TF Guy! You know what it means

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1350283075402543110/

This guy continues to be the diarrhetic asshole of congress.

Kentucky, fucking seriously!!! 🤨
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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1350474907197427713/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1350283075402543110/

This guy continues to be the diarrhetic asshole of congress.

Kentucky, fucking seriously!!! 🤨
He's definitely TFG. This is purely bad medical advice and I hope someone who got a 2nd COVID infection due to his advice will sue his ass.

These recommendations would only be reasonably safe on a large scale if individuals had recent proof of adequate antibody titers.
Let's say 1 million people listen to him, 100,000 of them gets the Moderna vaccine (""93%"" efficacy), then 7,000 of them will not be protected. Let's say 1000 gets COVID due to ignoring precautions purely due to Rand Paul's recommendations. About 20 of them die. That's 20 deaths attributable to Rand Paul's ignorant statements. Rand knows this, but feels that nobody will sue him. He's also butt hurt for repeatedly being obliterated by Fauci.
Today's the kind of day that brings out the most TF Guys...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1351234775076499458/

And a thank you to Roy Wood Jr for the retro TFG
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1351207575476457472/
Yes, that is J Edgar in men's clothing. Weird, I know.

I would want to photoshop one for Jeff Sessions, but he'd probably want it on a trading card to give all his Black Identity homeboys. :rolleyes:
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I have the strong suspicion that it won't be too long now until there is an announcement that Melania is leaving or has left The Donald taking their son, Barron, with her..... I just don't envision her loyally standing by his side during the accumulated legal shitstorm which is about to come crashing down on him once he is no longer in the White House.
I have the strong suspicion that it won't be too long now until there is an announcement that Melania is leaving or has left The Donald taking their son, Barron, with her..... I just don't envision her loyally standing by his side during the accumulated legal shitstorm which is about to come crashing down on him once he is no longer in the White House.

Yeah, I think we should make a poll that's a "bet" (so to speak), if the date of that announcement, I'm convinced (like you) it's going to happen.
Really they dropped this shit TODAY?!!


The White House shares its final report from the 1776 Commission, which states that criticism of the Founding Fathers' slave ownership ‘has done enormous damage’ and has had a ‘devastating effect on our civic unity and social fabric’
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1351301495514406915/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1351321145807687680/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1351315516061790209/

The 45 administration's African American outreach slogan, "Racist to the end"