not the sharpest tack in the drawer. Because YOU don’t agree with the media telling the truth about Trump’s lies and outrageous behavior, you call them biased and then you make a leap of logic that certainly would set a world record if successful (oops it wasn’t) that this caused a distrust of CNN that was so bad that it led to mob violence?

I would put solid money on nobody in that mob watching CNN in the past decade. They made up their minds (as did she apparently) that they are part of a secret cabal of witches, warlocks, and pedophiles called the MSM. It is perhaps the only way they can explain why reality is at serious odds with their world view.